after all, who raised us?

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i come from a generation, of wich i did not plan to be in. i come form a generation of first kisses at 9, virginities lost at14, pregnant and in dept at 16, and in a cop car by 20. i come from a generation, where popularity means more to people than their own sanity. i come from a generaton of attention seekers, and does who fake serious mental illneses for pitty. i come from a generation, where self senterd rapers are said to creat better music than "emos" who's music means the world to many. i come from a geneaton, where nobody has the decency to care. too many busy people "turning up"with their "swag" evrery which way you turn. i come from a generation were they view only your follower acount, friends list, and the number of selfies you take, rather than the way you pupils can triple in size when you see the one you love, or how the same person can make you smile, effortlessly, from ear to ear, until you cheeks hurt. i come from a generation, of which everyone looks down on. and for my generation and the one were currently setting an example for, on their behalf i would like to apologize; i am trulu truly, sorry. i would like to plead my innocencefor i am still a young,banby-less, virgin, who has never had a first kiss and listens to "cutter" music. i would like to say that nobody prayed for a group like this.

but im going to leave you with an idea to think over; for every time you curse, or scream, or complain about us:

After all who raised us?

this is very true because adults complain about this generation but they dont asks themselfs why were like this. and i do want to say im sorry to the generation looking up on us. because i am a baby-less, virgin, who hasnt had her first kiss. i truely am sorry because of what were teaching you. and to the adults who RAISED US. just letting you now that YOU were the ones to RAISE US. so dont cures, scream , or complain we were raised like this.

lots of love

~ mairym aka. heart

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