Chapter Eight: Home.

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Rile's P.O.V.

Chapter 8.

I sit down on the porch steps and pull out my cigarette pack, watching as Liv and Nova get so far from the house they become little specks in the distance. Anthony says nothing as I light up and sighs lowly when I offer him one from my pack.

"I was supposed to quit." he mutters lowly as he takes one while I roll my eyes.

"Please, we never quit." I muse as he chuckles and takes the lighter that was sitting next to me, taking a seat in the process. We stay silent for a few seconds until he lets out a dry laugh.

"This is shitty." He mutters as I scoff.

"What part of it?" I ask him as he sighs.

"All of it, you guys have the largest gang in the country after your ass and the guy who kidnapped Liv somehow managed to escape a burning building where we all presumed he died." I roll my eyes as he takes a drag sitting silently until he speaks.

"I should have killed him the second I first saw him." He mutters darkly as I laugh.

"You and me both Tony."

We drift into silence once more, Anthony being one of the more tolerable people in the house at the moment. We sometimes had our differences, especially when it came to anything involving Liv but he was easy to get along with.

A few minutes later his phone vibrates loudly from his side causing him to glance down at it and frown, dropping his cigarette on the floor as he answers the phone.

"Nova?" He asks causing me to quickly glance over, wondering why she would call him when she was with Liv.

"What's wrong?" He asks her as he stands up causing me to follow suit, dropping the cigarette and crushing it with my foot. I head towards the front door and quickly open it glancing around the room of guys quickly before speaking.

"We need to move." I state as Carter stands up.

"What's going on?" He asks.

"Nova and Liv are in trouble." I tell them causing everyone to move. Derek quickly loads his gun as Oliver hands Grayson to Rose, who quickly takes him into her arms as her and Vic stay still.

"We're on our way alright babe." Anthony states before closing his phone and following Carlos to the car. We pile into the two SUV's and drive off towards the park.

I instantly spot the two girls standing a few feet away from Moe and his guys, as we pull up to the curb. Liv glances our way before pushing Nova towards us. Nova hesitates until Liv nods once causing her to rush over as Liv holds her hands out in surrender.

"No." Anthony mutters before he and Derek runoff. I curse lightly as a few guys follow after him, some staying behind with Carter and I as Nova reaches us.

"Are you okay?" I ask her as I push her behind me, eyes snapping towards Liv who was now held against Moe.

"She surrendered." Nova tells me, I turn to Carter and nod when he motions his head towards them, a sign to move.

"Get in the car." I tell her before handing the car keys off to Issac.

"Go! Get Ray to bring the car back." I tell Issac before running towards the group. I stop a few feet away from Anthony and soon have my gun pointed at the guy in front of me, eyes snapping from Liv, to Moe, to the small knife held against her neck.

"Let her go." Anthony snaps, voice low with anger.

"She belongs to me kid." Moe states.

"Bullshit." I snap causing his eyes to move my way.

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