The Mask of Venom

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  "God!" exclaimed Samantha as she stormed out of her friend Jamies house. "You guys got those awesome costumes for next week and I got nothing! I can't show up at Rebeccas costume party without a costume" Samantha had just seen Jamies and her boyfriend Robs costumes of Spiderman and Mary Jane, and thought they were quite fetching. She, on the other hand, hadn't even begun to look due to her having no time thanks to school and work, and being overally stressed because of them. To top it off, her not having a boyfriend was causing her to have jealous thoughts towards Jamie over Rob, even though she didn't hate or dislike either of them. Her lack of sex was getting to her and her multitude of sexual thoughts weren't helping any being around these two lovebirds like she had been.

"Sam, you got to relax a bit. Tell you what, after I am done with dinner tonight me and you can go downtown and look around a bit for a costume for you, ok?" replied Jamie "Ok. I just hope we find something nice" said Samantha as she slumped back into her car, started it up and backed down Jamies driveway. Samanth drove up Jamies street to the stop sign, and began to look through her purse. After finally finding her cigarettes, she lights one up and smokes it. "Such a bad habit... I wish I wasn't so stressed" she thought as she made her way to her home.

A few hours later she got a call from Jamie, and after she picked her up, the 2, 22 year old women were on their way downtown to the mall. Walking around a bit, and not having any luck, they thought of leaving. "Hey ... remember Jen from chemistry class?" asked Jamie

"Sure. She was a really nice girl, we did a few labs together. What about her?" asked Samantha

"Well, she gave me this card with some place that sells costumes in this mall" answered Jamie

Jamie took out the card, on it said: Spells R Us

"Hmm... lets look around for it" said Samantha

The 2 women looked around the mall a bit more thoroughly this time, and finally found the shop listed on the card in a secluded corner that they wouldn't have noticed if they hadn't gone looking for it.

"Looks kinda dingy" thought Samantha

They walked inside, ringing a quaint little doorbell over the entrance as they did so.

"Cute" thought Samantha.

They looked around and noticed the shop indeed did have alot of costumes and masks. Samantha couldn't help but notice that some of the masks seemed as if they had living eyes, and it felt like she was being watched by them.

"Ahh customers! Come in, come in ladies!" shouted an old man behind the counter. He was wearing a blue robe of some kind and a tall pointy hat. He had a fairly long, unkept beard and beady, shifty eyes with which he looked over the girls.

"Err ... we came looking for a costume for my friend here for a party this coming weekend" said Jamie "Ahh, yes" started the old man "Your friend Samantha there has interesting ideas indeed!"

"How do you know my name!?" exclaimed Samantha "I know alot of things, for such is the way of the wizard" replied the man quite quickly "But we aren't here to discuss how I know these things, now are we? No... we are here for a costume for you! Lets look around, shall we?"

The 2 girls weren't about to argue with this strange man. Both had thoughts of immediately bolting for the door but neither acted on it. He began leading them around his shop, stopping here and there to look over the girls, almost as if he were sizing them up for something. Eventually, they came to a section of total head masks.

"Here we go, these masks here are a one piece costume, perfect for any costume ball!" exumed the old man. "You will find that these masks go above and beyond the call of duty for just a mere mask! Be warned though; the moment you leave this place with a mask certain magics will be activated. Such is their enchantment. These can be purchased for a time, but I strongly urge those that do purchase them to return them once their initial need has been fulfilled! Now if you will excuse me, I have other matters to attend to. Leave your payment on the desk when you do decide what you want, if anything. Good day!" said the old man, as he bolted behind the desk, shutting a door that was there before the girls could ask what he was talking about.

Both girls were sorta flabbergasted at the turn of events. They could have grabbed a mask and ran out without paying, but they both gathered doing that would get them in more trouble then they would want. Reluctantly, almost hypnotically, they began leafing through the masks on the wall the old man had stopped at.

"Hmm. Marilyn Monroe? Ick!" said Jamie "Hmm a red head with flaming eyes... strange" she giggled as she puts it back on the wall "These are very, very lifelike, aren't they Sam? Sam...?"

Looking to her right, Jamie noticed Samantha was looking at a rather grim looking mask. It had a large tongue, jagged teeth, and white blotches for the eyes. "Sam? Are you ok?" asks Jamie, definetly noticing Sam's bewilderment with this particular mask.

"Eh... oh yes I am fine" replied Sam slow. " I was just checking these masks out here"

"Looked like you were looking at this mask in particular, a rather gross looking one at that" said Jamie

Almost as soon as Jamie said that, Samantha turned to Jamie with a rather angry look on her face "Don't talk about it like that. It is the best looking mask here by far and I am going to buy it!"

"Err it is a man's mask by the..." started Jamie. She would have continued but she noticed in the corner of her eye the mask actually contracted itself quite a bit and grew smaller, almost as if to be made for a female.

"It is a womans large by this tag. Only 30$ too! What a steal!" said Sam grabbing the mask off the wall

"Yes. I see that I guess..." said Jamie, her face flushed with confusion. She shook her head and followed Sam to the counter.

Leaving the 30$ on the counter, the 2 women left the shop and got to Samanthas car. Samantha noticed the bag felt heavier outside then inside but paid no mind to it. The 2 girls were both hungry, so stopped at a restaurant on the way home, neither noticing the green slime that was gathering at the bottom of the bag holding the mask when they left the car.

