Layton Mystery Journey: The Mysterious Mansion - XVI

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Layton Mystery Journey: The Mysterious Mansion - XVI

レイトンミステリージャーニー:神秘的な大邸宅ー – XVI

"Professah"..."Professah"..."Professah" Katrielle repeated those words in her head over and over again thinking where she had heard them before. She knew it was his way of saying "Professor" and she could have sworn that she had heard it before. However, a few minutes later, it had finally clicked inside her mind.

"Excuse me sir, but can you please say [Professor] again?" Katrielle asked him

"Oh, you mean [Professah] as in [Professah] Layton, right?" the man replied.

"I knew it. How could I NOT recognise that accent?" Katrielle smiled a little – "Triton. It's good to see you again, Luke"

Luke began to chuckle to himself as he looked over at where Katrielle was sat down – "So you finally noticed huh, Kat?" he asked with an innocent tone to his voice.

"I just haven't seen you in such a long time; I didn't quite recognise you at first glance you see" Katrielle added on.

After a while, Katrielle decided to tell Luke her side of the story and what exactly had happened "today" so far, in her eyes.

"So, let me get this straight" Luke ended off with saying

"You're trying to find where your assistants, Ernest and Sherl, as well as Mr Phoenix Wright? You were last with them earlier on today?" Luke asked for clarification

Katrielle nodded in response as she tried to explain the various goings on that have occurred; however, as Kat was clarifying this information, Luke started to shake his head.

"Miss Layton, I'm afraid to say that you must be mistaken. Neither me nor the Professor have heard of his whereabouts for quite some time. We keep in contact, but he doesn't exactly tell us where he is a lot of the time. I would be sure to know if he was here in London, ma'am" Luke continued to say.

"B-But that's not possible!" Katrielle started to get a little more confused – "I-I was on trial and everything!"

After Katrielle said this, Luke then began to feel her forehead to make sure that everything was ok with her; "Miss Layton, I think you definitely need some rest; you seem to be quite ill and delusional right now"

Katrielle shook her head as she slowly got up

"No, I definitely need to find Ernest and Sherl" Kat responded in quite a stern tone as she slowly composed herself; a few minutes later, she was already up and out of the door before Luke was able to completely understand what exactly she was doing – he sighed to himself as well.

"Deary me...what am I going to do with you?" Luke said to himself before getting up to try and follow her.

-----011:25, Layton Detective Agency, ?????-----

----- 11:25, 「レイトン探偵庁」, ????? ----

Quiet, peaceful and normal. The city of London was as quiet as it usually is – usual traffic, usual pedestrianised activity and normal noise; nothing seemed out of the ordinary at all. However, this confused Katrielle quite a lot as she would have expected the whole city of London to be up in arms due to the prime minister being killed and everything.

Ergo, Katrielle began to look around for her two companions; she decided to look around the city due to the fact that she had no idea what exactly happened to the two of them. The last time she saw them was in that "trial" she had tried to mention to Luke; she wondered where they could have gone exactly. Kat was slowly starting to get more and more worried as time went on due to her walking around London for hours and not being able to find them at all.

Layton Mystery Journey: The Mysterious Mansionレイトンミステリージャーニー:神秘的な大邸宅Where stories live. Discover now