07. 25. 🌙

47 4 8

Beep beep
I snoozed my alarm clock. I looked at the time. It was 6.45am. Why did I set it that early? “Oh shoot!” I cursed as I realised that I’m almost late.

I quickly brushed my teeth and got dressed then ran downstairs with my bag, grabbing an apple on the way and ran into my car driving towards the spot where we’re supposed to meet.

I arrived there at 7.03am and everyone, and by that I really mean everyone was waiting for me. I quickly apologized with a bow and sat in the mini bus.

“Damn, Yoongi you came earlier then I thought.” Namjoon pouted and handed a 7000 Won to Jungkookie. “Did you actually bet?” I asked annoyed. “I said you’ll came before 7.10am.” “You disappoint me. My presence is worth only 7000 Won? I thought I was worth more.” I added with a fake cry and they all laughed.

One specific laugh caught my attention. It was Jimin. His laugh is precious. It makes me go crazy somehow. I silently send glances to him during the ride. I felt like a flippin’ spy or something.

“Are we there yet?” Taehyung asked as we were driving deeper and deeper into the woods. “Not yet.” The driver said a little annoyed. This was like the 7th time that he asked him that question.

“We’re here.” The driver said as he stopped the bus. The maknae line quickly ran out of the bus enjoying the fresh air while the rest of us slowly walked towards the little house in the middle if fucking no where.

“So how will we sleep?” Namjoon asked after we all sat down on the sofa in the living room. “There are three rooms and seven of us which makes us go two in each of the rooms plus one who will choose which room will he join.” Joon quickly calculated.

“We’ll be together.” Tae and Kookie raised their hands in a split second. “Me and you will share the same room and they’ll go in one.” Jin added and smiled to Joonie. “Okay so everything is set. You may now choose the room.” Joon said and the little ones ran into the biggest room.

I exchanged looks with Hoseok and Jimin and walked into our room. I hope it won’t be awkward or anything due to the thing I had towards Hoseok.

The room had one bigger bed and one small. “I’m sleeping there.” Hoseok said and throw his body on the smaller bed. “That means you and I are here.” Jimin said and pointed at the bed.

“Can I sleep closer to the window?” Jimin asked shy. “Well of course, tho why do you wanna sleep there?” I asked as I sat on my side of the bed. “Umm, I- I feel safer.” He stuttered. “Okay.” I smiled and looked at half dead Hoseok.

“Hoseok you good?” I asked as I opened my bag to find a pullover, I’m freezing. “Just, tired.” He said into the pillow. “Well you better not be too much cuz we have some stuff to do.” Jin suddenly appeared at our door.

“Jin- ah you scared me.” Jimin said as he jumped. “Sorry Jimin, come now, we have lunch.” He said and walked to the kitchen.

After two minutes or so we all came to the kitchen grabbing our ramen and sitting on the sofa. “What are we gonna do next?” Tae asked as he was stuffing his face with ramen.

“Well,” Namjoon said and pulled out a piece of paper “We have a game called ‘get to know each other’, sounds fun” he said and put the paper down. “So basicly we gonna ask each other some questions so we can know each other more.” He smiled.

“I’ll start.” Jungkook lifted his hand excided. “I have a question for Hoseok.” He said and turned towards him. “What are your fears?” he smirked.

“I’m not afraid of anything.” Hoseok said proudly. “You sure?” he asked “Absolutely. Well accept highs.” He said a bit less confident. “Is that it?” he asked with a huge grin on his face. Hoseok just nodded.

But he didn’t expect what happened next. “Bo” Tae jumped from behind him and scared the living shit out of him. “You said you weren’t afraid of anything” Jungkook started laughing.

“W- well what about you Jungkook, you have to be afraid of something.” Hoseok said back after his heart chilled a little.

“Of course I’m not” he smiled proudly. “Sure bout that?” Tae asked. “Y- yes?” “Then you won’t mind making some popcorn in the microwave?” Tae smirked. “Oh you did not just do that?!” Jungkook said and attacked him with pillows. “You won’t see another day.” He said as he hit him with pillows in his strong ass hands.

“Pillow fight!” Namjoon yelled and they all grabbed a pillow. Well accept me, I grabbed Jimin and ran with him into the bathroom.

“The fuck Yoongi?” he asked as I locked the door behind us. “Tell me Jimin, what’s on your mind.” I said. “N- nothing” he looked down at his toes. “Well there must be something wrong? I mean we barely talked to each other. I mean I searched for you, my Sun, for a long time and now I found you and you want to move away.” I ran out of breath.

“Look Yoongi, it’s not that I’m not happy, it’s just,” He paused “Ahh, it’s complicated. I like you Moon, I really, really do but, I’m not sure I can do this.” He said and ran away through the door.

“What about our kiss?” I asked but I knew he wouldn’t hear me. “What am I doing wrong?” I asked my reflection in the mirror.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath then walked towards our bedroom flopping my body on my side of the bed slowly drifting away.

sorry for such a late update but I kind a had/ still have a writing block so I hope I’ll soon get ride of it
Thank you so so much for waiting so long

Love you 지지^^

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