"I wonder what that man meant by all in one costume" said Jamie, eating a piece of pizza. "Beats me. I will just throw on a black hooded sweat shirt and go as a ghoul I guess. It isn't about impressing anyone as much as it is having fun with friends" said Samantha "Ya, you are right, Sam" replied Jamie. "Me and Rob are going to be paying for those costumes we got a month from now. We should have gone simple ourselves" About an hour later they finished their food and were ready to go home. Coming back to the car, Samantha lit up a cigarette in front of Jamie.

"Come on Sam. You know those things are bad for you, why do you keep smoking them? You were always one of the most atheletic people I ever knew, and are still in great shape, why do something so unhealthy to yourself?" asked Jamie

"I am under tons of stress from work and school. These just help calm me down a bit, and I don't smoke all the time" answered Samantha

"Ahh, well I wish you wouldn't smoke them at all" said Jamie

"I will quit soon, I promise" answered Samantha, as she finished it up and threw it out the window

The girls didn't talk the rest of the way back to Jamies house. Samantha dropped her off and was on her way home when she could have sworn something moved around in her back seat. Coming to a stop light she turned around to see the bag with the mask had fallen over, showing the ghastly mask looking right at her. Samantha flipped it back up and continued to drive thinking nothing more of it then it falling over when she took a corner.

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Chapter 2: Strange Happenings

Arriving at her home, she stepped out and grabbed the bags from other stores the girls had been to, then opens her back door. Grabbing the masks bag, she noticed a green slime was leaking through the bottom of it.

"Ick. The mask must have some sorta triggered slime effect or something" thought Samantha as she tucked the bag under her arm shutting the door with her foot. Minutes later, after going up the stairs to her apartment, Sam tossed the mask bag onto her sofa and took the other things she had bought into her room.

Awhile later, she came out and took the mask bag, placing it on her kitchen table. "Hmm, let me get a better look at this thing now" thought Samantha "The party is tomorrow... this should suit me fine I guess"

She slowly reached into the bag, and removed the mask, noticing it felt a bit slimier then it had when she had grabbed it in the shop, almost as if it had taken on a different texture from just pure latex.

"Weird, feels almost like liquid latex or plastic now" thought Samantha

She flips the mask upside down to look for a slime dispenser. Once she did so, she noticed the underside was no longer just a plain vanilla color as it had been in the shop. Here and there, there were what looked to be veins, and they were puslating.

"Cool effect, but why have it on the inside?" thought Samantha.

She flipped it back over to check if maybe the slime dispenser she was looking for was maybe on the front, near the teeth. As she flipped it, she noticed the sides of the mouth of the mask were very wet looking, almost as if they were salivating. As she continued checking around the mask here and there, she accidentally touched one of the teeth, noticing how sharp it felt.

"Oww. They weren't sharp at the shop. What is going on here?" said Samantha aloud

As she said this, the costumes tongue began to move from side to side for a second, then stop. Shocked, Samantha jumped back, dropping the mask on the table, unsure of what she just saw, half thinking she hit some secret lever yet again to cause it to do that.

Samantha walks to her purse and grabs a cigarette and lights it, staring at the mask with her right arm under her left smoking, watching the mask. It begins to flop around by its own accord. Slowly, it actually starts to open and close its mouth of jagged teeth, and its tongue gets taken back into its mouth somehow. It rolled on its side a few times then stops, leaving a slime trail where it had flopped.

"This is too strange" thought Samantha "What the hell am I dealing with here? There must be some kind of robotic heat sensor inside that I tripped to make it do that"

She finished her cigarette, and put it out. As she is doing so, the mask flops itself on the floor and rolls near her muscled leg.

"Eeek!" shouts Samantha as she jumps back

She grabbed a laundry basket and put it on top of the mask. She then placed her iron on top of that, content the mask won't go nowhere. She then headed off to bed, planning to worry about the mask in the morning. She closed her bedroom door and put a chair against it and, after many hours of worrying about the mask, finally, exhaustively went to sleep.

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Chapter 3: Alive

Waking up the next day still finding chair against the door, Samantha felt great that her hastily crafted mask prison served its purpose. She changed clothes and slowly opened the door, peering out towards her kitchen. Still seeing the iron on top of her laundry basket, Samantha is again reassured her little trap held it. She began making her way to the kitchen and the laundry basket. Looking inside she noticed the mask is still there, right where she had left it the previous night. It still laid where it had stopped, amid a pool of green slime that had dried underneath it.

Samantha slowly removed the iron and the laundry basket, and picked up the mask. Looking at it with both hands holding it, she saw no sign of movement, nor any sign it was leaking slime or spittle of any kind.

"Heh, must have been the warmth of my apartment causing it to expand and contract causing it to ...ya" thought Samantha trying to rationalize what she had witnessed the night before.

She put the mask back into a bag and began gathering an ensemble that would match it for later that evening. All during the day she found she has to keep looking at it to make sure it doesn't begin acting up again in some way. She took note of the character the mask is based on, Venom, and did a little web searching of the character to pass the time. She read a few bios on the character, and found that the costume the villain in the comic books wears was alive, which unerred her a bit. Her worries were quickly overturned, when her phone rang. Samantha knew it was Jamie by looking at the clock.

