Diagon Alley

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Eileen's POV

Today is the day before school and I decided to go to Diagon Alley.

I change into this outfit.

There, I won't look that scary

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There, I won't look that scary.


I step down the train and walk through the crazy street. As soon as I was seen, people started to whisper.

"Isn't she the Dark Lord's daughter?"

I rolled my eyes, of course I am.

"Why is she here, bitch."

Hmph, who is the bitch, may I ask. And I'm here to buy things, Dumbo.

"When you go to Hogwarts, dear, don't get too near her."

No need, I won't even get near them.

I walk down the street, wand in my pocket.

Well, first shop, book store.

I walk in and bought all the books I need and some others that I want to put in my library

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I walk in and bought all the books I need and some others that I want to put in my library.

As soon as I walk out, I went to find my robes. And unfortunately, I met Malfoy and Potter.

"Well, isn't it the famous Harry Potter," I taunted

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"Well, isn't it the famous Harry Potter," I taunted.

"And who are you exactly?" He asked.

I look at Malfoy who is staring at me the whole time then back at Potter.

"None of your business," I replied.

"Well, it a pleasure to meet you, are you going to Hogwarts too?"

"I think that's none of your business too, is it?" I smirked.

Malfoy step forward and said," Who are you?"

I glared back and smirked," Didn't I just said it's none of your business? If you guys want to live, then get the fucking shit out of my sight."

Malfoy snarled while Potter leaves the shop.

"Who do you think you are?"

"And who do you think you are talking to me like this?" I said while Madam helps me measure my robes.

He was about to reply when someone tapped on his shoulder.

"Lucius, pleasure to meet you," I said.

He looked at me and back at his son and said," Do I know you?"

I smiled, sending shivers down their spines and said," I don't think so, but you soon will."

I paid my bill and left the store.

Next stop, pet store.

I walk inside and found where they sold cats

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I walk inside and found where they sold cats.

"Welcome, which one do you want?"

I look around and found what I want, two tigers, disguised as cats.

"These two please," pointing at them. The lady nodded her head and I picked them up.

"You're very lucky, you know," she said," No one has ever got that close to them without getting hurt."

I smiled and paid my money.

After a trip to every store I wanted to go, I went home and get ready for tomorrow.

What a tough day.


Sorry guys, a little short.

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