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As I was squeezing my ass in the tight red dress I bought from Charlette Rue, Omari suprised me when he came from behind and smack my ass making it jiggle. I was not suprised that he smacked me. I was suprised that he was home from work early. When he Worked from 9:30 at night to 9:30 in the morning, it was usually my time to hit the club Ritz or the Velvet Room. seeing that he was over possesive and all. I let out a noticable sigh. He than pinned me up against the wall and said, " where the hell do you think your going with that shit on?" I was hesitant at first, as thoughts of him abusing me ran through my mind. he said he loved me so why do he always put his hands on me? "Na Na," I snapped out of my painful thoughts. he called me Na Na when ever he was mad! I Slowly Mumbled under my breath and Responded by saying, " well baby I.....i thought maybe i could go out tonight with Co- Coa." I thought for sure i was going to get smacked, but instead he eased up on his grip and said, " well baby all you have to do is ask." I was shocked as hell at what he said, and im sure he could tell by the look on my face. Part of me was happy but part of me was curious. Omari has never been like this, well except when we first got together. when he felt like he had won me over, and wasn't going nowhere that's when the name calling and abusivness started. We've been together 4 years and this was an on going thing, but there was no way i'd be giving 4 years up. Besides it was my fault the reason why he abused me. I was the one who always provoked him.

When 10:36 hit I got a call from Co-Coa telling me she'd be here in 30 mins. i finished getting ready as Omari eyed my everymove. I was Curious about what was running through his head! after all a sister did look good. I had on my new Red dress that was skin tight and show every curve i had, black pumps (red bottoms might i mention), black studed earings which i didn't care for because my hair would be down, my black and silver diamond out bracelets, and a few rings just in case a bitch wanted to try some in the club.

I slowly walked over to my man, who was sitting on the edge of the bed. I softly whispered in his ear and said, "we still have 30 mins baby." With that being said he kissed me with passion. He hadn't kissed me like that in a long time. he proceeded on lifting up my dress. unexpectedly he lift me up and placed my back down on the bed. He slowly kissed me from my neck down, he slid off my black thongs and kissed my thighs moving on down to my clit. He swirled his tongue all around my vagina, he then added in 2 fingers going in and out of my clit bringing me to my orgasim. I begged him not to stopped, and he proceeded. "oh Shit Omari,"was all i could say when he inserted his penis inside of me. he went deep yet slow. it's been so long since he showed so much passion that i had to f.ck him back. i heard him moan out my name so i knew i was doing good. As he fucked me i felt his penis growing and getting harder and harder it felt so good. Right When I heard the horn from outside blow, Omari forced all of him inside of me and came all in me. I heard the horn blow twice, than my phone rang i quickly picked up the phone and heard loud yelling from Co-Coa saying, " hurry yo ass up, we already have to stand in that long ass line." I told her My man was here which right than she knew she'd be waiting another 5 minutes. i had to fix and clean myself up. Somehow, she always arrived when we was having sex, it never fells. i hung up the phone and got my self clean before leaving the house i kissed Omari good bye and left out the house.

i hope you guys like the first part let me know what you think!

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