Love at first sight

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"Oi idiot woman how about you be useful and fix my armor!" A young boy by the name of Madara ordered.

"Idiot! Did you just call me an idiot you narcissistic asshole! I'm not fixing anything of yours and you can go suck it for all I care!" A young girl by the name of Shizukini rebuttaled.

"What did you say. I won't hesitate to kill you. I'm sure no one would miss you anyway considering your family died in the war." Madara stated coldly.

Shizuniki was fed up with this asshole of a fiancé, yep that's right this prick was who she was to be wedded to. "Kill me I will let death in with open arms. I will embrace death anything to get out of this marriage with an asshole like you!" Shizuniki said in rage as she stormed out the compound.

"You really should learn how to treat women better Ni-san." Madara's brother Izuna scolded and left Madara to his thoughts.

---Madara Pov-----

"Tch as if I hate weak women! What was father thinking engaging her to me!" I yelled in frustration.

"Well he was thinking about the future of this clan." Izuna stated firmly.

"Brother you're still here!" Madara exclaimed.

"You should treat your finacé with more respect brother she was the only one willing to bear your heir any other woman would be too full of fright. Besides it's not like she isn't beautiful or strong. You should apologize." Izuna said matter of factly.

"What do you know!" I yelled and barged out. I decided to take a stroll and look for that troublesome woman. I decided to go by the river the same one me and Hashirama met at. I could hear giggling. Shizuniki!

-Shizuniki Pov-----

"Madara means well, he just has a peculiar way of showing it." Hashirama said with a smile.

"I'm glad I met you Hashi! I just thought this would be easier I know he's feared and all because he's the head's son but I feel like there's something much more to him. I don't like to judge a book by it's cover. Maybe just maybe that knucklehead would open up to me." I said with a sigh.

"Why don't you go talk to him then. He's closer than you think." Hashirama said matter of factly.

I turned around sensing a presence other than me or Hashi's. Madara did he hear all of that! I'm going to get an ear full!

---Madara Pov-----

I was shocked to say the least. No one has ever took the time to get to know me besides Hashirama. Maybe I should apologize she may be worthy enough to bear my child.

"Come woman we are going back." I said as I secretly threw a rock in the direction of Hashirama.

----Hashirama Pov-----
"They're on to us!" The rock read. I nodded quickly and left.

------Shizukini Pov-----
I was getting pulled along by Madara Uchiha himself.

"How did you know about that place?" Madara asked angrily.

"Oh you mean the river in which you and Hashi met right? And keep meeting?" I said with a sly grin.

"Say anything to anyone and I will kill you!" Madara said viciously.

"Maybe Hashi was wrong about you, all you care about is yourself! I hate you!" I said and ran away from him well at least tried. He grabbed my arm before I could run off. "Let me go!" I said as  tears threatened to leave my eyes.

"I'm sorry." Madara said as he pulled me into his embrace and kissed me. I kissed back. It was a long and desperate kiss, it was like he needed it.

"I think I love you." He said truthfully.

"Well you need to treat the ones you love better. But I love you too as soon as I first saw you." I said honestly.

--------Timeskip to 15 years later--------

"I'm not going to make it to see your final battle dear." An older looking Shizukini said.

"Shh don't talk. You need all your energy." Madara scolded.

"How is the our baby, Shizuka doing?" Shizuniki asked.

"She's sleeping." Madara said.

"I want her beside me. I'm not going to last long. I feel as if I have barely minutes left." Shizuniki said shakenly.
She then placed a kiss on the babies head giving the bady the remaining amount of her chakra.

Shizuka was born with an  uncurable diease that she didn't know about until she got into her 20s. The diease got worse and worse and having her baby was the last straw. In her final moments she gave her child the rest of her chakra.

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