Chapter Four

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Gahhh sorry, I'm trying to think up a name for Fitz's twin sisters, and I can't think of any so I'll go with whatever. I used Biana and Dex's ship name bc that's not going to be used in this story - a lot of people voted Tam.

"Fitz? Uh..." I felt a blush creep up my neck, then a sudden surge of anger. I had to rub the knot underneath my ribs to keep myself from inflicting on him. I quickly composed myself and asked, "Hi Fitz, what are you doing here - oh hey, Bianca, hi Diana!"

His teal eyes settle on me, doing a once-over and he grinned ever so slightly. "I was just taking these two over here," pointing toward his younger twin sisters, "to send in the form. I would ask you why you're here.... but it's pretty evident with all things considered."

I let out a forced chuckle. He was the reason I was signing up for the Selection. And yet, he was playing it off like I wanted to do it. I hoped with all my heart that I would get into the Selection, not because I want anything to do with Prince Keefe, but because I wanted to get away from here.

There were quite a few awkward moments between us, and I would never look into his eyes. Eventually, when the others were too consumed talking and gossiping about the enemies, he whispered to me, "Treehouse. Midnight. Wednesday." Leaving me hanging, he turned and went for Bianca and Diana. 

While Fitz, Edaline, and Fitz's mother, Della, were talking about who knows what, Diana, Bianca, and I were talking about the chances of being Selected. 

"Oh Sophie, you'll be Selected! You're such a natural beauty!" Diana cried.

"Uhm I-"

"And your so talented and nice, why would Prince Keefe not want you?" Bianca complimented.

I was feeling uncomfortable with compliments, so I turned the focus of the conversation towards them which led to the caste chances. But I couldn't help wondering if they would only pick the women out of beauty. Would they narrow down all the pretty girls who applied, and Select from there? Would they refine from how much power they had? Would they even choose from caste?

As I passed the photographer, I heard her mutter, "Damn, that girl has to be picked otherwise I'm protesting." That gave me rush confidence, and with Fitz and I's secret meeting, maybe he would apologize, even propose! This provided me so much confidence that I'm pretty sure my face radiated pure joy and hope for the picture.

I uttered good luck to Bianca and Diana and left to go home.

The next couple of days passed by, me meeting Livvy, performing, even giving classes though I was not a Three, and soon enough, it was Wednesday evening, I was to go to the treehouse in a couple of hours.

I kept wondering if I should go or not, Fitz just broke up with me over a stupid fight, we've had a relationship for two years. Two freaking years! And he breaks up with me over this?

Then again, work might be hard right now, and his snappy, but he's dealt with so much worse and was still a fantastic boyfriend, was it that he's too comfortable now?

I decided I wasn't going to go. I can't have him on my mind. If a guy thinks it's ok to start yelling at his girlfriend about this silly thing, then he isn't worth it. It was going to be hard to get over him.. but I wouldn't go. I stayed up every night, thinking and crying about him, so I watched from my window to see if he would go to the treehouse. 

He never did.

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