Wolf Pack x Reader

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Requested by: @juviaheartattack1 
Thank you for this idea, I had a little bit of a hard time finding a good song for this, but I hope you like it!!  (sorry it took a long ass time, i get busy) Also thank you everyone for 1.1k views. FEEL FREE TO LEAVE A REQUEST!!

(Y/N) yelped as she tripped over fallen branches, her attacker inched closer and closer. She crawled away in fear. This man had just killed her parents and burned her house to the ground, now she was next!

(Y/N) quickly got back onto her feet and ran as fast as she could, dogging the trees and logs in her way.

She was fast, but the man was faster.

Within minutes the man pinned her down onto the forest floor. They were too deep in the forest, no one would hear her if she screamed, but that didn't stop her from doing so.

"HELP!! P-PLEASE!" (Y/N) screamed as loud as she could.

The man let out an annoyed groan before stuffing a rag into her mouth, "shut up! It will be over soon." He whispered sadistically. The man pulled out his pocket knife and lifted up (Y/N)'s shirt.

She whimpered as the cold metal rubbed her skin. The man smiled wickedly as he slowly pressed the knife into her stomach, drawing blood. She cried out in pain, a burning sensation quickly and strongly flowing through her. The man slowly licked the cut, his fangs nearly stabbing her in the process.

He lifted up her arm, nearly sinking his teeth into her flesh, until..

(Y/N) woke up with a jolt, cold sweat covered her face and neck. She looked to the side at her alarm clock, 3:27 AM it read.

The frightened werewolf carefully peeled up her shirt and looked down at the scar on her stomach. Tears pricked her eyes as the memory of that night played over and over again. She could still feel his cold fingers on her wrist, his fangs as they almost sunk into her skin.

(Y/N) slowly got up and made her way to the bathroom to get ready, too scared to fall asleep. 'Maybe it won't happen tomorrow..' she thought.

*time skip*

The following weeks had been the same. The same memory filling her dreams, leaving her restless and sleep deprived, also making coffee her new best friend.

She barely managed to keep up with her school work, she was starting to fall behind. she had already received detention twice and a phone call home, though her foster parents were to busy to answer. (Y/N) also became very fond of concealer, which helped hide the huge bags under her eyes. 

(Y/N) managed to keep her issue to herself, which was a force of habit. Growing up with busy foster parents made (Y/N) more reserved than she should be, growing up with no one to talk to, no parents to guide her. 

With each day that passed, the pack only grew more and more worried. They noticed how unfocused and tired she became, she could barely keep up with the pack when they went on a hunt. Some days, she would come up with a lame excuse to leave pack meetings early. 

Even if she hid her thoughts from the pack, they could still sense something wrong. Her smiles became forced, the light in her eyes had faded. She was a mess, but she hid it so well. 

"What's wrong with (Y/N)" Seth asked as he, Embry, Quil, and Paul watched you walk down the hall, shoulders slumped and tired eyes. "I'm not sure..." Embry stated while shrugging his shoulders. "Maybe she's on her p-" Quil groaned as Paul elbowed him in the gut, "Shut up Quill. We have a pack meeting tonight so we'll ask her then." he said, reassuring the other two werewolves.

suddenly the bell rang, alerting them that 4th period was about to start, the four quickly disbanded, Paul leaving to English, Seth and Embry jogged to the gym, while Quil limped to Physics. 

*Time Skip* 

The pack sat around Sam and Emily's house, eating all the food Emily had prepared, while Sam announced everyone's new patrol partner. Mid-discussion (Y/N) slowly dozed off, her head began to feel heavy. Before she even knew it, her head slammed against the table, jolting her wide awake, and stopping all silence in the small house.

"Ouch.. That had to hurt" Quil said breaking the silence, only to get his gut elbowed again by Paul. Sam cleared his throat "Are you alright, (Y/N)?". With a small nod, (Y/N) slowly lifted her head up "I had a long night.."

Sam nodded in understatement, and sat in the chair next to the tired werewolf "but that's not the only reason, is it?"

(Y/N)'s eyes widened before mentally face palming herself for forgetting to block them out from her mind. They all knew now, there was no reason to hide it anymore. With a sigh, (Y/N) leaned back into the wooden chair. "It's been the same dream every night, except it's not a dream, It's a memory." Leah, who sat on the other side of her, carefully reached up and rubbed her shoulder, silently encouraging her to continue. "It's been going on for about a few weeks now,.. I just figured that I could deal with it on my own.." (Y/N)'s voice trembled, It was hard for her to express herself like this. 

The pack gave each other knowing nods, before engulfing (Y/N) into a group hug. "You don't have to deal with this alone." Jared said. "We're here for you (Y/N)" Paul said, making the others hum in agreement.

Tears welled up in (Y/N)'s eyes as she snuggled into the warmth. Finally, she didn't feel lonely, she didn't feel like a burden, she felt like she was loved. They are her family, and they would protect her like she does for them.

"soooo.. you're not on your period?"

*punch* "Shut up Quil"

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