Chapter 1

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"Beatrice!" called Brendan, his voice ringing around the chateau. It was just after two o'clock in the morning, and he had been strolling in the garden. I was in my night gown, finally beginning to adjust to being on a human time table again, but for some reason Brendan loved waking me, as if delighting in my groggy eyed expression. 

Tonight, he was lucky, I was not sleeping. I had not been able to sleep, I just stared at the small piece of parchment delivered only two hours earlier. 

I will come for you. 

What did he mean? What could Felix possibly want with me now, I know he claimed to love me, and Carlisle seemed certain he did, I just could find no reason. He told me that night he no longer fought for Vladimir, if not for him then who? I could never imagine him siding with the council. 

The council had tried to pursue us, but so far had failed. They tracked us as far as Amiens, the last city before Paris, the rest of the journey had led us through small towns and lots of countryside. There were plenty of wolves in the country. Each night, no matter where we were, we heard loud howling, it was even louder on a full moon for some reason. 

I came down the stairs, my hand shaking as I clung tightly to the paper, the only link I had to Felix. "Beatrice?" said Brendan, he sounded concerned. I couldn't look at him, and I still felt light headed, I said nothing, simply handed him the note. "We need to leave" he growled. I shook my head, snatching back the note and holding it to me. "Beatrice you can't be serious!" 

I nodded, "we stay" I said calmly, "we're making good progress here"

"What bloody progress? We have found nought!" 

As his volume increased, Lydia shot out from the shadows, "what's going on?"

"Petrov has found us" said Brendan. 

"What?" Lydia's face was ashen, we had not told her of my attachment to Felix, it would hurt her to know that (at least as far as Carlisle saw it) I had betrayed her. "He knows we're here" 

"Beatrice, we need to leave!" she implored me, fear in her eyes as she begged me. 

"No" I said with gritted teeth, "this is the best lead we have, we must stay, Felix will not harm you"

"He has done in the past" she said, her eyes going blank as she became a ghost, the memory and pain too much to bare sometimes. It was then Carlisle stormed in, "what the hell is going on?"

Seeing Lydia in such pain only fuelled to anger him more. "What did you do?"

"Felix" she muttered, "stop"

Carlisle's arms wound around her and clutched her close, murmuring in her ear. "Felix knows Beatrice is here" said Brendan, "we need to leave"

"No" said Carlisle, shaking his head, Lydia looked up at him, her face was ashen, "he cannot enter this house without invitation, we'll be safe" 

He looked pointedly at me and I knew why, because if he did come I would be the one to invite him in. "But-" Brendan began.

"This is Beatrice's quest, she is the vielldr, and if she chooses to stay, we stay" 

"This is madness!" shouted Brendan.

I stepped forward, resting my hands on his shoulders, "he will not hurt any of you, that I know"

"It's not us i'm worried about" he spat, I frowned, I could not imagine Felix hurting me, not anymore. 

"He won't-"

"How do you know?" he interrupted, "Beatrice, he is a killer"

"And you aren't?" It was a low blow, but I was making a point. 

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