17 - s y t t e n [jazper]

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Written by xSanni
Published October 24th
Chapter 17: Jazper

Year 1858

"Mr. Arcidiacono. It's a pleasure to finally meet you." A short man with white hair and round glasses smiled at me, and I thought he looked like a nice person. He probably was. But I was not up for chatting any longer. I needed to get out of here. Who even was this man? 

"Likewise," I replied, nodding politely. "Sir, you haven't possibly seen my sisters?"

"Miss Erika was talking to my son in the other room, just a few minutes ago," the man informed me, looking proud. Of course he was. It was a privilege to talk to me and my family. Especially the girls.

"Thank you, Sir. I'll have to excuse myself now," I said, politely side-stepping him before walking over to the other room. A lot of people tried talking to me, and the room was crowded. We were celebrating. Everybody was happy that my sister, Clarissa, had just gotten married. I knew she wasn't happy herself. But her marrying the prince was a big deal for our family, and to our father, it was all about power. Clarissa would be queen some day, even though she didn't want to.

"Erika?" I called for my sister as I entered the other room. There were many people in here, too, but less than the first room. I could see her talking to a few men in the corner of the room. I quickly walked over to her. "Erika."

Her eyes found mine, and she suddenly looked worried when seeing my frown. "Jazper. What's wrong?" She asked, pushing past the man in her way.

I swallowed. "Have you seen Clarissa since the ceremony?"

She shook her head slightly, making a blond strand of hair fall out of its original position on top of her head. "No. I thought she was with father."

"Our parents are talking to the guest, and they don't seem worried," I informed her. I looked around this room, hoping to maybe find Clarissa somewhere in here.

"Maybe she went somewhere with Tom?" She suggested. "Have you seen him?"

"He's the one who told me to look for her in the first place," I told her, even more worried now. "They were supposed to read that speech together, but when Clarissa didn't show up, Tom had to do it alone. You know Clarissa. She would never just disappear like that."

"You think she is with Prince Antonio?" She whispered, leaning forward slightly.

I felt my jaw tense at the thought, but it was the only option left. "That man is ill in the head."

Our father didn't really care about how Clarissa's husband would act, as long as he was powerful. And Prince Antonio, Clarissa's new husband, was a real idiot. Erika, Tom, Clarissa and I didn't like anything about him. 

Taking a hold of my hand, Erika started pushing past the other people, almost tripping in her floor-long dress. She knew that Antonio would try pressuring sweet Clarissa into something she wouldn't want. "If only we had the ability to run faster," she said as we entered the room I first was in.

"I don't think it's possible in these clothes," I said, breathing heavily. As we reached the exit to this room, we had to stop to catch our breath. Running was never a problem when sword fighting.

And if I can hardly run in my clothes, how can Erika run in hers? Her dress is giant, and that corset must be killing her.

"Come on. We don't have time to breathe," Erika said as she started jogging up the stairs. "Clarissa? Clarissa?"

"Clarissa!" I called, jogging behind Erika. If only I could hear better, so that I'd be able to know which room she was in. "Clarissa, are you up there?"

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