"Hi Jamie." answered Samantha

"Hiyas hon, you gonna come pick me and Rob up soon, right?" asked Jamie

"Yes. I got my lame little costume setup and am on my way now" answered Samantha poutingly

Samantha put on a black hooded sweatshirt, sweat pants, and found some black gloves and a pair of black sneakers she had gathered while shopping the previous day.

"Now for the mask" said Samantha.

She grabbed the bag with the mask inside "There is nothing special about this mask. I must be going crazy from all the stress I have been under" she thought.

She brang it down to her car in the bag and put it in between the 2 front seats. She smoked a few cigarettes on the way to Jamies home while looking in the bag every now and then. After finally getting to Jamies house and picking her and her boyfriend in their fancy costumes up, Samantha just wanted this night to be over with.

About a 20 minute drive thanks to rush hour traffic, and 5 contested by Jamie cigarettes later, they arrived at Rebeccas costume party. Rebecca being a trendy socialite friend of Samantha and Jamies always threw these kinds of bashes pretty much year round, this one being a week before halloween. Samantha and Jamie attended them usually to keep some kind of social standing amongst the people they went to college with.

"You had better put on that mask, Sam" said Rob "Showing up without a mask on isn't a keen thing to do I think at one of Beckys parties"

"Ya, ok I guess..." said Samantha as she peered over at the mask in the bag. Rob and Jamie get out of the car and began the walk up the driveway to Rebeccas house, leaving Samantha alone in the car with her mask

"Well, weirdness aside, I do need a mask to go with the rest of this outfit. I must have imagined the whole thing, after all" thought Samantha as she grabbed the mask out of the bag.

Normally a full headed mask like this would have looked silly on her, since she kept her hair long usually. Interestingly enough, though, she had cut her hair just below ears length the week before in an effort to get a different look, so she didn't see a problem of it fitting on her head.

As she pulled it out she noticed it had that slimy texture to it again. She also noticed it had those strange vein like things in it again. Normally she would listen to her haid, which was saying to put this strange thing back in the bag and go home... but peer pressure, and indeed stress had gotten to her this night.

Slowly, methodically, Samantha placed the mask on her head. As she lowered it she kept her eyes open. She felt those vein like things sticking to her face, and their purpose and existence, on the inside of this mask made no sense to her. She felt that the rest of the inside that didn't have veins was all bulbous and gooey as she slowly lowered it on her face. She noticed as she was lowering it, it felt as if it were sticking to her, and as if she wasn't the one lowering it on her face at all; as if it were doing it itself. She removes her hands a second after putting half her head in it and her suspicions are confirmed.

Of its own accord, the mask slowly lowered itself so that her eyes were matched up with the eye holes and its mouth was matched up to where her mouth and her chin were. Once it had done this, she felt it get very tight around her head. It bore down on the back and front of her neck. Where her chin and mouth met the costumes gaping teeth filled chasm, she noticed it was setup so when she moved her mouth, the masks' did as well. She also noticed she has no trouble breathing with it being as tight as it had become. She opened the car door and slowly began walking up the driveway to the house where the party was at. She almost immediately wanted another cigarette, and went into her purse as she was walking to get one, trying to pull up the front of the mask to look through her purse for them. She found she couldn't move the mask at all; it was almost as if it were insta glued to her face.

"Wow, nice mask, Samantha!" says Rebecca just as Samantha tried to pull off the mask "You look pretty scary in that I must say, wherever did you find it?"

"Some shop in the mall, Rebecca." replied Samantha, obviously more worried about the fact the mask wouldn't come off then what Rebecca thought. "I got it pretty cheap and I liked the way it looked..." continued Samantha trying to be polite as best she could

"Very cool, Sam... now if only the rest of your costume matched that mask you would surely have won the costume competition" replied Rebecca

"Ya, you are probably right. Your costume looks great Rebecca, I must say" said Samantha, looking through the masks eyelids at Rebecca, who had the perfect breasts and nice legs to be a great Supergirl.

"Thank you" said Rebecca "I had my butler... odd, are you sick, Samantha? Your breathing sounds funny."

"Umm I don't think so" said Samantha. Just as she said that she noticed, indeed, her breathing did sound funny, almost husky like. It was around this time that Samantha felt her face become extremely warm under the mask. Not only was it getting warm, but it was becomming more apparent it was bearing down on her face and head extremely hard... but not painfully, interstingly enough.

"I am going to go take a little walk" said Samantha to Rebecca "This area is pretty this time of year"

"Ok Sam, you do that. See you in a bit" said Rebecca, obviously more worried about how her party was going then whether or not Samantha was sick or not.

Samantha began slowly walking down the driveway, her vision becoming blurry and her breathing becoming more sporadic. She threw her purse into her car, then veered off the driveway and found herself keeling over moments later, feeling something going up her nose. As that happened, her mouth was opened forcibly from the inside of the mask, and something slimy slided down her throat and then hooked itself to the sides of it in the back. She doesn't choak, however and found the experience horrifyingly fast, whatever it was. To her immediate surprise and shock, she closed her mouth and the masks did as well, bringing its tongue into Samanthas mouth for "safe keeping" while it wasn't protruding. She opened her mouth and the tongue, with which she can actually feel as it if were her own, slided out.

"Oh my god, what is this thing I am wearing?" thinks Samantha. No sooner did that thought pop in her mind that she felt something "growing" on the back and front of her neck where the mask stops. A quick check with her hands revealed the mask had somehow extended itself further down her back and chest, and to both her shoulders. She felt a little tendril entwine on her fingers where she was checking on the back of her neck and quickly pulled her hands away.

