Chapter Three

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I was hit with the intoxicating smell of Chicken Alfredo as I stepped foot into the kitchen, smiling at the sight of Feliciano bossing Ludwig around the kitchen.

The two had come out as a couple a few months ago and everyone supported it- hell, Toni and Gil had put bets on when they would finally come out as a couple.

Mostly everyone was extremely happy for them, and Alfred threw a huge 'coming out' party for them, it was great!

.. But some of the other countries aren't as supportive as we'd like them to be. Austria no longer talks to Feli or Ludwig, same goes with Hungary and Belgium.

But it's not like any of us talk to those guys anyways, so we don't really pay attention to them.

"Hello Matthew, it's nice to see you. I'm sorry about what happened." Ludwig smiled softly, patting my shoulder gently as he walked past me to put the plates on the table.

"Yeah! Arthur is really rude, he just needs to relax!" Feli chirped, following behind Ludwig to put the silverware beside the dishes.

Gilbert walked into the kitchen, looking back and forth between me and Ludwig, trying to catch up on the conversation.

"Oh don't blame him.. He's just stressed out." I replied quietly, not quite knowing why I was defending Arthur.

"Oh, bullshit Mattie. What would that Arsch be stressed out about? All he does is sit on his damn as-"  Gilbert began angrily, but Ludwig quickly cut him off.

"Gil! Watch your language while at the supper table."

"I'm not even sitting at the table." Gil sassed back at Ludwig, raising an eyebrow in a some what challenging manner.

Ludwig just scoffed, gently hitting Gil on the head with a spoon before continuing to set the table.

I rolled my eyes, giggling at the silly nature of the two brothers.

I wish that my family would be like that, I wish that we could have fun and joke around.

Everything was good when Arthur was away on his business trips, but Francis was always sad whenever Arthur was gone.

I don't think Arthur cares much for papa, Alfred always tells me that they were forcefully married. But I know that papa loves Arthur a lot, and maybe Arthur loves him back.

I snapped back into focus as Gil waved a spoon in front of my face.

"Birdiieee, the food is ready, c'mon!" He whined, trying to capture my attention.

I let out a soft chuckle as he pouted like an upset child, patting his head reassuringly.

"Sorry Gil, I spaced out."

"Of course you did, silly." He smirked, brushing my hand off of his head. "I knew that."

I rolled my eyes, walking into the bathroom to wash my hands.

I stared at my reflection in the mirror as I washed my hands, sighing and shaking my hands to dry them.

I wondered if I'd ever be able to go back home, I didn't want to stay as a burden to the German brothers for a long time.

Maybe I'd be able to get a job- to help pay rent, or at least help pay for food.

But not many places would accept me.. Usually people don't even notice me unless I try extra hard to be noticed.

But, Gil has always noticed me. And for that I'm forever grateful.

Because of him, I've at least had one friend throughout these years, I wasn't left to be completely alone.

I wish there was a way that I could repay him.

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