Chapter 8

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*Jen's "Room"*

Jen sighed as she shut the door behind her. She pulled her phone out and found the house number of the girls flat.

"Hello?" She heard.

"Hey Ang, where's Ash?"

"Jen? Where are you?"

"Out with JJ, put Ash on the phone."

"Still? Jeez girl, and alright, hold on."

Jen could hear Angel call for Ash.

"Hey Jen, what's up?"

"Hey Ash, not much, you girls are still up?"

"Yeah, movie night again."

"Another one. Really?"

"Yeah, we're bored. Where are you?"

"Um, with JJ."

"Where though?"

"At a cabin, like an hour away."


"Relax Ash, I'll be home tomorrow."

"Tomorrow? You're spending the night with him?"

"Yeah, he's tired Ash, I can't make him drive, I'd feel bad."

"What about you? You drive."

"Yeah, but come on, I doubt he wants some girl driving his car - you know how guys are with their cars."

"Good point, but dang, what happened to taking things slow?"

"We are."

"Oh really? Spending the night with him, doesn't sound slow to me."

"I know, but we aren't doing anything, plus there's two rooms, he's in one and I'm in the other."

"You sure you wanna be alone at night with a guy?"

"What's going to happen Ash? It's him who should be more worried about anything happening."

"True, he is the celebrity, not you."

"Yeah. But there's something else, I just don't want the others to know."

"Alright, what?"

"He kissed me."

"WHAT? Are you serious?"

"Yeah, we kissed."

"OMG! Jen, that's so cute!"

"I guess."

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, just I'm still in shock, you know I never went through this."

"Yeah, I know, but hey, if you like him, then just like I said, keep things slow."

"Yeah, ok."

"Well alright, so we'll see you tomorrow?"

"Yeah, I just wanted to let you know, so you girls wouldn't freak out and all."

"Well see I kind of figured you'd be out late with him anyways, cause after all he didn't pick you up till five, so I'm not surprised. Guys usually do take the girls home."

"True, but really, his actual home is with the guys, and I don't think the guys wanna see a girl in the house."

"Who knows Jen, who knows? But hey, have fun, and don't do anything you wouldn't wanna do."

"Oh god, Ash, look who's talking."

"I know, right?"

"Ha, night Ash."

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