"I have to get this off" she said with a monstrous voice. She looked down and noticed her new face is leaking green slime all over the place, and the sides of the mouth have spittle on them. She grabbed at the mask, trying to remove it, and she herself felt physical pain; as if she were trying to remove her own skin.

"This mask its turning me into a monster!" thought Samantha as she ran back to her car, jumped in and started it up. She then speedily backed up, and drove away, with no clear idea of where she was going.

The mask had attached itself very firmly to her head, and was now spreading itself down her shoulderblades and here and there on her front and back. She felt her right bicep getting coated in some type of substance. The feeling itself wasn't a bad one, just strange and warm. She removed her hooded sweatshirt and threw it on the passenger seat. She was wearing a white tee shirt underneath with her bra under that. She saw that this material from the mask was going under both her bra strap and her tee shirt, sticking to her flesh.

"What is this thing?" she asked in a raspy, monstrously lisped voice, her tongue flashed around and then went back into her mouth.

She continued driving, eventually making her way back to her apartment. She grabbed her purse with the keys and rushed up the back stairs. As she was placing the key in the door she felt the substance jut down from her neckline between her breasts on her front and attach there. She let out a little monstrous moan as it did this, and finally opened the door.

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Chapter 4: Costume is Complete

She shut the door behind her and turned on the kitchen light, tossing her purse and keys on the kitchen table. She walked as fast as she could to her bathroom and turned on the light there. Looking in the mirror she saw her head completely bound to the mask to the point she wasn't human anymore in appearence or design.

She looked at her right arm and saw that the growing substance was quickly approaching her hands. She took off her tee shirt and noticed that the substance was actually white here and there on certain parts of her chest both front and back. She unbuttoned her bra, and her nice c-cup perky breasts plopped out. The piece of the material that had thrust in between her chest had a white tip on it.

She again tried to pull of the mask, and again felt the pain almost as if she were trying to pull off her own head. She brought her hands back around just in time to notice that the material had now spread to the back of her hand, where a giant white square was then situated. She watched in perverse horror as it began entwining about her fingers, and finally puts her whole right arm in its substance. It felt as if by coating her arm, she had become imbued with a great strength.

"Argh!" she grunted in a monstrous voice "What am i .." she stopped, almost as if she knew she wasn't just a single person anymore. "We...we exist now, not just Samantha... but what are we?" she asked, stumbling back and out of the bathroom. She made her way towards her bedroom and her computer. As she was walking she felt the costume coating her back in ever increasing waves, placing its substance all over and slowly filling in gaps it may miss. Her left arm got finished off totally, with both hands now in costume complete with white patches also. She noticed that the substance was accenting on her feminine nails, covering them in its substance making them razor sharp. She sat down and brought up the website she was looking at earlier about Venom and his living costume. "This can't be real" she exclaimed as she reads while taking off her pants.

Standing in front of her vanity mirror near her computer desk now just in her panties peering over her shoulder, with her breasts out in the open, she clearly saw an outline of a giant spider forming from the white substance on her back. It ran from her back and under her arms to the front. Her breasts stood there, almost as if frozen in time for a few moments while she was gaping at the changes on her back, when suddenly, the initally thrusted piece of material in between her breasts issued about 10 smaller, very noticeable tendrils of its substance and started entwining about her breasts with them. It issued a fairly large amount of its substance that was gathering near her neckline and overtook her breasts in it soon after as well. The spider design was definetly visable now on her chest and back, and there were numerous jutting tendrils heading down her torso towards her legs and ass in the back.

As the tendrils made their way down her body, they paid no heed again to her underclothes, and went right underneath her panties. She felt a few of them stick to her ass, slowly making their way into her crack. Her left leg gets mostly covered by the issuing material...

Samantha quickly sat on her bed, trying to remove her shoes. As she sat down she felt how comfortable the burgeoning costume felt to move in. She hurriedly took off her shoes and then her socks. As she tossed her socks on the floor the costume flowed swiftly down her left leg and began entwining about her toes. Her ass got finished being covered and then the material covered over her pussy. She let out a fairly loud moan that almost certainly got the neighbors attention because of how insanely good it felt.

She stood up and looked down at her calve on her left leg and her right leg not covered. This lasted for about 1 minute as the costume covered her left leg, making where her feet go feel like she was wearing boots. Her right leg got covered as well shortly after and in similar fashion. Standing there in full costume, Samantha was unsure of what to do or say. She could tell this thing is alive just by how it felt on her.

"Wha... what are you?" she asked a moment after she was entirely encased in the costume, not expecting the kind of answer she got

"We are one" answered a strange voice inside her mind

"We? Who's we? And who... what are you?" she asked back semi startled as she looked around through the costumes eyes for where the voice was coming from.

"You who are wearing me are my host" answered the voice in her mind

"I see..." said Samantha, as she tugged on a bit of the elastic-like costume on her chest. It immediately slapped back down on her breasts but they didn't jiggle thanks to how skintight the costume was on her.

"That old man said you were an one piece costume didn't he ... I guess this is what he meant" thought Samantha aloud.

