Path to the City of Mist

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The Group waited till morning before they grabbed their stuff and prepared to go into the cave that led towards Leynavándr. Edrahil rose from his trance-like meditation as if he had simply pondered on his knowledge through the night, both Aramil and the Dwarf simply came out of their tents with a look of refreshed. Meanwhile, Pebbles, the Tiefling Warlock, sat by the edge of the camp looking out. The three looked at each other silently telling of their distrust to the outsider, but he was the only one that could guide them through the tunnel to Leynavándr. They quickly packed up their things and placed them into their bags.

"What a lovely morning to traverse a deep and dark cavern, wouldn't you say?" Aramil exclaimed with a smile as he finished packing.

"It is indeed, the sunlight will be perfect to help us see the exits from within the tunnel." Pebbles replied with a monotonous voice as he picked up his staff and tightened his bag.

Aramil looked back with some annoyance as he expected a different response from him, still he could not deny that that was something important to finding a cave's exit. The dwarf grinned a little at Aramil before he tightened his satchel and grabbed onto his axe, Edrahil seemed as if he was already ready for their journey into the cave. The three began to walk towards the entrance to the cave.

Pebbles walked forward, "Before we begin, I have to tell you that the path is not the most clear path of all. This path inside the mountain is not straightforward and branches into many paths that are uncharted and unknown to most but the inhabitants of the mountains, so I'd advise from straying off the path."

With that he entered the mountain into the dark abyss of the cave, the rest simply followed along silently. Inside it was narrow, two people could barely fit side by side inside, the ceiling was rather low, making Pebble's horns scrape off of the ceiling. They walked for hours on end through tight turns and gaps, they almost did not have space to breathe or move. The dwarf grumbled in anger as his companions appeared to be a bit too clumsy for traversal within the rocky passage as he was already accustomed to from his childhood within the dwarven mountains. Pebbles himself did not seemed at all annoyed or confused inside the dark and closed off paths, his tail making small swishes on the ground. The three did not require for any torches or light for their eyes were adapted to the darkness due to their parentage. Their journey was mostly silent as they were accompanied with the sound of their footsteps, their smell mixed with the warmth of the cave made the journey more unpleasant than what was expected.

Eventually, the group found themselves at a large room, much larger than what the whole journey had been, it felt as large as a royal ballroom, large enough for it to fit a thousand people. 

"I believe this is a suitable place for us to rest for a little bit, I hope you brought some food along." Pebbles said as he surveyed the area.

"That would be the wise thing to do, Tiefling." Edrahil replied, "If I may, how much longer would it take for us to reach the other side of the mountain for us to reach Leynavándr?"

"Yeah, horny, how much longer? Because Beardy over here is starting to smell pretty bad." Aramil replied loud enough for the Dwarf to hear.

"Si tir ti keefum! Wux visp wharacic di ve silpefreni!" The Dwarf exclaimed with anger.

"I do not think he meant to offend you." Edrahil said.

"Si tir ti doege sjek jaci meant ekess offend ve, jaci shilta ti yenta nomenes youwei ekess ve."

"I understand, still I would advise rest for an hour or two."

"I'd say that it would take just a couple of hours, maybe two or three before we could go outside." Pebbles replied.

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