Yuki's announcement

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Yui and Kaname were invited over to the Ichijo residence where Yuki was with her husband Takuma  had a big surprise for everyone. Yui was curious because it's been a few months since she last seen Yuki and that was at Yuki's and Takuma's wedding. Kaname was use to elegant parties but Yui hated having to wear high heels. Yui had a blue flower dress while Kaname had a black tuxedo with blue rose to match his bride to be. They both have been so busy that planning their own wedding was put on hold until after Yui finished her research which was month away. They only had been one with each other once over the course of their eight month relationship but they did kiss and it was obvious how in love they were.

Yui approached Takuma with Yuki but Kaname was the one to speak first:

(Kaname) " So.. Takuma and Yuki what are we celebrating?"

(Yuki) " Well.. this party is actually a baby shower?"

(Yui) " baby shower?.. wait you don't mean..congratulations Little sister  is it a boy or girl"

(Takuma) " Twins boy and girl"

( Kaname) " Congratulations..Takuma..let's celebrate"

They all had a nice time drinking except Yuki because she was about a few months pregnant which remembered Yui about her son Ren. She was happy for Yuki and Takuma but there something about her relationship with Kaname that felt strange or off. Kaname sensed his brides unease and went to find her passed out on a couch so he lifted her up then left the party. He didn't bring her back to the castle but instead to the ruins of an old building. She woke up looking around seeing Kaname then saw they were some where new.

(Yui) " Kaname what are we doing here?"

(Kaname) " Yui..I can tell you're feeling Uneasy..so tell me what's wrong?"

(Yui) " Kaname..I love you but sometimes I wonder if we are really compatible because I know I'm smart and strong . I just don't think I understand what you're really feeling when we barely see each other as of late"

Kaname cups Yui face then looks into her eyes then kisses her and then speaks:

(Kaname) " Yui.. you haven't noticed ..now have you..I know we both loved someone else at first but this bond and love we have burns brighter because we can understand each other but we also seen what try to hide from others. We have seen each other's darkest sides and  have known from the beginning we accepted each other as a whole"

(Yui) " I see..sorry I got worked up over nothing  I just felt doubt because others around us seem to be happy and it hurts sometimes not knowing what I would do if you got hurt or died because of me"

(Kaname) " Yui..it's okay we are happy it's not easy for us to show it but I love you Yui and As a Kuran we are harder to kill"

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