She bent over at her computer and noticed that the costume felt extremely comfortable and good to move in naked like she was wearing it. She began to read a bit more into the costume from the comics' history. Apparently Spiderman had gotten his alien costume off a planet during a "secret war" and didn't know it was alive. Later, when he found it was a living being and linked with him, he was shocked to the point he wanted nothing to do with it, going as far as to risk his own life to kill it, even though it meant him no harm and was being true to its nature. It later bonded with a human who hated him, thinking it was a good idea since Spiderman showed hate towards it.

"You are Spidermans alien costume, aren't you.. the symbiote one?" asked Samantha while reading

"We are your costume now, Samantha" answered the voice back

"I see" replied Samantha, unable to find any other words. She continued to read and made notes of all the costumes weaknesses, which are primarily fire and loud noise. She also made note of all the costumes powers; super strength, web shooting, bulletproof, ability to stick to walls, etc. Of particular note to Samantha was the ability to disguise its host in whatever form or clothing he or she would choose. She read the entire entry and feels pretty sure that what she was wearing was the alien symbiote costume that Spiderman/Venom once wore in the books.

"God, I need a cigarette" she thought as she read, after becoming content with the knowledge of what she was indeed wearing. As if by reading her thoughts, several tendrils left her left forearm and snaked their way out into her kitchen. Samantha stood their stunned for a moment watching them. They brought back and held up her purse in the air in front of her.

"Th..Thanks" she said as she grabbed her purse from them.

They return to her forearm as she opened her purse and grabbed her pack of cigarettes. She grabbed one from the pack with her symbiote covered hands and her lighter, and went to put it in her mouth. The costume melted away its gaping mouth to allow her to do so. She took a few large drags and then sat on her bed, leaning back with both feet kicking in the air and it in her left hand.

"I bet this is all some kind of dream" she thought "I am probably really just sleeping after watching that mask flop around and having a nightmare"

She imagined herself in her pajamas just tossing and turning and that she would wake up soon to find that the real reality. As she thought this, she felt the costume begining to writhe and change and soon she found she was in an exact replica of her pajamas. She rolled off her bed and put the cigarette out in the ashtray near her computer desk and walked off to the bathroom. She stood there for long minutes looking at her face hoping against hope it was indeed a nightmare.

"Ok, if the costume is still on me it can read my thoughts according to the books,... which would explain how I am wearing my pajamas without ever getting myself out of that costume. So, if I am still wearing it, and I think about wearing something else, it should change into whatever I am thinking automatically" thought Samantha, trying to rationalize the whole ordeal

She thought about a Mrs. Santa Claus outfit and sure enough, she watched her pajamas transform into it, complete with hat. "Well, now I know I wasn't dreaming" said Samantha. She continually tried many different outfits, each more outrageous then the last, getting an obvious kick out of doing so. Then she remembered the costumes other powers.

"I wonder how strong I am with you on" she thought as she walked down stairs, outside to her car.

She went to the side of it and willed the costume on her arms. Samantha would work out in the gym at least two times a week, and was definetly above average strengthwise for a girl her age. She grabbed underneath her car and tried to pick it up, finding it ridiculously light to the point she could flip it over if she wanted.

"Yup, super strength and ability to make different clothes. These white patches shoot webbing if I remember right" she thought

She pointed her arms with the costume on them at the fence in her backyard. Strands of some kind of webbing fired from the white patches on the back of her hands and sticked to it. She actually felt the patches fire the webbing when they did.

"And with this on I can supposedly stick to walls" she thought as she walked over to the back of her house; with it being nighttime and not too illuminated she wasn't too worried of being spotted.

She willed the costume on both her hands and feet and lept at the wall. Almost as if by instinct the costume covered hands and legs of hers adhered to the side of the building. She began climbing up and down noticing how easy it was.

"Wow, this is fun" she thought as she dropped down, willing the costume to some normal looking clothes while she walked back up to her apartment.

Looking up at a clock she noticed it has only been an hour since she had left Rebeccas party.

"Hmm" she thought "With the way this costume looks I bet I could win best costume and show that snooty Rebecca up. I have to go back anyways ... I was Jamies and Robs ride; leaving them there will get them pissed off at me I bet"

She walked into her bedroom and grabbed her purse, grabbed her keys off the kitchen table and went back down to her car. Once inside she stuffed her formely discarded clothes underneath the seat, and mentally willed the costume to cover her up minus her face. She starts the car and drives to Rebeccas house, looking over herself in the costume on the way.

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Chapter 5: Party with She Venom

Pulling up to the house she saw the party ha gone on without her; loud music and lots of drunk people stumbled around in plain sight. She got out and walked up to the house, mentally making the costume melt on her mask so she was in full Venom costume. She noticed almost immediately the party goers were baffled at how realistic her costume looked, complete with wagging tongue and all. She also began noticing that her costume was giving her a 360 degree scope of her surroundings; it was almost as if she knew what was going on around her at all times.

"Samantha there you are!" shouted an obviously drunk Jamie

"Hi Jamie.." said Samantha, wondering if coming back was the best idea

"Here, have some of this, take a load off and relax" said Jamie, shakily handing Samantha a bottle of some kind of liquor. Samantha normally wasn't much of a drinker, nor did she ever do any drugs, and with a living costume on her, she didn't find the idea of getting drunk a settling one.

"Wow, your costume looks great on ya" says a male party goer just as Samantha refused the bottle from Jamie, who then stumbled off. "I don't think I have seen you around here, my names Phil" said the man, reaching out his arm for Samantha to shake.

