Chapter 3

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Horace's P.O.V.

I was never the one to suggest swimming, but because of how close the beach was, Claire and Olive asked to go nearly everyday. I really do hope Enoch decides to tag along, he rarely ever comes with us.

I was about to climb the stairs to my room when Millard stopped in front if me. I could just tell he was wearing a smirk.

"Did your boyfriend decide to come?" He asked and poked my shoulder. Did he mean Enoch? He must be kidding.

"What are you talking about, Millard?" I replied but when Millard laughed and walked past me, I just shook my head and went to my room. Millard thinks we like each other, what an idiot! Just because I'm the only one who talks to him does not mean I fancy him.

I kept trying to deny it to myself, but every time I do I think back to last night. I hadn't meant to fall asleep on him, I was simply exhausted. When I woke up I felt happy and content; I liked being next to Enoch. Who was I kidding, I loved being next to him. As mushy as it sounds, I can't put up with his smile, its rare but its lovely. He's the only one who helps me with the night terrors, and I always feel a bit nervous around him, and I loved watching him focus on his homunculi. He was just adorable, too. Thanks, feelings. Even though I'm as old as a bat, I still had the mindset of a teenager. It felt weird thinking about it. I like Enoch.
I like like him. I had never fancied anyone else before, but its silly to think about.

What was Millard going to do? He was going to tell Enoch, for sure. He can never keep his trap shut. Enoch's going to kill me and I'm going to lose my best friend.

Thoughts were just pouring through my head and into my stomach to where I felt as if I was about to explode. Just before I was going to head to the bathroom, I heard Millard enter my room.

"Exactly the person I wanted to see at the moment," I grumbled and laid down on my bed. I usually never acted this way.

"Woah, whats up?" he inquired as if he knew nothing. Clearly, he knows something. And I don't like it at all.

"You know exactly what I mean! Enoch." I ran my hands down my face and let out a sigh. Millard let out a laugh.

"I get it, you just now realized it, huh?"

"Why do you know everything? Why is this happening? He's going to kill me," I exclaimed.

"Not if the feeling is mutual, my friend." I froze. What does he mean? Enoch can't possibly like me. Not in a million years. Millard saw the confused look on my face. "Oh come on, everyone knows it but you both. You guys are love birds!" I shook my head. He's just trying to tease me like always, that's what he does. "You're blushing, see!"

"No this isn't happening, I don't like Enoch and we're not love birds!" I stood up from my bed and held the door open. "Now please leave," I demanded obviously annoyed. Millard shrugged his shoulders and walked away disappointed. He's just playing a trick on me, or perhaps he made another bet with Emma and is just trying to win. But he's wrong, Enoch and I are best pals. Millard just got to my head, what was I thinking? I was caught in the moment and I was overwhelmed. Enoch is not "adorable" he is simply a handsome man and one is able to notice beauty without desire. And he is my best pal, he helps me like any other friend would do. Every one likes to watch him work, its fascinating. And if Millard decides to tell Enoch I like him, so be it. I will just deny and he will believe me. Simple as that. I do not like Enoch.

I took a deep breath and brushed off my suit. I'm all good. Me and Enoch are friends.


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