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The battle raged around me, vampires flying past in a frenzy, warlocks and witches fighting with magic against fangs and strength. My heart had been torn as she lay on the floor, sobbing and begging me to go with her, but I could not, this was my destiny and I could not fight it. 

Vladimir was still sat on the throne, watching the fray with a thunderous face. Another warlock lunged for me and I struck them down with graceful agility, barely acknowledging as they fell. I was hitting the mark each time, I had told her I was not fighting for the king, but I was not fighting for the w&w either. Her face was burned into my memory, blue eyes marked with pain as I left, her pale skin glowing softly in the dim light and dress clinging to her slender frame, highlighting every curve under the...

I was pulled from my thoughts as a warlock summoned fire and a ball of heat whipped past me, I ducked, growling in annoyance and leaping forward like a panther, knocking the man side ways and snapping his neck, smiling with satisfaction as his life ebbed away and his eyes became blank. This is what I love, the hunt, the kill. 

She made me forget that. 

Thorias battled with another vampire, killing him quickly and turning him to ash. I crouched in front of him, ready to strike. "Felix Petrov" he said, cocking his head to the side as if to expect me.

"Call me your majesty" I said, rising to my feet slowly. It may as well have been only us on the battle field, because that's what it felt like, no one intervened as we faced off, my red eyes baring into his blue ones. "You really are what they say you are, it's funny really, because I'd heard you'd gone soft" he taunted, I snarled, my fangs bared and muscles clenched. "You are sadly mistaken" I said, sweeping out of reach as a bolt of lightening came towards me. "Tell me, where you actually going to kill her?" he asked me, I knew the answer to this question, "I mean, I saw you back there, and it looked as if you'd have given her your balls if she asked for them"

A hiss escaped me as I shot forward, only for him to move before I could anticipate, however it did not stop me grabbing his sleeve and slamming him into the wall, I grabbed his hands, effectively rendering him powerless, only the greatest warlock's could fight using only their minds, most needed their hands, a way of channelling the magic inside them. 

"What are you going to do with me, vampire?" he spat, grinning like a madman as blood dripped from his mouth, evidence of one of the wounds I had inflicted. I loosed my bow tie and used it to tie his hands together, fluidly moving with ease and leaving him immobilised, though for good measure I kicked his leg with vampire strength, snapping it in two. He screamed and cursed me by the sun, the moon, anything he could think of. 

Rolling my eyes I hoisted him off the ground and went up the steps towards Vladimir. "Excellent work, Felix" he applauded, "now kill him" 

I shook my head. Thorias looked at me as if I were mad, clearly this is what they were expecting. "Leave" I said, looking at Vladimir, he laughed. 


"Leave, you are sitting in my throne" I said, my voice cold and unforgiving, my soul seemed to turn black at that moment, a ferocious storm brewing beneath an outward calm. "What did you say? Felix you are not exactly in any position to be making demands" he spat. 

I laughed at him, "On the contrary, I think I am" I said, "I have Thorias Torgard, HEAD of the the w&w under my control, and we both know I am more powerful, that all these years your subjects have been loyal to me, not you"

"I created you! I made you everything you are and this is how you repay me!" he hissed. The battle had ended, the witches and warlock's were either dead or had fled, the ashes of fallen vampires scattered on the floor. It was only us, and the growing assembly of vampires gathering behind me.  "You are all traitors! I will have your ashes for this!" he screamed. I cocked my head to the side, and smiled wryly, "guards" I drawled. They rushed forward, grasping his arms and holding a stake above his heart. "You would do this to me, after centuries of companionship? Of friendship?"

I shook my head, "we were never friends, I was just your tool, someone you used to get what you wanted, I see that now"

He stayed silent, confirming my beliefs. "What do you intend to do with me, your majesty" he sneered, spitting on the ground at my feet. I nodded to the guards and they dragged him away, I took Thorias and sat him by the throne, "You help me, and things will be just fine" I told him.

"I will never help vampire scum" he seethed. 

"You do, or you die" I shrugged, "the choice is yours"

"What do you want?" 

"I want you to help me find Beatrice" I said, "I have unfinished business with her"

He glared as his wrists were shackled by two waiting guards, the metal clinking as they locked around his wrists. They held him and watched me with curious eyes. I climbed up the steps and sat on the throne, lazing back into it and putting the crown on my head, as Vladimir had done so many centuries ago. "Long live King Felix!" cried a member of the crowd, I identified him as Edvard Dashdov, his hair was greying and his eyes spoke of the milenia he had seen, he was a close friend and ally. I knew Beatrice would have liked him, for a vampire, he showed so much compassion and humanity. "Long live King Felix" the rest cried, cheers rising up from the crowd of my supporters. When Vladimir had been crowned, many thought it should of been me, but respected my decision to honour my maker, but now, they had their wish, I was king. 

"May his reign last eternally" another said loudly. 

"Amen" the rest of them said, 'let it be done'. 

A smile grew on my lips as I gazed out at the crowd, and clutched the golden scepter, Thorias glared at me with murderous eyes but the rest of the vampires looked at me with adoration, expectancy, a cacophony of emotions entwined. "Tonight," I said, my voice echoing through the great hall as I looked into the crimson eyes of a sea of vampires, "we celebrate!" 

The girl who chased the moonWhere stories live. Discover now