Marina's Descent: Chapter 2

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A new world

Two days have passed since Marina last saw anyone. She has found a beat down house made out of stone. The house has some broken down furnishings, wooden chairs, a table, old ripped curtains. A broken down garden on the back, with overgrown weeds and some old potatoes growing. A giant tree branch fell on the roof and now half of it is missing, the windows are broken and part of the floor is broken due to overgrown roots.

She spent an entire day sobbing in a corner, hungry and thirsty. She suddenly panics and bolts up, flinging her arms around trying to reach for her back. Something had crawled up on her back. She finally is able to grab it with her hand and flings it at the wall. A giant roach bounces off the wall and lands on its back and starts struggling with its multiple legs.

Marina falls back as she stares at the bug with fear, sobbing. Suddenly her eyes start changing, her breathing slows down and her sobbing changes to heavy breathing through her teeth. She stands up with a furious face, grabs a broken off table leg from the floor and slams the insect with all her strength repeatedly. She screams constantly as she keeps swinging down at the insect, splattering its blood everywhere in the room.

She stands tall as if the pain of swinging with all her strength did not faze her even one bit. Staring down at the roach with angry eyes, she whispers "no more", after a few seconds she screams with her loudest voice "NO MORE" as if trying to reach someone with her words.

She grabs the sharpest stone she can find from the floor and uses the curtains to tie it to the tip of her now wooden spear. She hits the wall with her new weapon to make sure it's secured and when she is satisfied she rips the curtains and braids them to make some rope, then sprints out of the door with a furious look.

She stops on the first tree outside, and marks it with the new spear. An X facing towards her new house. She ventures forward and every few trees she leaves a mark facing the same direction. She does this until she finds the river once again, and once she inspects it and stabs it a few times with her spear she kneels down and tries to wash her body and clothes. The sun falls and everything is dark so she starts heading back. Following her way back she finds a small crevice in one of the rocks. And inside she can see leaves and sticks with what seems to be white fluffy spheres.

Marina approaches the crevice and tries to grab one with her left hand, but it turns around and bites her hand. She backs up from the surprise and looks down to her hand to see it bleed slightly. She looks back at the crevice and she can see rabbits backing up as far as they can in the not very deep crevice.

" BUNNY RABBITS?!" she screams as she holds her spear tightly with both hands and repeatedly stabs the inside of the crevice.

She suddenly stops and, with a surprised look, peaks inside the now red hole. She sits back for a few seconds, leans towards the hole and reaches inside grabbing the rabbits from inside, and tieing them to the spear with her ropes.

She finally reaches the house, and just as she was taught she ignites the fireplace with wooden sticks found outside. She grabs her spear stares down at the now red rabbits laying on her floor. She sits on her knees and starts cutting them, slice by slice she separates as much meat from the bones as she can before slicing the fur and skin away.

She tries to use it as a knife, but her hand slips and she cuts her entire index finger lonways. She quickly drops everything on her hands and backs up a bit to look at it and she can see the blood rushing out. She quickly rips a strap of her newly cleaned yet tattered dress and wraps her finger tightly in it. Once the blood stops coming out, she looks at the bloody spear and the piece of rabbit next to it and with an angry face she closes her eyes and with her teeth closed she screams. After a few seconds of this she starts breathing heavily, staring at the spear and resumes her task. As she finished each piece she would stab it with a small stick and put it close enough to the fire to cook it.

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