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"Oh - so sorry! I was just trying

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"Oh - so sorry! I was just get" Ivory trailed off as her eyes met up with Sirius's twinkling eyes.

Ivory's jaw clenched for less than a second before she relaxed it and tried to move away from him.

"I was just trying to get this book," she repeated as she walked away.

"Ivory!" Sirius called out.

Ivory froze. She didn't know what to expect if she turned around. She didn't know if he would say something that would make her heart throb or her eyes full of tears.

"Some of your stuff is in my room. When you have time, can you come and grab it?" Sirius asked.

Ivory still didn't turn around. "Yeah, of course. I have all the cards and letters you've written and made for me. I'll drop them off."

He didn't say anything, so Ivory walked away and out of the library.

Sirius rubbed his nose with his hand and sniffled. He let out a groan and banged his head on a table. "Stupid, stupid," he whispered to himself.

"Bloody stupid," James said as the rest of the Marauders walked out of the invisibility cloak.

"Apologize to her," Remus told Sirius.

"For what?" questioned Sirius. "I didn't do anything wrong. She's been hiding this from me for almost a year!"

"She had a reason, didn't she? She said she wasn't allowed to tell anyone," Remus said.

"I was her boyfriend."

"I was her friend," Remus argued. "You can't get it through your thick and stubborn skull that you two still love each other and you're not actually mad."

"I'm not - ? I'm bloody mad, Moony! I'm furious! She's so fucking confusing and annoying and infuriating!"

"Snap out of it!" Remus shouted.

"Don't you fucking tell me what to do, Lupin!" Sirius shouted as he bunched up Remus's shirt in his fist and lifted him up.

James tried to pull Sirius away from Remus, but ended up punching Sirius across the face.

Sirius spat saliva out onto the library floor. "Guess I kind of deserved that, eh?"

"Moony is right, Padfoot. You have to stop being stubborn," James huffed out.

"Why me? She's stubborn, too."

"Yes, but who do you think we're more scared of? A black dog or a female who has a very sharp and pointy bow? Let us remind you that females also bleed for a week without dying and that they are wonderfully beautiful," James commented.

Sirius sighed. "It's been two weeks, James. We both still haven't cooled down and I just made things worse."

"I think it's you who hasn't cooled down. It's pretty obvious she didn't want to lie, but if literally every teacher and staff at this school was in on it, then students were obviously not supposed to know," Remus replied.

"What should I do?"

"You? You should make a lot of cards and buy flowers," James replied.

"Maybe stop flirting with girls and show other girls that you're trying to get Ivory back, so maybe they'll put in a good word?" Peter asked.

The rest of the Marauders were silent. They couldn't believe that Peter actually had a good idea.

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