Warriors of the Green

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The Sound of metal feet clashing upon the rock could be heard from outside of the tavern as the group ran outside. The soldiers's screams could be heard as they all ran towards the city gates, the Dwarf mumbled something before he ran over to the gates, Edrahil sighed as he ran to catch up to him while Aramil finished drinking a pint of ale he had taken from inside the tavern and qickly followed them. The streets were chaos, as the guards ran towards the walls and the gates while the people ran into their homes closing every door and window. 

"Get into your homes! The army is coming! The army is coming!" A guard said as the Dwarf ran past towards the gates.

As he arrived, with Edrahil and Aramil in toe, they saw a crowd of guards blocking the way "Move, wux xsio malairi!", the Dwarf exclaimed in anger as he pulled his axe from his back.

Edrahil took a breath as he approached the nearest guard a young man with orange hair and a very freckled face with the bluish armor , "Will you let us pass? We want to see what's going on."

"Ya newcomers? The army's a comin' and they're looking fahr our monay and food." He said with a thick accent and very crude voice,  "Lett just say thot Da Mayor pramis'd them lotsa maney and their ere to collect."

Aramil laughed, "Well, friend, don't worry because the Mayor is never going to do something that stupid ever again!" 

"Wot? Wot are ya sayan?"  He looked confused.

"I took care of such a Mayor problem." Aramil stated proudly with his arms raised to the sky and a wide smile.

The guard looked at Edrahil in confusion, he looked at the guard, "The Mayor is dead, he won't do this kinds of things anymore." He said in a stoic voice before he walked to the front of the guards.

As the three men reached the front they were greeted by an army of soldiers clad in white and green armor. A man who wore no armor but did keep the white and green colors walked up from the group of soldiers towards the guards and adventurers, he was tall, human and of advanced age with silver hair and a thick beard. Behind him another very tall man appeared, he was almost two meters tall clad in full plate armor so thick one couldn't even see the next layer of metal. 

The Dwarf gripped his axe tightly as Edrahil tried to calm him down with a wave of his hand, as Aramil scanned the man in the armor. The first man looked at them and gave a grunt of dismissal, just as he did he pulled out a piece of parchment. Before he got to reading it the man in the armor looked away and whispered something into his ear, the other man gave a quizzical look back before he cleared his throat.

"We come at the behest of the armed forces of Cathair Bathacain, we have come to Leynávandr because we were promised coin and resources for our campaign. Commander Talaidhear Dhurat has come alongside the company to reclaim what has been promised. So bring us the Mayor, who has what is promised." He enunciated with a clear and commanding voice.

Aramil chuckled, he stepped in front and before anyone could stop him he spoke out, "Well, sorry to disappoint Cat-something, but I want you to know that the Mayor is not going to be able to keep his promise."

"So he's dead." The one in full plate spoke, the voice inside didn't sound much like a man's but it was clouded by metalic echoes but it was definetely a soft voice for a man.

"Gethrisj mojka ghoros wux tafiaf wer diieson haurach." The Dwarf replied with a grumble.

"I am afraid that is not going to happen, we were promised coin and supplies, and we won't leave without them." Their voice resonated as they began to pull their sword from their sheath.

The Dwarf raised his axe, Edrahil sighed and said, "Why must we always fight everyone?" as he readied his staff and prepared to call upon his incantations.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2019 ⏰

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