Chapter 21

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Chapter 21: Amber’s POV

                Our mother’s coffin was upon us. There was a photo of her on the side and I didn’t even recognize her. CC and I were sitting at the pews and I was waiting so I could give my speech dedicated to my mother. The priest looked down at me. “Now Mrs. Mora’s daughter, Amber Mora, is here to say a few words.” He smiled at me. I smiled shyly and I walked up to the pedestal.

                “I never knew my mother.” I spoke looking around the room. “I knew here for 2 years of my life and I never saw her again. It’s been 16 long years and during those 16 long years I wanted to go back to her but I couldn’t.” I looked down for a minute trying to hold in falling tears.

                “Even though I may have not known my mother like other people in this room I still loved her because she made me who I am today, taught me how to speak, taught me how to walk, and taught me how to love.” I paused. “She was an amazing woman and an amazing mother, the best mother I could have asked for in those 2 short years. I loved her and the pain I feel inside is like someone kicking and punching me repeatedly because she left us without knowing that I loved her. She left without hearing me or my brother Christian say I love you because we loved her.” I shook.

                “Mom, we love you and you didn’t have to go. Why you left is a mystery. I want to hold your hand one more time, give you a hug one more time, to say I love you one more time because I haven’t done that in 16 years.” I let a tear fall. “I may be a girl with hot pink hair and listens to rock music but I am thankful she taught me to grow up like this, because my father didn’t because he doesn’t speak to me.” I could feel sad eyes on my but I tried to ignore it.

                “My mom made me who I am in 2 years and I thank her for that. I am thankful that she made me the woman I am today and the woman I am tomorrow. She’s left an impact on every single person in this room because were all grieving her right now.” I said as I looked over at her coffin.

                “I knew you for 2 years and I miss you like hell right now. One day, I’ll join you in heaven and I’ll hold your hand and tell you the stories I had with Christian and his friends. You deserve to know my stories because I know all of yours.” I got off the stool and I walked down to the pews next to my brother.

                After the service I went up to the coffin and I saw my mother’s lifeless body in front of me. He was next to me but not exactly how I wanted her to be. I walked back down and went through the church doors and somewhere far away so I could be alone.

                The church was on a cliff and I walked to the edge and I sat down, letting my hair breeze in the wind. I finally let all my tears spill, I was alone and I could scream for my mom and let the 16 year old memories flow in.

Flash Back:

                “Mom please let me come with!” I begged, holding onto her by her legs. She took my hands off her leg. She shook her head and let multiple tears fall. She waved, grabbed her bags and opened the front door. I ran to the front porch and watched. “Mommy! Don’t leave me! Please don’t leave me!” I sobbed. She shook her head again and got in the car. I felt my brother’s hand take my arm and lead me inside.

                I shook him off and try to catch up with the black car that zipped down the street. “Mommy please!” I screamed as I fell to the ground in tears.


                I shook my head and I looked up at the sky. “Is this what you wanted? You left me without a reason! You never said goodbye you just waved! Is that all I am?” I felt tears flow in. “A wave?” I asked her. I fell to my knees and I cried, screaming for an answer. I felt my brothers cold hands wrap around me, kissing my head, trying to comfort me.

                I cried into his neck and shoulder crease. I couldn’t stop, this wasn’t how I wanted it to end. I wanted to find my mother but not in a casket. I wanted to be there for my mother’s final breath, not the final time she will be on the upper surface. He rubbed my back soothingly as I kept on crying my reasons, crying for my mother, but there was never a response.

                The passed loved ones are always with you but that doesn’t mean they talk.

                There usually kind of shy.             

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