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We all have anxiety but in a different level. Some people have it higher than the other while some others have it at a very low pace, people who have anxiety tend to be different. They think to much of what other think might think of them , they want to be perfect or they want to be hidden underneath a rock for several days or for several years. They are afraid to loose someone, they become anxious on what they want or what they want to give to others.

They're anxiety is something  no one should joke about, it's a serious thing.


Lana gasp for air when she shot up, she take a good look at her surroundings and saw that the whole gang were standing around her bed. Eric looked worried along with Donna, Jackie, Kelso, and Hyde was right by her looking confused. Lana looked down at her shirt that had blood stain on it but thankfully her wound was healed.

"Uh hey guys." She muttered awkwardly not knowing what to say and she knew very well what was going to happen next.

"Hey guys? HEYY GUYS?" Eric yelled "What the hell happened to you? You literally passed out in Hyde's arms and had blood dripping from the left side of your body and all you can say is 'hey guys'." Lana groan as Eric yelled at her, she knew very well this was going to happen but the worst part is that she did not know how to explain to her older brother why she came like this.

"What happened?" Kelso asked Lana who quickly sat up and leaned her head against the metal headboard, She has no idea how to explain this situation to them. It would be confusing and terrifying, something that she know will happen.

"It's complicated," Lana answered  as she looked at all of them "I can't really tell you guys at  the moment." Hyde let out a sigh of frustration, he wanted to know what happened to her. He wanted to know why she said his name right before she passed out in his arms.

"Listen," Eric said "We are here for you no matter what but you have to trust us." Lana only stared at him, she knew he was trying to get whatever happened to her out of it.

"You are going to have to try harder than that big brother," Lana said to him while raising her eyebrows at Eric " I am not telling you anything." 

"Oh come on man," Hyde said "Just tell us."

"It's not easy to tell you guys ," Lana snapped "I just can't spill it out for you guys, Just don't tell mommy and daddy. Please." 

"We aren't going to tell mom and dad, What are we five?" Eric scoff

"Kelso is." Hyde said

"Am not." Kelso said in defense

"Are to."

"Am not."

"Are to."

"Am not."

"Are to." 

"Am not."

"Am not."

"Are to," Hyde smirked knowing that he tricked Kelso, Kelso's eyes widen just figuring out that he was tricked "Wait a minute. Damn it!" 

"My point proven." Hyde laughed.

"Lana dear," Lana heard Kitty's voice right before entering her room "Oh what are you kids doing here?" 

"Uhhh.." Kelso stuttered 

"We were here to prank Lana but she was already awake." Hyde said lying through his teeth 

"Ohhh hahaha,"Kitty laughed "Here you go sweetheart, it's a letter from a friend." Kitty handed Lana an envelope.

"Thanks mom," Lana said causing Kitty to smile at her before rushing out of the room muttering something about dinner being burnt, Lana opened the envelope and saw that it was from Jason.

Hey Lana,

     We have to meet up asap something went wrong after you left my apartment and someone took Issac. I am currently freaking out and I have no clue what I am going to do, I have a feeling that it is Werewolf pack but I am not quite sure yet since they are all the way in California meaning that they have an alibi. I know after the fight you were injured but hopefully you're healed, I really need your help. As soon as you get this letter please get to my apartment.

 - Jason 

Lana immediately blew off the covers accidentally hitting Hyde in the face, She went to the closet and rushed to her closet to pull an outfit.

"I have to go," She said "You guys need to leave so I can get dressed." 

"What's wrong?" 

"Is everything okay?" 

"Are you sure?" 

"We can help." 

"I'm sure," She said turning around and look at the gang "Guy's really, I need to get dress and go somewhere important." Lana could feel her anxiety going through the roof, Issac was one of her really good friends. She has helped him through his hard times and he has done the same thing to her, she could feel her hands shaking and negative thoughts swarming through her brain. The gang standing in the middle of her bedroom with concern looks on there faces.

"Do you need a ride to where your going?" Eric asked

"Yes actually I do," Lana said "Thank you." 

"No problem." The whole gang left the bedroom making Lana sigh in relief, she knew this was going to be harder than she thought.


I'm so sorry for taking a while to update, i've been having writers block and to top it all off I started college. I promise you guys that i'll write even more, I also want to thank you guys for the 17 votes and 500 reads. It means a lot. :)

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