New guy !

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* Afternoon lunch time *

* (Y/N) pov *

As soon as the bell rang , I rushed to keep all my books in the locker to go have lunch . I'm very hungry now. 

Jimin came up to me and then we both went together to have lunch in the canteen. Hobi joined us too . We three sat in our usual place and started eating.

What happened to Hobi?? Seems like he's in a different world !!??

I cleared my throat saying , " what / who you thinking about Hobi??"

He suddenly looked straight at me and then got lost again in his own world.

Well I won't call him hyung or oppa , because he said he doesn't like me and jimin calling him as hyung or oppa. His real name is Jung ho seok. We call him by his nickname Hobi. He likes that.  But sometimes he makes namjoon oppa to call him hyung.

Wait !! Did I just call  Namjoon.... oppa ??

Whatever... nevermind.

He hates it when we call him captain or rap monster and wants me to call him oppa and jimin to call him hyung. But we annoy him by calling him captain or rap monster.

Just then Hobi said ,
"Guys I got something to tell you"

"What!!??" Jimin asked out of curiosity.

"I guess I found ...uhh..." Hobi said looking somewhere else.

"What ?? Those thieves?? " I asked.

"Uhh..ya I guess..not sure yet. I should observe them more. " He said.

I was about to tell him about that new boy Taehyung and then he suddenly appeared of no where and asked me if he can join us.

Hobi and Jimin looked at me confused. Jimin smirked. I glanced back.

"Uhh...yeah sure... hehe" I said.

 hehe" I said

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"Hehe thanks... annyeong... I'm Taehyung !! Kim Taehyung !! Nice to meet y'all " he said and sat near me.

Jimin and Hobi greeted back and Introduced themselves.

Jimin smirked at me and him often which was annoying.

" Are you new here??" Hobi asked.

"Hehe...yeah..why??" Taehyung said while eating.

"Nah nothing.. just asked... cause I haven't seen you here before" Hobi said smiling.

" You're Jimin right?? Why so silent??" He smirked .

"" Jimin looked so confused not knowing what to say.

So I interrupted him saying "'s just because you're a new student. If you get to know him , he's really very talkative."

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