Chapter Two

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Filler chapter, sorry.

I don't exactly remember falling asleep- but when I was woken up, I was in Gilbert's arms, and we were walking.

"Shit- Shit! Birdie! Did I wake you!" Gil exclaimed quietly when he noticed I was awake, biting his lower lip and frowning.

I yawned, reaching up to rub my eyes before looking up at him, raising an eyebrow.

He paused for a moment, confusion clear on his features before his mouth shaped into a little 'o'.

"Oh, yeah, sorry 'bout that." He rushed as he gently set me down on my feet, making sure I was able to stand by myself before taking a step away.

" 's fine, when did I fall asleep?" I asked, following him up the walkway to his house.

"Ah, about an hour ago. It is a pretty long drive to my place- and you were tired so, 's alright that you fell asleep. You needed the rest." He comforted me with a soft smile, patting my shoulder before walking up ahead of me.

It was silent as Gil searched for his keys, grumbling to himself about how he 'needs to put the damn things in a place where he could easily find them'.

Knowing Gil, he probably left the keys in his car.

"Shit, Birdie, I think I left my keys in the car. I'll be right back, just wait here!" He said as he jogged back to his car.

I rolled my eyes, laughing a little to myself.

"Not like I have anywhere else to go!" I  called back in reply, smiling even wider as I heard him laugh.

"I'm pretty sure Antonio would welcome you with open arms, he love you and your 'delicious and fluffy pancakes!'" He joked in a mock Spanish accent, which caused me to double over in laughter.

"What? I think I make a pretty good spaniard!" He exclaimed, pretending to be offended as he unlocked the door.

"Let's see what Toni has to say about that." I laughed, shaking my head as I stepped into the large house.

I was immediately enveloped into a warm, loving atmosphere- different then the aura at my used-to-be-home.

"Ah, yes, I suppose I should warn you about-"

"Vee!~ Matthew! I'm so glad you're here! Come, sit, I just made some Alfredo!" Feliciano interrupted Gil, tackling me in a tight hug.

".. That." Gil finished, shaking his he's and chuckling.

I smiled, laughing quietly as I patted Feli on the back.

"Italy! Give the poor kid some space." Ludwig bellowed from the kitchen as Gil leaned against the wall with a smirk.

"Yessir, Luddy!" Feliciano called, smiling brightly at me before prancing back into the kitchen.

I took my shoes off before mouton ing to my duffel bag. "Where do you want me to put this?" I asked Gil, frowning as he took it from me with a grin.

"I got it Birdie, you're gonna be rooming in the basement with me!" He snickered, winking at me.

I scoffed, shaking my head. "Alright, just no trying any funny stuff." I warned him, trying to make my voice stern.

"Who, me?! Birdie, I would never!" He said in mock hurt, placing his free hand dramatically over his chest.

I laughed again, before going to walk into the kitchen.

"Yeah, right."

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