Chapter 22

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Battles raged, some left you on the edge of your seat while others didn't (Iida's *cough cough*) it is time for yours, the exact reason why you and Ashido are currently facing off.
"Of let's have ourselves a real good fight (y/n)!!" Ashido yells so you nod with a grin.
"I'm sure we will Ashido!!" You yell back as you both assume your fighting positions.
Quirk usage begins at once with you sending out your chains and her skating towards you with the help of her quirk.
"I'm gonna get cha' Tetsutetsu!!" Ashido calls just before she skates by you, you narrowly dodged her.
"Try it!" You watch her closely to try to catch onto the pattern of her skating, she throws acid at you in response so you guard with a shield made of chains, it melts.
"Gosh dang that stuff packs a punch." You tell her with your mouth gaping open as you watch her through the melted hole in the attempted shield.
"Yeah it's a nice quirk to have!!" Ashido grins just before you two return to your fight.
"WHO'S GONNA WIN!! WE'VE GOTTA WAIT AND SEE!!" Present Mic screams as you are finally able to hit Ashido.
Ashido watches you, seeming to try to figure out what way is best to attack you, she knows she can melt your chains but they aren't all that weak and with how you send them out in droves there might be missed targets.
After taking time to make a strategy of your own you sigh knowing this is a fight you'll have to give your all in because she has the advantage because overuse of your quirk can injure you and she is able to melt the chains.
Ashido prepares to skate towards you so you send out your chains in a tightly bound ball... something that will hopefully not melt to fast and will act as a decent battering ram so you finally charge her.
"Whoa this is unexpected." Ashido grunts as she tries to not be pushed back but to your luck she takes a few steps.
"It's something I've gotta do." You explain as you hear a sizzle, the chains are melting.
"Well then I've got to do my own thing too." Ashido responds as the sizzling grows louder so you attempt to push your body to regenerate the pieces of melted chain.
"You're getting worn out Tetsutetsu." Ashido comments as you wince from the difficulty of doing this tactic you haven't entirely trained yet.
"It's not my choice!" You yell as you try to force her back, some work is done so she pushes to melt the chains faster, this strategy is not going to work.
'Welp mom I've got to attempt something new so don't murder me.'

-during training before the sports festival
"Our quirk is one that has its own advantages and disadvantages (Y/n) so all we can do is learn from the people who've already learned and attempt to make our own attacks." Your mother, Hannah briefs you before training begins.
"If you had to be honest whose quirk is easier to use, ours or dad's and Tetsutetsu's?" You question so Hannah blinks with a small sigh.
"Your dad's and Tetsutetsu's.," she responds so you purse your lips and try to think of a way to defeat Tetsutetsu if you both are put in a match together "... but with ours we just need to learn and strategize so if we train to be fast we could be practically unstoppable, especially to the boys."
You look at your mom while sweatdropping, "So we have to do speed exercises?"
She nods with a evil grin so you curse whatever cruel being forced you to share quirks with your mother.
"But another thing.," Hannah mentions so you look at her once more "we have a ever evolving quirk so this.," Hannah stops talking and focuses for a moment until a huge chain comes out of her back causing a lot of surprise to you but she is unfazed by the huge object that is protruding from her back "Even my father couldn't do and with experience you could too."

'Yep I'm so gonna be murdered.' You chuckle internally as you imagine all of the iron in your body combining into one huge chain until-
"TETSUTETSU?! SHE HAS CREATED A CHAIN THAT IS GIGANTIC! THERE'S A LOT OF BLOOD THOUGH... LITERALLY A LOT! THIS ROUND WITH THAT MOVE INCLUDED COULD EITHER BE WON OR LOST BY TETSUTETSU!" Present mic announces as you pant from pain and look up to Ashido, you have her and the crowd surprised and at the edges of their seats, you allow the ball of chains to drop and disconnect from your body.
'I will win!' You mentally yell as a battle cry before stepping forward and directing the chain to hit Ashido, she attempts to quickly make a wall with her acid but doesn't have enough time so it's a K.O..
"TETSUTETSU WINS! TETSUTETSU WINS!" Present mic literally screams, you for a moment think he is shaking Aizawa as you allow yourself to relax and the chain collapses from your back.
"C'mon you! There's no need to be hurting yourself like that just to win!" Ashido yells as she runs up to you and walks you out of the arena.
"I'm sure you're not in very good shape yourself." You comment as you acknowledge the fact that you've probably bruised her hip from the hit.
"You're the one bleeding!"
"So what!"
And with that fight you got a new friend in your classmate Ashido Mina.


"(Y/N)!!" The voice of Hannah yells as the door to the nurses office swings open.
"M-mom!" You gasp in shock.
"Mrs. Tetsutetsu your daughter will be just fine, I healed her wound and gave her some iron pills to help with how she used so much of the iron in her blood for the fight but I do think she should sleep for the next fight or two." Medicine girl tells your mom as she watches you closely to ensure that her child isn't more hurt than she appears.
"You're grounded." Hannah announces with a angry tone and her eyes appearing to be lit with a flame.
"What!? C'mon I still won!" You whine so she purses her lips then nods.
"Ok but remember you aren't able to use such intense moves yet because it causes strain on your skin so if you want to be ungrounded make it into the top five." Hannah tells you so you sigh and nod in agreement.
"I'll retrieve your for your brother and Kirishima's fight so rest up." Hannah tells you with a lighter look in her eyes, she is just worried you conclude.
"Rest up (Y/N)." Hannah tells you before leaving.

"THE TIME HAS COME FOR US TO SEE WHO WINS! KIRISHIMA OR TETSUTETSU!" Present mic yells as you watch the boys arm wrestle on a agreement between the two after a attempted match of normal fighting.
'I honestly have no clue on who to cheer for.' You think to yourself as Eijiro pushes Tetutetsu's hand down bit by bit until... he wins.
"AFTER THE DRAW EARLIER KIRISHIMA HAS WON!!" Present mic announces as Tetsutetsu whines about something, something you presume to be about a lack iron cause yep you just experienced that issue.
"Hey they are shaking hands." Hagane announces proudly at the fact that his son is such a good sport.
"I'm not entirely surprised." You announce smiling at this scene that these goofballs have created.

A/N: hey guys sorry about the very very late into the night/morning update. I just realized I'll be without internet for a couple days so I decided to update early and I apologize if I'm a Mary Sue in this chapter cause fights aren't my forté but I also wanted it to be able to be like you were watching this in the anime so I tried! With this update I have a special shout out that I did that I'd love for you guys to checkout so please do so and have a good day/night. LOVE Y'ALL!!

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