"Aye could you hand me that towel?" Omari asked Mariah. Damn her body bangen, he thought to himself.Mariah through the towel at him and sucked her teeth.
"So when you planning on leaving Najae' sorry ass?" Mariah asked me. I'm getting so sick and tired of her bringing that shit up it's starting to make my head hurt. Plus, before we got involved we agreed it would just be a fucking thing. Damn, she was really working my nerves.
Snapping me out of my thought, Mariah slapped my head and said, "Hello, you heard me fool!" Before I knew it I back handed the hell out of her. She held her face in shock, because I never put my hand on her the whole three months we'd been doing our thing. I knew I had to tell her what she wanted to hear.
"I'm so sorry baby," I lied." I will never raise my hands to you again." I'm going to leave her soon, just give me time to figure out how i'm going to do it."
I really wasn't planning on leaving Najae' for Mariah, I just had to tell her something to get her to shut up. Even though the p*ssy was the best I ever had, emotionally, she could never live up to Na standards. She was the city freak, had a boyfriend, and had 2 kids. There was noway in hell I was about to play step daddy.
Me and Mariah had been fucking around for three months now. I loved fucking her, I guess since she was a freak, she did things that Najae' couldn't do. I'd been lying to her for the past months now. I told her we started working 7 days a week now so I could spend my weekends with Mariah. Her boyfriend never questioned her where abouts, so we'd get a hotel every weekend out of town, and of course she paid for it. She decided to go out last weekend so when I came home early I lied to Najae', fucked her, and let her go out with that bitch Co-Coa to keep her mind off of it.
Mariah planted a kiss on my cheek. To let me know it was ok. " So when you gone leave Omari?" she asked again. " I need to know so I can know when to break it off with Jason." This bitch is really serious.
I glanced at Mariah, gave a small smile, and said, " I'll let you know in advanced."
She smile and said, "Okay," which let me knowed I had her right where I needed her to be.
As I drove home I stopped by to get Najae' some Denny's. That was the least I could since I punched the hell out her last night before I left to be with Mariah. She got on my nerves nagging on and on about we never spend time together anymore. I tried to control my anger, but what the hell with it. She really needed to learn how to close her mouth.
I snatched the sheets up revealing Najae' slim figure. " What the hell do you think your doing Omari?" She spat at me.
"Baby I just came to bring you a little breakfast," I told her.
She just stared at me with a blank expression on her face. Right than, I knew what that look was. It was obvious she was still mad at me. Why couldn't she just accept my breakfast and be happy?
"I'm not that hungary," She moaned.
She was making me mad all over again. I knew I should've stayed with Mariah this morning, but her constantly asking me when I was going to leave Najae' was working my nerves, so I had to leave. I needed a break so I guess I'd go play ball with my boy Rodney today and leave Najae' here by her self. I'm sure her and Co-Coa would hang out today.
"Well i'm going to put some clothes on, and hit Rodney up to see if he wanted to play some ball, I'll catch ya later," I said. She just rolled her eyes and turned over. I hated her bitchy attitudes. I wanted to snatch her ass out of the bed, but that wouldnt be no good.