She shook his hand and noticed the look on his face while she did so. It was a look of horror and bewilderment. "Uh... that costume certainly has a feel to it" replied Phil, quickly taking his hand away after the handshake.

"Thanks" replies Samantha, her tongue wagging and getting green slime all over the floor

"Awesome effect too!" replied Phil, stepping back to avoid the slime waterfall. Samantha threw him a huge teeth filled grin as he backed up without saying another word and quickly left the room

"Oh man that was funny" Samantha thought. "That guy was freaked out by you...hey. What should I call you?" she asked in her mind

"We don't have a name other then what you give us. We need you to exist" replied the voice

"Well, if I remember that page I read right, you were referred to by Eddie Brock quite often as his "other" ... so I will call you my "other" The costume didn't answer her so she began fraternizing with the guests.

A few hours later, around midnight or so, Rebecca called all the party goers out to her poolside in her backyard. The place had alot of things setup here and there for this party; punchbwols, tables with food, etc. and the backyard was no exception. Samantha found a secluded spot and, just as she had done at her apartment the costume melted away from her mouth so she could have a cigarette. Rebecca grabbed a microphone a few minutes later:

"Thank you all for coming! Now is the time for the scariest costume award! We've secretly taken all your votes and counted them up... and the winner is Samantha Jensen!"

Samantha, upon hearing this tossed her cigarette down and willed the costume to cover her face again. She walked up to the microphone. Rebecca went to hug her, then changed her mind upon seeing Samanthas costume up close.

"Thanks you guys" said Samantha in her monstrous inhuman female voice, slobbering green slime all over the microphone. Rebecca handed her a little trophy and then motioned for Samantha to move, which she did.

Samantha walked to the back of the crowd with a smirk on her human face inside the costume, content her coming back was good in some small way. She then went looking for Rob and Jamie to gather then to leave, and finally found them in her car. She saw that Jamie was passed out in the back and Rob had rather red cheeks himself sitting in the passenger seat.

"Good timing, Sam" said Rob as she opened the driver side door "I think its time we got home"

"Ok, Rob" replied Samantha as she put her head out of sight of him and melted the costume away so she could drive.

"Sam, where did you get that costume anyways?" asked Rob

"I was wearing it underneath my other stuff" replied Samantha quickly

"Well, Sam I don't see any bra straps or a bra on ... nor do I see any panty lines. It looks like you are wearing that costume naked... are you?" quipped Rob

"Yes. ... A bra and underwear would have looked dumb under this costume.." replied Samantha, trying to lure him off the subject

"I guess, Sam" replied Rob."I have to admit you look god damn sexy in it...almost as if you were wearing body paint..." stumbled Rob as he almost passed out from his drunkedness.

Samantha drove them both back to Robs apartment and then drove herself home. It was around 3 am by the time she closed her door and locked it for the night.

"Well this was a fun time" said Samantha aloud, dropping her purse and her keys on her kitchen table. "I am bushed. What about you, my other? Are you tired as well? She received no answer.

"Good, then lets get some sleep...I can figure out what I want to do about you in the morning" said Samantha. She walked into her bedroom and got under her blankets, willing the costume to hang itself up on a chair in her room. As it left, she felt herself grow weaker with it no longer linked to her metabolism. She threw on her bra and panties that she had taken off earlier, then fell asleep.

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Chapter 6: Dreams and Loving The Power

While sleeping, Samantha dreamt and saw herself by a river that she had lived by during her childhood; she used to wade out into it during the summer. As she was wading out into it during her dream, the river tuned all black. She felt as if she was moving through molasses and became suddenly frozen. She turned around to find that the shore she had waded in from was now nowhere in sight. As she turned her head back to face forward she saw the black water form into a hideous face of teeth and eyes. It splashed her right in the face and began to suffocate her. She felt her hands getting bore down on, and through the jargled mass of black liquid on her face, can see her hands turn into giant claws thanks to the substance. Her entire form was swallowed in this manner, with it ever growing tighter and tighter.

She then found herself looking at her reflection in a window on the side of a building, in full alien costume, hanging upside down.

"Oh my god, where am I?!" she said aloud. She flipped herself up to the roof of the building she was on.

"How did I get here? And why is the costume back on?" she thought while looking up and down at herself. The costume didn't reply to her.

"Hmmph, taking your "host" out for a little stroll while she was sleeping, eh? I should have brought you right back to the shop as soon as I found out what you were... and this proves I would have been right doing so!" shouted Samantha upsetly "I am my own person, not some tool for you to take out while I am sleeping. What do you have to say to defend yourself?" she asked.

The costume again didn't reply to her

"Well, I know where I am; on top of the Prudential building downtown... probably 5 miles away from my house. Shouldn't be too hard to get back..and once I do, I am going to get myself as far away from you as I can till I can bring you back tomorrow!" she exclaimed while tugging futiley at her chest. Samantha could tell by how good the feelings were that she was again naked in the costume.

She walked to the side of the building and looked across from her. Almost as if by predicting its hosts' next actions, her right hand lifted and fired a webline, hitting the building. Samantha then found herself swinging through the air. At first scared, she found that her garb seemed to know exactly how to do it, and was transferring that info to her. After about 5 minutes of swinging from building to building shakily, she found she had become an expert at it.

"This is amazing!" she shouted aloud, doing a double backflip landing on a roof. "I can do flips and cartwheels even better then I ever could as a child with this costume on" As she finished that thought, she heard a woman scream below her on the street. Running to the side of the roof she was on and looking down, she saw a woman being robbed at gunpoint.

