A date

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"CORBYN" I heard a voice. I turned around and saw Hobi. I walked to him. It was finally our Date. "Hey" I smiled. "Hey. Where are we going???" He looked like a cute flower. Yep I dunno why he looked like a flower. "You will see" I took his hand and walked to the place. A few minutes before we arrived I stopped. "Why are we stopping? Are we there" he looked around as I took a blindfold out of my pocket. "Here put this on" I handed him the blindfold. He looked confused but then put it on.

Hoseok's  P.O.V
I put on the blindfold and walked with him hand in hand. I could already smell food. Where is he taking me? I smiled. He is so cute. I trusted him. As I could smell the food more we stopped. He let go of my hand and took my blindfold of. As my eyes got used to the bright sunlight, my jaw dropped and my eyes widened. It was so bootiful (hehe I mean beautiful).

"You like it?" Corbyn asked me

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"You like it?" Corbyn asked me. I just nodded like an idiot trying to find words.

(How Hobi looked like😂)I heard Corbyn giggle

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(How Hobi looked like😂)
I heard Corbyn giggle. I breath in "If's so amazing" I finally said. He proudly smiled.  "lets eat" He said and we sat down.
A few hours later
We sat there laughing, already finished the food. I slowly leaned to him and he leaned to me too. We looked in each others eyes as our lips connected. I waited so long for this. He licked my lip asking for entrance. I opened my lips and he pushed his tongue inside my mouth. This moment could take forever. It was to soon over. We parted us. "Wow this was amazing" I said blushing. It was my first kiss. "Hyung! Hobi Hyung?!" I heared a voice. I looked in the direction and a few seconds later Jungkook came. He blushed as he saw us two. "What are u doing here?" I asked him. "It's already 8pm.  Our meeting. You usually don't are to late so Namjoon Hyung told me to search you" he said. Shit. "Aish! I didn't realize it was that late. I'm sorry Corbyn. I have to go" I sighed and kissed him on the cheek. "It's okay" he smiled. I walked with Kookie to the meeting.

Daniel's P.O.V
I was in the room I shared with Jungkook and folding my clothes as I heard a knock on the door. I opened it. "Hey Jonah" I smiled and let him in, closing the door behind us. As soon as it was closed I was pushed to wall and he pressed his lips on mine. I pushed my tongue inside his mouth and grabbed his neck, playing with his hair. His hands went under my shirt. We broke the kiss to breath. "Wow" I smiled. "I love our kisses" I said. "Daniel." he said. I looked at him. He only called me Daniel when it was serious. "Yes babe?" I asked. "Maybe it's time to tell the others about us. We are dating since a year now." he said. I sighed. He was right. "Yeah probably we should" I said still playing with his hair. He nodded and looked in my eyes. "Wow your eyes are blue now. The mixture of the highlight of the sky and the deepest shades of the ocean. So beautiful" he said making my heart melt. I walked to the kitchen and made him coffee. "Here for my romantic sweetheart" I handed it him. He smiled and slowly drank it. "Did you know? My sister is finally dating someone." He said. "Jasmin? She has her first boyfriend?!" I asked him. This poor girl only had bad luck in love things. He shook his head smiling. "A girlfriend babe. And guess who it is" he smiled more. "I dunno. Tell me babe" I said. I was curious. "Freya" he said. "No way!" I said laughing. "Didn't she had a crush on her since the first day she met her?" I asked. "Yep" Jonah said.

Corbyn's P.O.V
As Hobi went I tidied up the place and walked to my room. I'm the way I met Freya. "Hey Corbyn! Guess what. I'm not single anymore" she smiled. "But sadly it's not Niall" she said. "Niall?" I asked. Who the fuck is Niall. "Niall Horan. 1D?" She looked at me like I didn't knew something everybody knows. "Ah One Direction" I said. "But who are u dating?" I asked curious. "Jasmin"she smiled more. "Jasmin? Jasmin Frantzich? Jonah's sis? " i asked. "Yes". "cool I'm happy for ya sis." I said. And I indeed was. "Thanksss got to go know. Byeeee" She ran away. U walked in the dorms and in my room. I was alone. I bet Zach was with Jack and the others I dunno where. I sat down and started thinking about the date. It was cool. I dunno what I was worried about. And we kissed. I sighed happily. Wow I'm like a fanboy. I giggled and walked in the bathroom to wash my hands. I looked in the mirror. I need to dye my hair again. I could already see the brown under my blonde. Jonah was a witch. Maybe he could do something. I walked back and layed down to sleep.

(tipp: while you read this part listen to Best Of Me from Bts to get the right emotions)

Yoongi's P.O.V
A tear ran over my cheek as I checked Jimin's phone.

                                             to: Kookie💕
                       Hey I need to confess you                    
                       something. Meet me tom-
                       at 6pm behind the dorms

From: Kookie💕

I runned to the door where jimin lived. I knocked at it so hard that the door almost broke. Jimin opened the door with a smile but as he saw me it faded away. "Yoongi Hyung?" He looked a shocked. "What happened?" He let me in. "YOU WANTED TO TELL HIM THAT YOU LOVE HIM!? I'M RIGHT, AREN'T I'M?" I screamed at him. At first he was shocked but then I saw he was finally understanding. "No..." I heared his pulse and heart go faster. "DON'T LIE TO ME!" Another tear runned down my cheeks. "YOU SAID YOU LOVED ME! DID YOU LIE THEN TOO?!" I asked. "I loved you. then. I'm sorry." A tear ran down his cheek too. "I'm so sorry. I fell in love with him" he said quite. "When? ...Since when" I asked. "2 months" he looked at the ground. I felt the heat in my head. "2 months?" I stormed out the room. We were together since 4 months. 2 of them he didn't loved me. Did he ever loved me? I knocked at another door. "Leave" I said as the door opened. "What?!" Namjoon asked. "I SAID LEAVE!" I said again, feeling that my eyes we're glowing red. He looked shocked and left. I walked into the room and immediately hugged Taehyung. We sat there a long time while I cried and he just hugged back, quiet, not even asking what happened. Thats why I always went to him. He never asked why.

//Yay I finally updated a new part. I'm really busy at the time. I hope you liked the part (and listened to Best of me while the last part. I did it and I think you'll feel more emotions. This song was a song, as I listened to it at the first time, and I didn't understand what they sang, I cried. Yep #Yoonmin is over.
Till the next parttt
Sarang Haeyo💕

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