Chapter 4

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Enoch's P.O.V.

      I had a plan. I was terrified and I'm pretty sure I was going to throw up any minute, but I had a plan. Before we left for the beach, Millard came in and talked to me. He told me something I never thought would come true; Horace liked me. After all this time telling myself I didn't like him because I knew he would never feel the same way and then he would hate me and then it would be awkward and then we would spend the rest of our endless time here hating each other, it was all for nothing. I could have told him sooner....

      I'm just so curious how Millard knew. And if Horace told him, how long did it take him to realize? I held the clay kitten in my hand in stroked it while he purred. I seldom made anything other than my tiny soldiers out of clay, but I knew Horace would love it. Now that I thought about my plan, it was kind of ridiculous. I guess all that matters is that Horace gets the message.


      After supper, we all gathered around the living room to play truth or dare, a game we played quite frequently when we were bored. I usually stayed hidden in my room while every one else enjoyed their game, but I decided to play because of Horace. Well, and because Millard practically begged me.

      "Who wants to start us off?" Olive asked us. Emma and Hugh both raised their hands, and Hugh won after a game of Rock-Paper-Scissors. He looked around the group and settled on me.

      "Enoch, truth or dare." I sighed.

      "Dare," I said nonchalantly. None of their dares were too scary.

      "Hmmm....kiss someone in this circle," he dared me, wiggling his eyebrows. I though for a moment before kissing the back of my hand. "You can't do that!"

      "Be more specific, next time," I told him with a smirk. I knew exactly what they were thinking, Millard probably told them. It didn't faze me if they knew, but I wasn't going to be forced to kiss Horace. Hugh frowned. "So....Millard," I looked at him with a devilish grin. "Truth or dare?" He said dare and I pretended to think for a moment, "kiss the person to your left." It just so happened to be Bronwyn. And Millard has told basically everyone how much he loves her. Oops. I could feel him shooting daggers at me with his eyes, but he looked at Bronwyn and shrugged like it was no big deal. Wyn was blushing furiously and Millard gave her a quick peck on her cheek. She giggled.

      "Alright," he started, "Horace, you haven't gone yet. Truth or dare?" I prayed that he wouldn't pick dare, I knew what Millard was going to do. Horace looked up from staring at his hands.

      "Oh, um....well every one is picking dare and that's not turning out so well, so I guess I'll go with Truth," he replied. A huge wave of relief spread through me, but I still knew that this game could be toxic. I just hope Millard wouldn't ruin my chance to ask Horace in my own way. He knew I had a plan.

      "Alright, then. Have you ever fancied someone?" Horace looked confused but answered anyway.

      "Unless you're a loony, I guess every
one has at some part in their lives." Good answer. Millard sighed at the vague answer he was given, but the game continued, the questions and dares getting less dramatic. Until the end. Millard must have been pissed with me, which only makes him a hypocrite for telling Hugh to dare me to kiss someone in the circle. Soon all of the younger children left for bed and Jacob went back to the present.

      "I'm going to head upstairs and get some shut eye," Horace said as he stood up and brushed off his suit. I always loved it when he did that. Without Horace here, I had no reason to keep playing so I stood up to leave as well.

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