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"Are we going after that ship Barbosa?" Benjamin asked with excitement. He was twelve years old and already used to the hard life of a pirate. His small body leaned out over the water, dangling haphazardly over the drop.

"Aye my boy", captain Barbosa grinned as he watched the English merchant ship get closer. He patted Jim on the head, ignoring Jim's displeased snarl. "We are looking for a child, around your age. Keep an eye out for him Alright".

Jim nodded, grinning in excitement at the fight to come. The black pearl, the fastest ship on the seas, soon caught up with the merchant ship, pulling alongside. As soon as they were close enough, the crew swung from the ropes and onto the deck. Jim followed, swinging easily onto the main deck, his dagger in hand. Using his small frame to his advantage, he weaved in between the fighting crews and slipped down into the hold. Footsteps sounded and he ducked behind a barrel as four more of the merchant crew ran past. Once they were gone, he left his hiding place and continued through the ship. This was easy.

"You! Pirate scum!" A voice shouted. Jim whirled around to see a large man pointing a sword at him. The man charged, sweeping his sword around. Jim ducked under the blade and stepped in close enough to drive his dagger up and under the man's ribs. The man coughed, blood seeping out of his mouth. Jim withdrew his blade and stepped back just as the body collapsed to the floor.

Jim wiped his bloody blade on the dead man's shirt calmly. This was not the first time he's killed a man. A small noise distracted him. A muffled gasp. Standing straight, Jim glanced around the room. "Come out and I won't kill you", he growled, looking rather menacing for a twelve year old. There was a small scuffled and Jim directed his gaze to a pile of wooden crates in the corner. Silently he snuck closer before leaping around them with a furious inhuman snarl.

A boy, about the same age, yelled in surprise as Jim thrust the point of his dagger at his neck. "One move and I'll slit your pretty throat", Jim warned, speaking just like he heard Barbosa do. The boy swallowed, eyes wide with fear. Jim studied him for a minute. The boy had big brown eyes and badly cut brown hair. "What's your name?"

"Um Will, Will Turner", the boy, Will, gasped. Jim thought for a moment before stuffing his dagger back in his belt.

"It's your lucky day Will", he grinned. "I'm going to help you escape".

"What?" Will gasped in surprise as Jim pulled him to his feet by his shirt.

"I'm trying to help you escape you simpleton", Jim spoke slowly. "Now where's the gunpowder kept?"

Will lead him through the ship and deep into the hold. The gunpowder was stored in a dark room, no candle light allowed inside. Jim opened the door and smiled evilly. Crossing to the nearest barrel, he took off his coat and tucked the material into a bag shape. Popping off the lid, he scooped handfuls of the black powder into his coat until it was as full as it could be.

"What are you doing?" Will asked nervously. Upstairs, the battle still raged. They could here it echoing around the belly of the ship. Jim grinned and started pouring a trail of gunpowder out of the door. Will followed him nervously as Jim made his way back through the ship. Once the gunpowder ran out, Jim stopped.

They were on the canon deck. Through the canon holes, the two boys could see the screaming bodies of various crew members as they plunged into the water below. Jim glanced around and smirked when he spotted a lamp hanging on a beam.
"Will, pass me that lamp will you?"

"No", Will did not move. Jim scowled at him. "Not until you tell me your name and what you're doing".

"It's Jim. Ben Jim. And I'm going to blow up the ship". Jim stomped over to where the candle was hanging but Will stopped him.

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