Chapter 43

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After healing you and the others had to go through numerous inquiries and processes until finally you could return to school. "TH-THEY CAME BACK!!! THEY'RE BAAACCKK!!" Mineta wails as you, Tsuyu, Midoriya and Eijiro return to the dorms and instantaneously everyone starts yelling over each other and Momo rushes to hug you while the others are greeted.

"I was so scared for you!" Momo cries so you squeeze her with a chuckle.

"Its alright, a couple scars never killed a person." You respond so Momo nods and wipes her eyes.

"I KNOW EVERYONE WAS WORRIED, BUT!!! LETS CALM DOWN!!," Iida shouts authoritatively, taking everyone aback. "YOU ALL SAW THE NEWS DIDN'T YOU, SO YOU ALL KNOW WHAT THEY WENT THROUGH! As classmates we need to be sensitive to their feelings and let them rest. Its not just their bodies but also their souls hurting."

You look at Iida and cross your arms, readying to butt in until Midoriya does. "Iida, Iida.," Midoriya tries to catch Iida's attention and finally does. "Thank you but I'm ok." Midoriya gives Iida a smile and instantly Iida breaks.

"Well then... I WAS SOOOO WORRIED!!! NONE OF YOU HAVE THE SLIGHTEST IDEA OF HOW I-" Iida yells just before being cut off by Sero.

"You're more intense then us!" Sero shouts before Momo gains a face that says 'I have a job to do'.

"I'll make some lavender herbal tea!! It will put your hearts at ease!" Momo announces before running off before Sato approaches you guys.

"Eat some chocolate cake!" Sato says before giving you a piece and trying to make Midoriya eat one.

"Y'know something doesn't feel right..." You comment as you give Eijiro a piece of your cake until Sero practically attacks the two of you.


"Kirishima, Tetsutetsu.," Ashido's voice rings out so the two of you look at her. "Are you ok?"

"I've got a long way to go." Eijiro tells her so she nods.

"I see.," She responds before looking to you. "And you?"

You give her a sad smile and hover your hand over your heart as you think of something that disappoints you. "I have more maturing to do before I can be a hero.," Ashido looks at you with curiosity but you aren't willing to admit what happened back there, the numerous times you nearly gave up because you didn't know if Eijiro was ok. "But even then... don't we all?"

Ashido smiles at you and nods in agreement before turning to Ochako and Tsuyu. "What did you mean by that?" Eijiro questions so your shoulders slump.

"I don't know if I can tell you yet..." You whisper so Eijiro takes your hand and squeezes it.

"Ok, I'm going to head to bed... if you need me just come over." Eijiro tells you before he releases your hand and walks away.

"I just finished the tea!" Momo calls out so you walk to the kitchen to get a cup.


Eijiro stands in front of you defensively as the two of you watch The Eightfold cleansers and The League of Villains closely. "Boy you might as well give her up." Hood says with his hands shoved in his pockets.

"No I will never give up (Y/N)!! I'm going to protect her!!," Eijiro yells as he uses his quirk. "UNBREAKABLE!!"

Instantly Eijiro is completely covered in jagged stone and is looking ready to kick some villain butt. "Eijiro this won't work! There's too many of them!" You shout as you try to grab his shoulders to hold him back.

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