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Ivory had a loving relationship with Sirius - even after graduating Hogwarts, but good endings had to eventually end

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Ivory had a loving relationship with Sirius - even after graduating Hogwarts, but good endings had to eventually end. Ivory promptly broke up with Sirius a few months after they graduated because she was offered a job at the Romanian Dragon Sanctuary.

It was her dream job, especially since most locations wouldn't accept because of what she wanted to do with the dragons. They thought it was ridiculous. Well, she proved them wrong.

The Romanian Dragon Sanctuary quickly became the best sanctuary in the Wizarding World. They were known for how calm and tame their dragons could be. Because of how calm and tame they were, breeding became much easier to deal with. New breeds were being birthed every month because of Ivory's talents in making them docile.

Sometimes, she thought about what her life would be if she didn't break up with Sirius. Sometimes, it didn't feel like they broke up. Even when they did break up, they still had one last goodbye kiss before she left for Romania.

"Come back," Sirius pleaded.

Ivory looked at him sadly. "I will, you git. I always will."

"This house is yours too. Don't ever forget," he said.

Ivory looked around 12 Grimmauld Place. "As if I ever could." She looked at him. "One last kiss?"

He stepped closer to her. "I thought we'd broken up."

"Doesn't mean we don't love each other anymore."

He kissed her and she kissed back. What was meant to be one kiss, turned into a slow and loving snogging.

Ivory returned when Lily gave birth to a Harry Evans-Evanescence. Lily had used James as a donor, since Effie and her couldn't actually have their own children. When Ivory held Harry, she was a tad bit jealous that she couldn't have her own children, but she didn't mind. She was still young at the ripe age of twenty. Lily was also twenty, but she didn't seem to mind either. Effie and Lily deemed Ivory as the godmother and Sirius as the godfather.

She stayed at 12 Grimmauld Place for six days with Sirius before she had to return to Romania. Then, two years later, she came back for Lily and Effie's funeral. Shortly after, Sirius had been detained for murdering Effie and Lily, Peter, and twelve Muggles. Voldemort went into hiding after almost being defeated by Harry Evans-Evanescence, the Boy-Who-Lived.

Ivory didn't believe the papers. She never would. He wasn't capable of it. A man, who had fought against his parents and bloodline, could not have done it - especially since he was the godfather to Harry.

Ivory fought against Dumbledore hard. He had tried to hide Harry from the Wizarding World until he was of age, but she didn't like that one bit.

Petunia may have been Lily's blood-related sister, but she was no mother to Harry. Ivory was the godmother. She had a rightful claim to the 2-year-old.

She kept fighting and fighting. Even after Petunia and her husband got custody of Harry, she still kept fighting. The Ministry was sick of her filing cases back and forth, but with the help of Minerva McGonagall, she had solid reasoning.

Minvera may have worked under Dumbledore, but she didn't agree with him. Harry needed to be protected and taught spells from a young age if he wanted to be the one to defeat Voldemort.

Shortly after Harry turned five, Ivory gained custody of him. Petunia was more than happy to hand him over to him. Ivory had become his mother figure at the age of twenty-five.

She quit her job at the sanctuary, became a normal musician, and moved into 12 Grimmauld Place with Harry. Every night, she told him stories of his parents and his godfather.

Harry had even started calling her mum. She disagreed with it, saying that she could never compete with his biological, beautiful mother and his other gorgeous mother who had died protecting him, but Harry didn't mind, even as he grew older.

"Oh - my boy is growing up," Ivory whimpered.

"Mum, stop tearing up. This is embarrassing," Harry muttered.

She frowned and smacked his head. "Well, I'm sorry! I'm going to be lonely with you at Hogwarts! What else am I supposed to do?"

"Go to work?" he suggested. "You have been wanting to go on that world tour with your orchestra."

"Well, I suppose so, but what about holiday breaks?" Ivory questioned.

"I'll be fine. Trust me. I'm not going to die or something," said Harry, rolling his eyes.

"Harry Potter, do not joke about that, young man."


The train gave its final warning hoot.

"You should go," she whispered. "Godric, your parents would be so proud. I'll see you soon, okay? Owl me tonight!"

Harry nodded as he boarded the train. "I will, Mum!"

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