Chapter 4. - Ready for take-off.

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My heart skipped a beat when Josca spoke the words:

“Tess… We’re going to be locked up.” I swallowed and a little smile appeared on my lips.

“Okay… What did you do and why did you involve me?” I asked her and I heard a little giggle.

“I kinda made a video”, she said. I frowned, even though I knew she couldn’t see it.

“What do you mean?” I asked her confused. ‘What’s going on?’ kept going through my mind.

“Have you read the tweets One Direction tweeted?” She asked me and I pictured her with a smile on the phone. There was something different with the way she was talking…

“Of course I did… Oh my goodness. Jos, what did you do?” I answered and I already had a weird feeling in my stomach. It wasn’t a bad one, but… I’d never felt that way before. It was excitement, but nerves at the same time. Josca didn’t answer me, so I asked her again:

“What’s going on?” All I heard was a little chuckle through the phone.

“We’re going to be locked up….with One Direction!” She screamed with her fangirling-voice through the phone. I felt my heart skipped a beat again. I couldn’t control my breath and I just sat there on my couch.

“We are what?” I asked confused. Now my heart was beating faster and I felt like I was going crazy.

“The video I made was for you, but they’ve chosen both of us now… TESSA, WE’RE GOING TO BE LOCKED UP WITH ONE DIRECTION!” She fangirled through the phone and now a happy tear came across my cheek. I stood up and started to dance around like an idiot with the phone still in my hand and I screamed my lungs out:

“OMG. OMG, OMG…” Were the only words I could say. I couldn’t help, but screamed and cried at the same time. I had to sit down because my legs felt like they weren’t there and magically disappeared.

“Wait”, I suddenly started, “you mean… We’re both going to be in ‘Locked Up For Love’?!” I asked her when I could breathe again. My hands kept shaking, but I finally could control the rest of my body.

“Yes… That’s exactly what I was trying to say”, she sort of whispered and the biggest smile ever came across my face.

“So we… Hello?” I started, but then I heard little beeps. I watched my phone closely and…it didn’t work anymore.

“You have got to be kidding me”, I said as loud as I realized my battery was too low for the phone to work. I sighed deeply and grabbed the charger from upstairs. When I looked around my room and saw my One Direction posters, I had that big smile back on my face. I grabbed my laptop, still fangirling, and logged in onto Twitter. I went to the Twitter accounts of the lads and felt butterflies all in my tummy when I had a look at their tweets.

‘Josca and I are going to be part of it… I’m going to meet my idols.’ Those two lines kept pounding in my head.

Suddenly a tweet from Josca appeared:

Josca Nefkens @Joscaah                                                                         1s

It feels like I just stepped into a huge dream world, which is actually going to be reality… @xtessafca

I smiled widely and replied quickly. Then I heard someone opening the front door. I ran downstairs and saw my mother came into the room. I immediately told her the whole story (as far as I’d heard it already) and I actually saw she had her doubts.

“Come on, mum… I’m old enough to go”, I said, pouting quite sadly.“Yes, I know… And I think it’s okay. I just want to talk to your father about this”, she said. I could see in her eyes that it was okay. With a smile I went upstairs again and saw Josca texted me:

Did your battery die? Again?! Haha, it’s okay. I’ll call you later tonight about the information I’m getting! .x

I smiled down my screen and texted her back:

Not funny and yes it did. Okay, around 8AM? Xo’

I stored my phone away and lay down on my bed. I just couldn’t believe I was going to be on ‘Locked Up For Love’…

A few weeks later, it was time to leave… Josca and I flew over to Jamaica!  Management didn’t tell us anything about the secret location, until the day we arrived at the airport. At first we had to fly over to London, England, because all the European contestants had to meet up somewhere. London was the perfect place for that. From there we all flew over to Jamaica. The flight was about 10,5 hours and I was sure I’d get hungry a lot.

It was early in the morning when all the girls, including Josca and me, arrived at the special gate with the private jet to Jamaica. My eyes were still burning a bit because I just woke up. I looked around at the other girls when Josca poked me and whispered:

“That must be mister Dallas”,  as she pointed at a man in suits, who walked in our direction.

“Goodmorning, ladies”, the man started talking. “My name is mister McGale. I’m going to fly over to Jamaica with you girls. You might have noticed the cameras everywhere, we actually start to film already right now”, he continued. I sighed deeply as I thought about the fact I looked horrible at the moment.

“I’ll speak a few words to the camera and then some of our interviewers will ask a few of you girls to say something as well.” Mister McGale turned around and started talking to the camera, while some lady chose some girls to say something. I glanced at Josca and she smiled at me.

“This is going to be a long flight”, she said with a giggle. I couldn’t believe she was this happy in the morning. I was excited too, but I missed my sleep… And I will always love sleeping.

Another lady walked into our direction and gave both of us a sticker.

“You have to write your name on it”, she said without any emotions and then she walked away again.

“You have to write, blah, blah blah”, I repeated with an annoying voice and I heard Josca laughing.

“You’re so childish sometimes”, she said, still giggling. I just shrugged my shoulders and wrote down my name.

When we were on the plane, finally, all the girls kept talking. Well, not all of them, but a lot. The others were just looking at their magazines (with something in it about One Direction of course). I looked at Josca, who was sitting next to me, thank God. She was trying to finish a drawing of Zayn, it looked amazing! I turned my head around to the other girls again, sighed and grabbed my iPod.

“Are you okay?” Josca asked me, while looking quite worried, and I nodded.

“Just a bit nervous”, I answered.

“Ah, me too”,  she said. Then we suddenly heard a voice:

“This is your captain speaking, we’re ready for take-off.” I fastened my seatbelt again and leaned back into my chair.

Ten and a half hours of flying, I thought. I pressed play on my iPod and ‘Save You Tonight’ came through my earphones as the plane began to move. 

>> next page 

Harry Styles @Harry_Styles                                                                         5h

Is it a bad thing that I can’t choose which clothes to pack? #PackingProblems

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written by Tessa and a bit by Josca

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