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Kanan POV

I held Ezra's hand tightly as I studied the price on this art kit Sabine wanted dearly. It was at a decent price, but that wasn't the issue. My mind was lost on the thought of what a mess Sabine would make with this little art kit.

"Papa," Ezra whined, sucking on his thumb. The teeth in the back of his mouth are still coming in, even though he's 3. "Hm," I hummed, not looking down at my son. "Can I go get that toy over there?" Ezra asked, pointing behind us. I glanced back to see a stand of stuffed animal owls. Other than cats and wolves, Ezra adores owls.

"Wait a sec, EJ," I murmured, returning my attention to the art kit. Both the kids need clothes too. Ugh, why does Hera trust me to do these dumb supply runs? Actually, do we even have enough credits for clothes and art kits anyway? I lifted my hand up to scratch my chin. Of course, we have enough credits for it but, did I even bring enough credits?

Ya know what? I'll see if we have enough credits after I get the things we actually required. "Come on, Ez," I sighed softly, only to look down to see Ezra nowhere to be seen.

"E-Ezra?! EJ!?" I screeched, panicking, looking around swiftly. The other customers looked over at me in confusion and panic. An employee rushed over to me in the blink of an eye. "What's wrong sir?" Her blond hair flowed down to her chest, her emerald green eyes staring at me with concern.

"My son! My three-year-old son is missing," I huffed.

Ezra POV

I sucked on my thumb, soft slurping noises exiting my mouth. I cuddled my loth-cat stuffed animal to my chest, Peanut, looking around curiously. All the toys here are amazing! "Look Peanut! A sample stand," I cheered happily.

Rushing over quickly, I politely asked for a small cup of ice cream and the man behind the stand handing it to me. "Thank you," I sang sweetly, before licking away at the ice cream. The sweet chocolate cream dripped off my chin and onto my shirt, but I don't mind.

That's when Peanut whispered something to me. "What did you say Peanut," I asked, throwing the empty ice cream cup into the trash. "We left Papa," Peanut told me in his squeaky little voice. He's right! Papa must be worried sick. I began to race back to the other side of the store where I left Papa when I ran straight into something...someone.

I fell down backward and groaned softly in pain. "Oh, sorry child. You must be more careful next time." It was a man, with a soft voice. He wrapped his hands around my waist and bounced me back onto my feet.

"Thank you, sir," I mumbled, rubbing my now aching head. "You may call me, Maul, child."

I noticed his black scars. "Cool," I exhaled in awe, stepping closer. "What are you running for, young child," Maul asked with concern. "My Papa," I sniffled, pointing over to the shelves with the cute owls, "I left to grab one of the toys and the next minute, I',m lost."

Maul frowned for a moment before smiling. "I'll buy the toy for you and then I can help you find your, dear, father," Maul suggested. "Th-that'd be nice," I sniffled, reaching for Maul's hand and squeezing tightly. Maul seemed shocked by this action, before returning the gesture.

"Come, child."

Kanan POV

I searched the store back and forth, inside and out, before racing outside and fumbling around with my phone. It only now occurred to me to call Hera.

Ugh. I'm such an amazing parent -_-

As I began to shakily type in Hera's phone number, I saw that little blue head of hair, sitting on the bench at the bus stop.

When I tell you I hauled ass...I hauled ass. "EJ!" I cried, scooping Ezra into my arms and stroking my fingers through his hair. "Papa!' Ezra squealed happily.

"Oh, you must be the boy's father."

That's when I finally noticed the man who had been sitting next to my son. He reminded me of a prisoner, with black tattoos littering his skin. "Thank you," I sighed softly, pretending to be comfortable around him. "There was no issue. Little...EJ, here, was brave, so we waited out here until we saw you."

When he said that, I knew he didn't know Ezra's actual name. I am actually proud of Ezra for not telling his name, seeing he is still a toddler. "Yeah, Papa! Maul even bought me that toy owl I wanted," Ezra added, shoving the toy in my face, bouncing up and down, energy radiating off of him. "You bought him a toy," I asked with an uncomfortable chuckle.

"He told me he left on purpose to find the toy. He then got lost before I found him," Maul explained, eyeing the small child in my arms, oblivious to the situation. "Well," I smirked, backing away, "Thank you again!"

"Anytime!" Maul replied, turning on his heels and disappearing into an alleyway. "Ezra, what have I told you about walking off?" I scolded when we turned the corner. "Sorry, Papa. I was just walking and got lost, like Maul said," Ezra explained guiltily. I grind my teeth. That name just gives off bad vibes.

"Don't do that again," I growled, ruffling Ezra hair, causing him to giggle. "You nearly gave me a heart attack, kid. Do you know that your mother would kill me, ya know that?" I chuckled with a sigh of relief. "Hehe, that's why you found me right," Ezra yawned, snuggling close to me.

I suppose running off and getting lost is tiring. "You are something, EJ," I muttered, as I entered the house quietly. 

"Love is that you?" I heard Hera call from the kitchen.

Oh boy...

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