my ocs

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theif and archer


^leader of anything?
leader of the theifs guild

《Skill tree
her sneak and pick lock, along with archery are almost all the way to its max. Her one handed sword fighting is about half way and everything else is pretty much nonexistent to her

your oc or no one


a dark brown, almost black, short furred khajitt with bright orange eyes, scars all over her face, she also wears her theifs guild master armor most the time. Unless shes in markarth. People dont like her there. Her tail is long, and her physical appearance is slim but fit. Shes very lean and agile.

shes very hard working and motherly. She also very sneaking and can be minpulitive when she wants. Dont get on her bad side unless you want someone to go fir someone you care for.

♡live in?-
she lives in winter run, but also in riften, she switched alot.

she has a horse that's brown and white named thunder.

she has allies with all the caravans, kharjo, a good reputation with the stormcloacks, also inigo and her son do'ma

$bounty on head?
50,235 gold$

figure it out.






Ha nope

Leader of anything?
no, but wants to take his mother's place as thevies guild leader once she steps aside.

Skill tree?
his pick pocket and sneak skills are high. Along with his one handed sword skill.

none(or your oc, but that's your choice)


a tall, long furred khajitt, with dark brown fur, almost black. Ornage and sharp eyes. A small white/light gray mohawk and white around his eyes. Tabby marking in black on his face and all over his body. His claws long and sharp.

he has a sharp tounge, hes very persuasive, and minpulitive, but if you are close he is very careing. If you arnt close to him hes very cold and closed off, but still has his sense if humor. Hes very hard working just like his mother and not someone you want on your enemy list.

Live in?
he lives in riften mostly. But he does go to whiterun a bit with his mother.

he has a dark brown horse named mystic.

his mother, ko'dar. The theives guild.

Bounty on head?
about 5,356 gold. He has not done as much as his mother.

Figure it out.







^leader of anything/any guilds^

《Skill tree/skills》
Big on two handed weapons like axes and swords, and good with heavy armor



Tall and muscular build, fit for two handed weapons and heavy armor. He has sharp light blue, almost white eyes. And has multiple small and big scars all over his face and body. Oke noticable scar is the one going across his face(caused by ko'dar) his base fur color is a midnight black and he has white tiger markings on his face, his left eye is void of those marking and he has a large black blob of war paint on his left eye, covering those markings. He also has pitch black hair and golden earrings in his torn ears. His hair is in a mo hawk

A apsolute asshole, hes degrading and sting willed, he doesn't care if his words affect you or if his actions affect you either. Hes very selfish and only cares for himself, but along with that's hes a very hard worker and will do all that it takes to get what he wants.

♡live in?♡
He travels, never staying in one place. But he lives in a abandon cabin near markarth

He has a black mare named night

Couple of bandits and some storm cloak soldiers.

$bounty on head?$
Bout 500 gold

He used to be the husband of ko'dar and os the father if do'ma. Thiugh ko'dar tried to kill him because 1 he only cared for himself, and had cheated on ko'dar multiple times. He also tried to kill ko'dar as well. Ko'dar thought she was triumphant in killing her husband, but she was not and he still roams around.

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