Being Ann Weying Part 3

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  Hello there, Alien." I softly said as I sauntered towards the middle of the room from my waiting place. I had paid close attention to what the comics claimed; the unconscious Spiderman was going to wake up a "short while" after the symbiote had saved him and fled the scene. My appearance stopped the symbiote from fleeing, but Parker was still going to wake soon.

I had to act fast. "My name is Ann. I know what just happened to you. The being you served loyally tried to kill you. All you meant to him was to be a mere costume, but to you he was your host... without him you're not complete." The symbiote appeared to be listening! I couldn't have hoped for a better beginning. I continued on speaking, finding it harder to find the words. "You... you didn't ask to be paired... to an ... emotional being. You didn't ask to be regarded as a mere costume. It isn't your fault you fell in love with him like you did... it kind of just happened." I began to motion to Parker now and then as I spoke, doing my best to be as expressive with my hand gestures as I could be. "Love isn't something to fool around with and being spurned by a love object can make someone feel defective and rotten. You gained emotions from your host, and I can guess what they are doing to you right now. You've got to be scared, confused, and really unsure of what to do with yourself. All those emotions you're experiencing are as alien to you as this world,.... and you're alone to deal with both. Emotions and untrustworthy people...

I can imagine your opinion isn't too high on humans about now." I couldn't be sure the alien understood everything I had said, but it felt like it had. The creature itself had a cautious air to it and seemed to be giving me a wide berth. The way it easily moved about, with it's swirling mass and visible white "eyes", excited me quite a bit... especially when it dawned on me how close to it I was just then. I had to wear "You... a creature from the nether reaches of space, full of vast power and knowledge, capable of giving untold abilities to anyone wearing you... spurned because you didn't fit your chosen hosts pre-conceived image of what you were. You were a godsend to him in many ways and did his every command to the best of your abilities... and all you got for your troubles was blind prejudice and hate. You deserve so much more." My heart began to race. The alien had to have been listening! I began to think,

"This is really going to work! That mass of a symbiote was really going to be coating me in a few moments! It was going to give me its power and make me a part of it!" I could hardly contain my excitement. "Unlike him, I fully understand what you are and what you offer. You thrive by linking to and coexisting with other creatures, improving them so both separate beings benefit as a singular entity. There is no natural evil in what you are, and you aren't out to do harm to whoever you join with." I began to sweat profusely. The way my body felt at that moment you could have fried an egg on my stomach. I N E E D E D to wear it,.... I N E E D E D to get to the point or I was going to faint from the excitement I was experiencing. "I purposefully came here wearing very little clothing..." with that I began to unbutton my overcoat "... fully expecting to wear you away from here." I then unbuttoned the final button and let the coat slide down my arms and onto the floor. "Well would you look at that!" I said half-mockingly, putting an over-reacted surprise look on my face. "The one garment of clothing I wore found it's way off of me! Here I am, a healthy, intelligent, understanding and appreciative woman standing stark nude in the presence of the only symbiote on the planet! Surely it's our fate, our destiny to be joined! Come to me!"

So saying, I thrust my chest out as far as humanly possible and anxiously awaited the aliens' arrival. Unfortunately the alien didn't come; it had barely moved, much to my dismay. Physically I was at the breaking point; in my time as Ann I had never been as turned on as I was at that moment. My knees trembled and my vagina longed for some type of physical stimulation. It dawned on me that it must have been unsure what to do because of Parker's presence. It had to have feelings for him still, and they were getting in the way of us combining. I needed to change those thoughts. "You deserve a host that knows what you are and wants to be with you. A host that loves you as much as you can love them. I'm that host!" I stammered out, my voice cracking with every other word. "Parker didn't deserve you, didn't love you, but I do. I want a chance to prove to you that I would be a great host." As I said that I saw Parker stirring. My time window was closing fast. With desperation I blurted out "I want you! I need you you alien hotty! I want to give myself to you totally as your host, don't' you get it? Come here and lets become one! Hurry!" My sense of urgency reached the alien in a way I had hoped it would. The symbiotes form took on a different shape, closely resembling its costume form, not just the blob like it had been. It rose itself perpendicular to me in height, standing upon the 2 "leg" portions of itself. From that position it began to come to me in multi-tendril form, both on the ground and in the air. The first of its material to reach me did so on my left hand. As it had made contact with me there it gave a feeling of soothing and warmth, not unlike a warm bubble bath. It slid and entwined itself between my fingers, all the while expanding itself. The sensations were great and only added to the vividness and shock of witnessing my previously feminine and slender fingers and hand transformed into a clawed- alien-costume-covered version of themselves. The backside of my "alienized" hand now sported the costumes signature "white patch", while my nails were now a starting point of sorts for symbiote produced claws at the tips of my fingers. The outside appearance gave it a strange "veiny" look that in no way resembled a mere glove of the non-living variety. Moving my fingers around in it was an interesting experience. The aliens' substance was acting like a second skin, transferring its sensations to me in a way similar to my own hand. I thought it looked and felt great. The issuing tendrils next struck my right leg. The alien had impacted itself just below my right knee. Again it produced soothing warmth; a feeling that quickly ran up and down my leg.

