20 - t j u e

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Written by xSanni
Published March 1st 2016
Chapter 20

"Um, Samuel?!" I asked, watching Bree warily, completely clueless to what on earth was even happening.

The people in the café had their eyes on the poor girl, calling out for help. "Is she okay?!" "What happened?!" "Should I call an ambulance?!"

"I don't get it... It's only 2 pm..." Samuel muttered, shaking his head. Then he got up as well, lifting his hand before letting it drop again. He didn't know what to do. "Jenny, carry Bree out of here. I'll compel these people to forget. Take her to a place where there aren't any people."

I knew not to ask questions now, and that Samuel probably had this under control. So I bent down beside Bree and grabbed a hold of her waist. She didn't flinch. She didn't stop. She didn't do any-freaking-thing! "Waqalat 'annaha sawf yakun almanzil..." 

I picked her up with no problem, and didn't give Samuel another look before using my supernatural speed to get the hell out of the crowded area. I ran for a while, before settling down in the girls bathroom. I put Bree down carefully, afraid of what she was feeling at the moment. 

Was she possessed or something?

"Bree?" I patted her cheek.

"It won't work."

I turned my head to see Samuel walking in and locking the door behind him.

"Why? What's going on?"

"Exactly what we were talking about before. The guy in her head. He usually enters her mind at 2 pm everyday, but it's only 11:43 am. I don't get it."

"W-well, can we help her?" I'm stressing

"We can't do anything."

"Is she hurting?"

"Yes, but as I said, we can't help her. It'll end in three hours. Or at least...it should. But it started earlier now..." Samuel found his phone, and furiously started tapping down at it.

I took Bree's hand, looking at her with pity. She shouldn't have to go through all this.

"Waqalat 'annaha sawf yakun almanzil...Waqalat 'annaha sawf yaku-" Bree cut herself off with a big gasp as shesat up straight, her eyes wide as they returned to its normal brown colour again. 


"He's getting closer," she said, getting up as if this was a normal routine. She started walking around, talking fast to Samuel. "He's getting real close." Then it turned into mumbling that even I couldn't quite catch. "And I'll protect the others... He only wants me... But dangerous, yes... Maybe if...and I'll just..."

"Is there anything I can help you with?" I asked. I just absolutely hated the feeling of being useless, and if I could help then I definitely would.

Bree turned to me, pulling a hand through her messy hair. "None of us can do anything but wait. And hopefully, when he comes, we'll be ready."

"And what if we aren't?"

She looked at the ground before meeting my eyes. "Let's just hope we are."


"Jenny, I swear I'm fine," Bree said through the phone.

"But what if something happens while you're sleeping?"

Three hours after the incident, I headed back home, but not before getting Bree and Samuel's phone numbers. I made them promise to call if something happened, and text me updates. I felt a little uneasy about leaving Bree after witnessing what apparently was a normal everyday thing for her, but I needed to go back, and so did they.

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