Chapter 3

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I ran up the stairs looking at my watch at the same time wanting to slow down time completely. I slipped and began to slide down the stairs, I caught myself as I had scraped my knee.
"FUCKING GREAT!!" I shouted, getting back you and opening the door. I walked through the door shutting and taking off anything expensive and valuable to me. I put a different sports bra and hairstyle, Undressing and trying to hurry is gonna give me a fucking panic attack. I grabbed my gym bag and walked towards the gym. A worn down building that had stained letters that spelled out "Manny's Gym" and I walked through the little skinney door. The guys that were talking and laugh seem to stop as I walked passed them. Whispers grew after I passed all the guys: I noticed after that I was the only girl in the gym. I started to sweat and my hands started to shake, until I saw Scott. He stopped training and he gave me a bro hand shake type thing.
"Where do I train?? I am so confused" I said as I put on my hood and someone wrapped their arms around me and yelled at everyone.
"WE HAVE A NEWBIE THEY HAVE TO DO THE CHALLENGE AND WHAT'S THE CHALLENGE??!!!" It was scheduled guy who coached and owner of "Manny's Gym."
"NEWBIE TIME!!!" These who crowd started bumping chest, high fiving, and Screaming their fucking heads off. The owner leaded me towards his office as he sat down and put his glasses on.
"The rule is the newbie has to go against one of the guys that are professionals. And If you lose you have to pay a month of their rent plus yours. But if you win they have to pay you two month and theirs too." Manny said to me as I took off my hoodie and nodded my head.
"Sound's good to me!" I said as I walked towards the door.
"Get geared up!" He said as I walk ed out and pick up the gloves and helmet. I went into the empty but clean restroom and changed then I went to Scott and went to a private room and warmed up. They called me "newbie" and I went on and some people booed and some cheered. The bell rang as the tall strong looking guy started to come towards me. We began to punch each other and after awhile I was squished into a corner and being punch multiple times and everyone cheering on the guy. My anger got to me and I went and punched him hard in the face. He started to wobble back and forth, I froze then he punched me as I hit the ground. I gasp for air and I felt dizzy, but I got up and then I threw a bunch of punch that surprisingly hit him. Then, I swinged my fist and hit him to the ground. The referee count to 10 and I won, everyone cheered and I gave a huge smile. I was so happy that I did a back flip; Shortly after I had to take that sweaty helmet off. I took it off and let my ponytail down, I celebrated as everyone began to quiet down. Everyone stopped cheering and was shocked that I was a girl. After everyone realized the guy I won to got extremely embarrassed and ran to the locker rooms. People cheered after he left, I looked around and saw Ethan smiling at me and clapped. I jumped off the ring and everyone was chest bumping me, high fiving me, and giving me a bro shake. I finally love this group and I've never felt more accepted. It got dark I've been there for almost the entire day talking, laughing, and boxing. I packed everything up and said my "see yall laters" and walked out the gym. It was already dark outside and I planned to walk home. I heard a couple of guys walk very close behind me as I tried to walk faster. The men stood around me and started trying to touch me and I pushed them away from me. One guy grabbed my ass so I punch him in the face and made his nose bleed. They grabbed me and pushed me against a brick wall in an alleyway as they held a knife to my cheek. I tried scream but they covered my mouth, A figure I saw outside of the alleyway stood there.
"Leave the girl alone she just trying to get home!" The guy demanded as the men dropped me and went to attack the guy. The strange figure had a familiar voice but deeper and familiar size. I watched as he started to beat up the guys who assaulted me, once he was done he walked up to me.
He held out his hand and I grabbed it and he pulled me up. We both walked out of the alleyway as light appeared on his face.
"Are you okay?" The man said, he kind of looked like Ethan.
"Y-Yeah I am good" I said walking towards the apartment, He started to walk the same way.
"Looks like we are going the same way" He said chucking giving a crooked smile. I smiled back just looking at the sidewalk, it was so awkward.
"Do you by any chance have a brother??" I asked.
"Yes why you ask??" He said to me as I wanted to ask him.
"What's his name??" I asked trying not to sound like a fucking idiot.
"Ethan?? Why??" He seemed very concerned and worried I might be weird.
"I'm neighbors with him! and you must be his brother??" I answered as we walked into the apartment complex.
"Yes I am!" He answered as I turned to him looking up to him.
"By the way my name is Leena!" I introduced myself. He smiled and looked at the ground and looked back at me.

"My name is Grayson..."

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