Samantha made a snap decision and jumped down and landed behind the man with the gun. She tapped him on the shoulder with the intent to scare him off. The man turned around and saw her.

"What the hell are you?" he shouted and fired right into Samanthas stomach. Samantha, not expecting him to react as quickly as he did, found herself wondering if landing like she did was the right thing to do and if she was going to die like that, victim to some trigger happy mugger.

But, to his and her surprise, the costume spit up the bullet; and she didn't even feel a nudge.

"Ahh!" said the man, trying to run away after witnessing what he had.

"You aren't going anywhere!" shouted Samantha with her raspy, tongue lisped voice. She fired a line of webbing around him and slapped him against the stone wall wrapped up in it. She then looked over at the woman he was attempting to rob.

"You are safe now, here is your purse" said Samantha

"Thank you ..." said the woman, backing up from Samantha looking very afraid of her monstrous saviour.

"You should call the police to come pick this guy up" said Samantha as she bounded up the wall.

Upon reaching the roof, she again began making her way home, humming and whistling and thoroughly enjoying herself and what she had just done. Eventually she got back to her house as the sun was coming up, having swang her way across the city about 5 times; the fact she was loving swinging around and the surges of power surely had something to do with her staying out as long as she did. Once she arrived back she noticed her bedroom window was opened. She swang into her room and closed the window. She couldn't help but notice the bra and panties she had put on earlier to sleep in were laying snapped on the floor. She picked them up and threw them in the rubbish in her hallway, grabbed a new pair of panties and a bra from her dresser, then willed the costume back onto its chair and sat on her bed and looked over at it.

"Well that was a huge amount of fun I have to admit" she said as she turned on her pc.

She began to check her email, the thrill of the night still fresh on her mind allaying her sleep.

"You stay there till later" she said, looking over at the costume on her chair. She opened her mailbox to find this message:

To: Samantha Jensen From: The Wizard

"Hmm, The Wizard? I wonder if its that old man from the shop?" she thought as she opened up the message.

Hello Samantha, this is just a friendly reminder that the mask/all in one costume you bought has fulfilled its purpose of purchase. If you decided you want to allow yourself to become bonded to it, please keep in mind there are things in this world beyond the mere scope of what they initially appear to be; this mask/all in one costume, is one such thing. I am not going to ask you to return it. I hope it brought you happiness and continues to do so if you plan on keeping it. Just make sure you know what you are truly after and you will find happiness wherever you look

The Wizard

"Hmm" said Samantha "Bonded to it? I wonder what he meant by that? I had better read a bit more into this things history"

Samantha looked around again on the web and found several mentionings of the costume "bonding" to Eddie Brock. Reading a few issues synopses she gathered that the costume was capable of attaching itself permanently to its host if it wanted to.

"I see, so that is what he meant by bonding. It would mean you could never come off, and would continually augment your hosts abilities... I don't see how that is a bad thing, as long as it listened to its host" said Samantha turning off her monitor looking at the costume. She smiled a sec then put her head on her pillow, almost instantly falling asleep.

When she woke up in mid afternoon, the costume was still on the chair where she had willed it. Grabbing a bag, she grabbed it and held it lengthwise for a minute or two, never truly seeing it like that before since it was only "completed" when she wore it. She looked it over pretty thoroughly, and even smelled it. She rubbed its material with her hands then up against her face a bit, marveling how nice it felt, and then finally tossed it inside. She got dressed in a simple sweater, some jeans, sneakers, and put her hair up with a scrunchie, grabbed her purse, and then headed down to her car with the bag, planning to return the costume to the old mans shop. She placed it on her passenger seat and began driving. While she drove she found herself inexplicably wanting to wear it again before returning it. She arrived at the mall parking lot, parked about as far away as you can from the entrance to the mall, and shut off her car.

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Writers note: I stopped it here for a few reasons originally. 1, the story itself could be a jumping off point for a sequel or two with her giving it back to the wizard. It also could end as follows, with her letting it bond to her. I decided to go ahead and include the

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Chapter 7: She keeps it

She sat there for a few minutes, wrestling with the notion that she didn't really have to return the mask/costume like she was asked, and that part of her really wanted to keep it badly. She began thinking aloud. "Hmm, well I did buy you from that old man..." she said, as she looked in and out at the costume in the bag. Its tooth-less mask in this form, faced up from on top of its folded substance, almost as if it were looking up while she spoke about it and to it.

"... and you did nothing wrong, nothing to deserve being consigned to a fate of hanging on a wall... if anything wearing you brought me some joy" she continued, putting her hands on the wheel and looking off into space.

"Lately, everything I have done has been nothing but wrong. My job, my schoolwork; I can't seem to catch a break... but maybe, just maybe you were the break I needed" continued Samantha. She hit the cars cigarette lighter and continued speaking aloud.

