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I look at her with fond eyes
Only to have the fondness grow stronger
Each day and each action
You were like a drug
I took you once and I got addicted
Drowning in my own habits
There was not much left to do
All I did was have more
Letting it possess my life
Control my emotions
Regardless I was happy
I was a real happy
Something that is uncommon in most
But with the power of drug you bestowed
You manipulated me
Every day I took you
Every day I was happy
Eventually the satisfaction wore off
I became normal once more
I reassessed my life
Realizing I was nothing without you
The hardest terms I had to come to
You made me feel emotions
I had never thought I would feel
All of this
But on the other end
With your own game in mind
Just for laughs
Just for the joke
Using me to gain status
Using me to make yourself feel better
You were happy
That was all I needed to be happy

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