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~Above is a piture of my cat Skye
~Words on this page 1350

My phone chimes 3 times indicating I have a mesage. Gleefully I let a smile take up my whole face as I skip across the cream carpet and piles of clothes on the floor to grasp the device in my hands. Three new messages from Holland.

H: heyyy
H: how packed are you? Ihaven't a single thing done.
H: I'm not good at Korean, I've been studying but I can't get the alaphabet. . .

I chuckle to my self. Holland is from Germany, I met him in a study abroad group chat, we conneted in nthe chat of 150 people by exchanging memes and since that moment we dicided to exchange them in a private chat between the two of us. Now I know what you're thinking Aliera its a complete stranger how do you know he is real? I don't but I just have this gut feeling. I checked him out on facebook, he's a registered student at the university I am going to in South Korea, so what isn't there to believe he isn't real?

With these thoughts I walk over to my bed and jump on the purple comforter in the cross legged position smiling down towards my phone and type out a reply.

A: haha I learned from some friends at my university so I can't help you there, looks like you're on your own buddy. Also I'm working on the packing situation so further than you.

I glance towards the digital clock sitting on the small table next to my bed reading 8pm. I look up towads the celieng calculating the time difference and scoff finishing out my message.

A: Why are you awake it is literally past 3 am.

I press send laughing to myself. Setting my phone besides the clock I stand up off my bed and look at the mess strewn across my floor. Sighing I know I have a long way to go.

Heading over to my vanity, while only tripping twice, I sit down and gaze at my reflection. Curly black hair to my mid back and bangs that are sticking out in every direction from the presperation I gathered from the torterous physical pain that packing permits. I grab the makeup wipes off the surface and clean my face relaseing my freckle spatteed nose and cheeks for the world to see. Smiling once all the make up was off I apply face lotion onto my mocha covered skin. Nodding at my reflection in the mirror, I pull my hair out of my dark brown eyes, and heart shape head into a pony tail. Looking at my reflection I notice I don't look like one parent more than the other more that I am a perfect blend between the two of them.

A knock on my door interupts my thought process. "Come in" I say loud enough for whoever is on the otherside to hear me. Just like i expected my mother throws the door open, causing my cat Skye to jump from my dresser onto the floor from fright. Laughing I look towards the door of my mother, a sweetheart redheaded woman. "Yeah ma whats up?"

"You are obviously not packed like I thought, you would be. I would offer up some help but I would rather watch you struggle." Rolling my eyes I ignore her and sit on the cream carpet to continue packing. If my moms presence isn't stating anything, it's that I am bad at organization and packing. Knowing that she will pity me in about 30 seconds aftedr watching me she will kick me away to do it for me.

Feeling a nudge against my thigh I knew I was right. "Move over let me do it, I can't send you to Korea like this. Just think of what they would think of how I raised you? A barbarian! What if you meet your future husband there?" I shake my head chuckling. "No no laughing I'm serious, remember the list I gave you and an order of who you should marry in Korea. I want my son in laws" she states pouting and crossing her arms.

"Ma that list is never going to happen No matter how much you like the K-pop idols the odds of me running into one, meeting one, and falling in love then getting married are very slim."

"Still who are my top five" She asks me like a drill sargent.

Sighing I use my fingers to tick off the top five she gave me "Number one Cha Eunwoo from Astro. Two Xuimin from EXO. Three Johnny Seo, NCT. Four Jinyoung, Got7 and five Jay Park."

"Corrct, now if you aren't maried to any of them before you come back home don't comeback I will be extremely disappointed. But I mean you can love whoever you want and I will still love you, but I would love one of those five to be my future son-in-laws. I have plans already made." My mother finishes off folding my last shirt and closes the suitcase wth a zip. "There all packed. I will miss you so much while you're gone, but enjoy this opportunity. This chance doesn't come around often. Now get some sleep we have to leave the house at 4am to get you to the airport in time." She stands up and shakes the curls on my head, knowing the look I was going to give her.

Patting them down with a glare, I look towards my mopm softening. "I will miss you alot as well mom, love you and good night."

With a smile she tells me goodnight back and shuts my door gently. Now in a relaxed mood I go about straightening up my bedroom and just as I put the last item away my phone chimes.

H: Yes that is minor details, the time I am a awake at. Actually I am awake beacuase I know you are packing and your flight leaves tgomorow and we will have minimal communication since your flight is 20 hours and then I get on the plane. Imagine what that would be like? Hours without talking? Can't wait to meet you in Korea. Sweet dreams.

Softly smiling down on my phone I lock the sreen and plug it into my charger on the bedside table, then drag myself into bed. Looking around the room I nod my head in contempt and shut off the light. Hugging Skye close to my body, after she jumped on my bed I drift off into sleep with thoughts of meeting Holland soon.

~ Well there it is the prologue to my story! I haven't written anything in ages and I feel bad, but this is a story I have been wanting to get out here. Now a fact time. I wrote my last chapter of a story when I was 16, I am now going on 22 years old, what a time jump. In those years I have expirenced so much and this story is one of them. No I'm not saying this story is real, but rather that it holds some merit to the degree of what I have expirenced in my life. I am currently studying in South Korea at Chung-Ang university in Seoul. A once in alifetime opportunity, here I am studying International Relations. Also that Son-in-law list is a real thing, my mom loves kpop and kdramas and actually gave me a list of who she would like as a future son. I was so shocked and laughed so hard when I got this. Now it will be a bit before the next chapter is updated but not too long, I wish to continue ths in August. I have already cmpleted 3 other chapters and ave outlines for 8 more, but due to the colege life I am currently busy! So once that all dies down I can't wait to share more of this story with y'all. Till then thank you for cheking me out!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2018 ⏰

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