My knees trembled even more so by the sensation, and I had to make a conscious effort to stand upright and not collapse from it. It began to spread out almost immediately, as I could feel my knee and calf become covered seconds after the initial linking. As I began to peer down to see exactly what was or wasn't in costume then, I found myself in prime position to witness the next area of my body the symbiote was going to coat: my breasts. I truly did have perfect timing; just as I looked down a "decent" amount of the in-air portion of the alien settled down on my chest. The aliens' substance felt like warm wet silk as it expanded over and around my hard nippled and firm, round breasts. The sensations that an alien costume covering a pair of excited breasts can give are mind boggling. All at once it made my protruding mammories feel snug, warm, supported, compressed and tight within itself. I, with my had always wondered how an alien symbiote did at supporting breasts; the comics always glazed over any issue as interesting as that so the readers were left to use their dirty imaginations to fill in the blanks. After experiencing it first hand like I did then, I would have to say symbiotic costumes of the Marvel Comics variety do a marvelous job at keeping a human female body's breasts in perfect comfort. In any case, while the actual covering of them only took thirty seconds or so tops, the various reverberating and pulsating ecstasy of the linking of nerves on them didn't cease for quite some time. Watching the large tendrils hit my boobs like they had was great for certain, but seeing the material expand all the while revealing the giant white spider symbol was even better. I had also always longed, in some inquisitive male way, to know what it would be like to experience having a pair of large and perfectly rounded breasts pushing against an alien costume from the inside. When I had first become Ann I immediately felt how intensely sensitive a woman's breasts could be if stimulated enough. There is no comparison available to man in regard to what I was experiencing at that moment.

When I realized I was fulfilling the "dream", I was filled with the kind of sheer happiness that isn't easily described. There I was, a hot-as-hell comic book character linking with the one and only venom symbiote with the intent on becoming a super-hero of sorts. I was in physical and mental bliss and I .... and I wasn't even fully linked to the alien yet! When my happy stupor finally subsided I saw that the aliens main mass was pulling itself, in a very poetic justice like way, over Parker's still mostly unconscious form. My chest now bore the aliens spider symbol, and some o my right leg and my left hand were also covered. The rest of the costume eventually coalesced into a pool just below me. It began to go onto my toes and up my legs, ever increasing the amount of itself it was sending. I felt parts of it on my back, my shoulders, and of course both legs at that point. I soon began to become vaguely aware of some kind of rudimentary intelligence overlaying itself onto my mind, realizing it must have been the alien linking to my consciousness. None of the thoughts were out of the ordinary; most comprised of the creature hoping to itself it was doing the right thing and that I wouldn't betray it like its previous host had. I could only assume that the alien was linking with me as slow as it was because it had never been a part of a female before, and that it had to take its time to learn the differences in the body types of the sexes; it was being very slow and methodical in its approach, and I didn't mind it one bit. The next major part of me enclosed by it was the back of my head. It snaked and spun and slithered itself on top and then into my hair, forming a "round" section at the back of my head. It then sent some of its material around to my face, going over my chin and some of my mouth. I didn't see any evidence of the big tooth-filled mouth I had suspected would materialize after I had seen it add claws to my hands earlier. I knew, of course, that I had to do some cosmetic changes anyways, so its lack of an appearance during this, our initial linking, meant nothing. I could tell by then that it had effectively encased more then 90% of my body; a quick glance down and I saw very little of my uncovered-by-alien-skin.

The dark blue of MY costume was quite pre-dominate. There was one part of me in particular that had somehow gone by unavoided by the creature that I had a strong yearning and desire to see covered by the alien. When it did finally cover my long aching to be covered pussy, its effect was positively orgasmic. The symbiotes ultra comfortable material made me shudder with delight as it covered up my womanhood. It was thick enough and wet enough to give me great pleasure as it slid its way over the area. As it did so it ever so slightly, and I'm assuming accidentally, pried my vaginas lips open with its movement, bringing me to a cataclysmic release. It then proceeded to cover it over, its material becoming wetter from the" inner juices" it had caused me to generate. After it had finished there, it covered my ass, entirely placing me inside itself. Parker began to shake his head, and both his arms began to move. Now that I was fully linked to the alien I didn't need to worry about going down the stairs unheard and unseen; I could webswing myself home! "You feel amazing!" I said as I ran up the stairs that led to the actual bells. As I had hoped, merely moving inside the symbiote meant I was going to be treated to immense physical pleasure. When I reached the top, I felt what could only be described as a dry whisper in the back of my mind. "No......bellllsss.....pain!"The alien shook as it finished its statement. It, rightfully so, feared the bells after the trauma it was exposed to minutes earlier. "It's okay, my other. We aren't staying." I said as I ran to the edge of the rooftop. Once there, I pointed my arm to a nearby building. "You're the expert at this, I said, "Get us home!" The white patch on the back of my hand fired a webline making a "plip" sound as it did so. The firing of it felt weird, to say the least. I felt a minor twinge and the webbing "flowing" to the patch from the symbiotes substance covering my arm. As it shot out, I could feel the sheer force the alien was capable of exerting to just fire its webbing. For something as commonplace to the creature as firing webbing was, the way it did it and how it felt to the person wearing it amazed me. The alien began to impart some kind of knowledge about web swinging to me, allowing me the luxury of taking command of our trek home. I got an exhilarating rush as we swung through the air each time, from building to building, skyscraper to skyscraper. I was becoming more aware on our journey to my apartment of just how involved the creature had become with my mind and mental state. Spiderman predominated my thoughts, and I could feel strange personal feelings bubbling over as I thought more and more about him. Wearing it like I was, I was no longer alone in my own mind; the creature and I seemed to share it now. When we finally arrived on the rooftop of my building I felt amazingly secure and happy I had accomplished what I had.  

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