Chapter 1 ~

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Hello, you are probably wondering why you have come to read this story, not knowing what genre the story is and so on. Well let me tell you you won't be disappointed (well hopefully you won't anyway). On with the story!


Her name, was Elizabeth. She lived in a small but comfortable town in which she grew up in. She had always loved the colours black and neon blue, for she wore a black dress with a neon blue hem everyday. She loved poetry and had always wanted to become an author.

She lived as an only child and her parents never seemed to notice her, so she would always talk to the shadows she would see at night and her stuffed rabbit lilly. She never minded that she grew up without her parents noticing her, because she would be kept entertained until bedtime by her vast imagination and mind.

From when she was six years old, To 12 years old Elizabeth would always disappear from her home for hours but would be found again when it was time for bed. Then when she got back she would try to grab her parents attention by telling them stories about her 'Beautiful land near the sea' but her parents would listen to a short extent then forget about everything she said. When she was 12, she stopped visiting the 'Beautiful land near the sea' because her parents won't listen to her any longer than a few second then told her it was 'Ridiculous' and sent her to her room.

when Elizabeth was 13 she absorbed herself in reading books and fantasy stories galore and she soon forgot about the land she used to visit and took the time to read instead. After reading so many non-fiction books, she seemed to lose interest in the fantasy aspect of her life and believe it was nothing more than child's play. Elizabeth read and read as many books as she could to distract herself from her surroundings until she was 15 years old.

At 15 years old, Elizabeth would leave everything and spend her time in nature, spiritually cleansing herself by meditating out in the valleys underneath willow trees. She didn't care for sitting at home anymore so why not out in nature?

She went through this stage for a year until....

Now. The present. This horrible time destroyed her. Killed her. All because of one thing....

Her imagination.

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