~Najae' & Co Chapter 4

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As I stared at Jason, my mouth dropped. I know I shouldn't be, seeing that I just got the wind knocked of me last night even though I blew him off, but I just couldn't help it. Jason was so fine, how that tank top squeezed his tight fit body had my mind in a daze.

"Najae!" I heard Co blurt out, I snapped out of my trans Jason had me in. "Damn girl you look like you just saw a ghost, he aight, but he ain't no Tyrese Gibson for you to be staring at him like that."

I wanted to tell Co-Coa to shut the hell up, but all i could get out of my mouth was, "girl what you talking about?" As if I didn't know.

"Don't play stupid bitch I seen how ya'll was eyeing each other. Isn't that the same reason why you got your black ass knocked out last night?"

I couldn't help but to laugh at Co comment. Even though I know I shouldn't I walked over to Jason. I had to figure out why was he always eyeing me. This was the second day in the row that I unexpectedly ran even to him. Well not actually running into him but making eye contact for such a long time. As Co ran her mouth I put my hand up and walked off. "Excuse me ms. thing." I heard her yell out as I walked off.

I made my way to wear Jason was and asked without thinking.

"Why are you always staring at me?"

Jason gave a small smirk, and said, " I just admire your beauty, That's all."

As much as I wanted to smile because of his comment, I held my composure and said, " you shouldn't admire someone else when your already taken."

He replied back sarcastically by saying, " Well, Najae' you have a man but that didn't seem to break you gaze."

He was right I couldn't stop looking at his firm lips, muscular figure, and let's not forget his brilliant smile with those pearly white teeths. I ignored his comment and asked, " What the hell are you doing in charlette Rue any way? last time I checked this was a store for people like me MAN."

He laughed at my comment and said he was looking for his little sister something for her birthday, so she'd stop harrassing him. I thought that was so cute. I proceeded to help him until what's her face walked in. I said my goodbyes and slowly walked off. Not until the freak of them all walks by giving me the stank eye. I stared the bitch down giving a facial expression of (bitch do some.)

Why should a girl like her get a good looking man like Jason? She's one of the many reasons why some men can't stay faithful. " She must want to catch a beat down mugging like that?" I turned around to see Co-Coa little ass balling up her fist. In plublic or not she was always turnt up.

"Damn girl you don't miss out on shit, do you?" I asked.

Co laughed and said, " Look, ain't getting no bigger, a small woman like me have to stay alert all the time, because if i'm not freaks like Mariah with try and back door me."

I felt where she was coming from, after all she's only 5,1 as I mentioned before and females tried her up all the time because of her size, but she hadn't lost a fight yet. I sucked my teeth and told Co to come on, but not before glancing behind me to find Jason watching me once again. I gave a quick smile, and laughed in my head as Mariah snap at Jason knocking him out of his trans.

" What's with him staring at me like that?" I asked Co.

"Girl you know you liked that." she said teasingly, which I did indeed (secretly). " How could he not stare? look at you and look at what he got, but next time you better cut your eyes short you already know......!"

"Don't remind me!" I cut my bestfriend off, but smiled a little just to let her know I wasn't mad at her bringing it up.




After an hour and a half of shopping with my girl Na, we grabbed something to eat, and I dropped her off at her moms. She asked me to take her home, but I told her if she wanted to go home than find a ride. I really didn't want her around that so called boyfriend of hers. She was to good of a woman to be with him.

On my way home I decided to call my boyfriend Rodney. I loved him so much. Me and Rod had been on and off for 2 years, we have our ups and downs like every other relationships, but never once did he put his hands on me. Plus, I don't take no shit. Since we've gotten back together he's been acting a littl weird. Especially mentioning anal sex, who does that any ways?

"Hey baby?" I heard Rodney say on the other end of the phone.

" Hey Love, what are you doing besides thinking about?" I asked in my confidence voice.

Rodney said he was hanging out with the guys, as usuall. He acts like he has no time for me anymore. " How about you meet me at the house in a half an hour, I miss cuddling with you." I insisted.

"Baby we got all day for that." He said brushing me off.

" Come on baby, you hadn't layed it on me in a while." I told him. I was thinking about the last time we had had sex and it drove me crazy. All he cared about was his home boys. It pissed me off, because he practically begged to be back with me and every since we got back together all we've done was kissed.

"Remember Your friends will never treat you like I will. They want be the one cooking, cleaning, and washing your damn draws. You been putting me off since we got back together. Fuck you Rod!" I yelled and hung up the phone.

I love him so much but sooner or later he gotta understand he has a girl at home and noone will do him like I do him.

******* this brings chapt 4 to an end.... what do you guys think so far? what do you guys think about Najae' and Jason, I love Co-Coa.. do you think Rodney is cheating.. If so with whom??? sorry its short but like i said i rite from my phone which may means a little mispelled words and alot of chapters:))


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