"You were nothing more then a mask I found at that old mans shop, just hanging there for god knows how long till I came along and bought you. If I bring you back, who knows how long you will remain there. I don't think thats fair to you, I mean, now that you are alive, who am I to return you to that fate... specially after I took you from it in the first place..." she looked out the window at the cars going by for a few minutes, and then continued

"You are filled with power, lots of power. What would happen if I were to return you, and you were bought by an evil person? If that were to happen, I couldn't live with myself knowing I could have prevented that... and with your ability to change clothes, I would never have to worry about going out of style again. Not only that... " continued Samantha, stammeringly trying to drive her point home "...if what I read about you is true, you can keep your host free of sickness and promote health. That in itself is a great quality that shouldn't be rendered to hanging on a wall in mask form. Wearing you I feel so alive, and free. Look at me right now ... I am a wreck. My hands shaking, my head is pounding, and my ... my..." her face flushed a moment "my pussy is throbbing" she blurted out, not sure why she brought it up.

She fumblingly grabbed a cigarette from the pack in her purse, put it in her mouth and lit it with the cars cigarette lighter. She inhaled and exhaled a few times, then continued to talk while looking in the bag every now and then "You feel so good to wear...and do nothing but help whoever wears you, why shouldn't I keep you? Why do I have to return you? Wearing you last night helped bring about one of the greatest things I have ever done, saving that womans life and stopping a crime. If I hadn't worn you, that woman may have been hurt by that man, or even killed" she took a long drag, and then blew smoke over the bag while she looked in it and continued to talk

"In the comics you were consigned to a villains fate because someone didn't understand your nature, and shunned you for the wrong reasons. Here, I know what you are, what you offer..." She paused ".... and I want it... no, I don't just want it, I need it." she said as she removed the scrunchy from her hair and put her cigarette in the cars ashtray.

She quickly took off her shirt and unbuttoned her jeans. Sitting there in her bra and with unbuttoned jeans for a minute reassuring herself her decision was the right one. She smiled and began talking to it again.

"I chose you of all those masks for a reason.I don't know what that reason is and I don't care. You need a host, someone to wear you who needs you, and I am that person" She said that as she pulled down her pants, sitting in the front seat of her car in her underwear and bra.

"You were an unorthodox answer to my prayers, and I am not foolish enough to turn back now. I am tired of being lonely and a nobody. With you, I am a somebody" She then put her cigarette back in her mouth. She left it there as she took off her panties and unbuttoned her bra, all the while taking a few nervous puffs. She puts her seat back, took one huge puff from the cigarette basicaly finishing it off, and hastily puts it out in her ashtray. She then forcefully threw her discarded clothes in her backseat almost as if she can't wait to get back in the costume, got on her knees while naked and faced her passenger seat with the costume in the bag.

She slowly put her hand in the bag and pulled out the costume and dropped it on the seat in a clump. She tossed the empty bag in the backseat and looked at the costume on the seat.

"You need a host and I want to wear you. Separate, we are just a mask and a lonely college girl, but together, we were and can continue to be something special. Come to me, make me your host,... I am yours!" she said, as she thrusted her hard nippled chest forward, clenched her fists and put her arms out from side to side, closing her eyes on her knees facing it. The costume stirred head/mask first staight up from where she had dropped it and then rose to about even to her in height off the seat. It sent a tendril around her torso that looped around her back to her front on her stomach, almost as it if were using it to brace itself to issue onto her. It sent its mask up toward her head and looped itself around it. As it did this, it also sent a great wave of its substance directly across from the seat, covering her legs and lower body. It was issuing alot of its material on her chest as well. A few moments later she opened her eyes to find they were both inside the costume. She felt the costume bearing down on her face alot harden then it initially had. Her mouth was not covered but it had covered the back of her head along with her shoulders and neck. She saw the costume standing itself up elongated directly across the seat from her, issuing tendrils that were sticking to her body. She felt her pussy get covered and then afterwards, her ass. Her left arm was entirely in the costume in no time and she soon felt that her right arm was as well. She unclenched her hands and saw the costume cover them both. She then reclenched them because the whole proscess was taxingly good feeling. She felt the costume adhere to her jaw, and before long knew that the huge, teeth filled mouth was back in place. She soon found her head was also entirely in costume. Looking down at her chest she noticed her breasts had begun to be covered with the spider symbol but it was not quite completed yet; the bottom of the spider design was not there, and underneath her arms also wasn't covered quite yet either. She could tell that the costume was gathering around her mouth, trying to go in it... so she opened her mouth and the costumes tongue attached in the same way it had done before and rolled out. She began watching her chest get covered while like this, tongue out and all. She felt her legs get coated in its substance and her feet become housed in the costumes "boots" again. Eventually it finished covering her and she was back inside it. Once she was entirely inside it, she felt it bear down on her entire body even more then it was during the initial covering of her. She felt it adhering everywhere to the point she could have described it as crushing, and immediately felt 100x stronger then she had without it on her. She let out a monstrously loud moan and then sat there for a bit, knowing the costume was bonded to her.

After breathing heavy and catching her breath for a time and getting used to how it felt she spoke aloud "I missed you my other, and now we are one. I don't know what I was thinking considering taking you back; you are too wonderful to sit on some wall, and now you will never leave me"

Samantha approvingly looked herself over. "I think we have wasted enough time here, lets go home" she said, and willed the costume to melt on some normal clothes. She started her car, readjusted her seat, and began driving home.

When she pulled up to her house she threw all her discarded clothes that had been accumulating in the car into the bag she had taken the costume down with. She walked in to find a message on her answering machine. It was from Jamie and said she was sorry if she did anything to get Samantha mad at her, and that she would be home later that evening if Samantha wanted to do anything. Samantha threw the bag of clothes she no longer into a corner of her bedroom.

The end  

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