Teen pregnancy

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Calum: You and Calum hadn’t talked in almost a month. You had broken up and you weren’t on speaking terms. You found out you were pregnant and you were so scared of telling him. You went to a party you knew he’d be at in hopes that you could talk to him. You wander around the party to find him and eventually find him standing with his friends with a drink in his hand.

“Calum can I talk to you for a minute?” 

“Why? I thought we were over.”

“It’s just, I really need to talk to you.”

“Fine.” He sighs. He follows you into a empty room. 

“You know (y/n), your really confusing me. We haven’t talked or seen each other in like a month and the last time we talked you told me you never wanted to see me again.” Your hormones get the best of you and you start to cry. “What’s wrong? Was it something I said?” Calum cautiously puts his hand on your shoulder. “Calum,” you pause wiping the tears from your eyes, “I’m pregnant.” Calum’s jaw drops and he appears to be frozen. “Cal please say something.” You feel a tear fall down your cheek. “Um,” Calum rubs his hand on the back of his neck, “I don’t know what to say.” “What are we going to do Calum, we are only teenagers. We can barley be in the same room together let alone raise a baby.” 

“We will do what ever we can do that’s best for the baby.” Calum says places his hand on your non existent baby bump.

Luke: You and Luke have been dating for a while and you both love each other so much. When you found out you were pregnant at 17 you weren’t sure what to expect. You were scared out of your mind to be pregnant and raise a baby, but at the moment you were mostly scared to tell Luke. You invited Luke over to tell him about the baby and you nervously paced around your room until he arrived. When he arrived you lead him to your room and shut the door. 

“(Y/n), are you ok? You sounded kinda uneasy on the phone.” 

“Luke I don’t know how to say this.” You stayed quiet and avoided any eye contact. 

“Are you breaking up with me?” 

“Luke I-” 

“It’s fine. I just want to know what I did wrong? I thought everything was fin-” “Luke! Stop talking I’m not breaking up with you!” You yell causing Luke to jump. “Well what is it?” Luke puts his hands on both of your shoulders. You take a deep breath. “I’m pregnant.” Luke stays quiet as he looks through his thoughts. You start to cry, “Babe it going to be ok.” Luke wraps you in his arms and hugs you loosely as if hugging you too tight will hurt the baby. “We will have this baby and we will have a family.” Luke says stroking your hair. You bury your face in Luke’s chest, “I’m so scared Luke.” “(Y/n), it’ll will be ok and I will be with you every step of the way and I will protect you and the little baby growing inside of you.” He softly places his hand on where your tiny baby is.

Michael: “Is the time almost up?” You ask Michael as you both sit in your bathroom. You have suspected you were pregnant for the last couple days but you were just now taking the test. This is the 3rd time you’ve taken a pregnancy test this year and the first two times has been negative. “Just one more minute.” You both are dead silent as those last few seconds tick away. “Times up.” Michael says and you hold your breath, your shaky hand reaches out for the test but you stop half way. “I can’t look, Michael you do it.” Michael walks over to were the test is and picks it up. He sighs but you can’t tell if it’s a sign of relief or stress. “It’s positive.” You entire body stiffens, “Your pregnant.” He holds out the test to see for your self. Your shaky hands grab the test and on in are two clear blue lines. “This is just great.” Michael says leaning against the wall. You could tell he was upset by the way he slowly ran his fingers through his hair and stare at the bathroom tile. “Michael it’ll be-” “No (y/n), it won’t be ok. We can’t raise a baby, your 17 and I’m 18. I’m going to have to get some crappy job, eventually we’ll buy a crappy apartment and our child will have a crappy life.” “Michael don’t say that.” You say tears falling down your face. “What do you want me to say? That everything will be perfect and you’ll have the baby and we will take him or her home in a chariot to our castle.” “There is nothing we can do and everything will be ok.” You say and Michael sits down next to you on the floor and takes your hand in his. “Well at least I knocked up a girl I actually like.” He stifles a small laugh. “See it could be a lot worse.” You playfully push his shoulder. “We will get through it baby I promise.” You rest your head on Michaels shoulder. “I promise that I will do everything to make sure you and our baby have the best life they can have.

Ashton: You’ve been pregnant for almost 2 months now and you haven’t told anyone. You feel like it isn’t right to tell anyone before you tell the father. The problem is you didn’t know where to find the father. You knew who the father was, his name is Ashton Irwin and he was a random hook up at a party 2 months ago. Ever since you found out you were pregnant you’ve been searching to find Ashton. You got in contact with one of his friends and he informed you where Ashton lives. As you walk up to Ashton’s door you contemplate every possible out come of what might happen. You ring the door bell and a woman opens the door. She looked to be around your age and was gorgeous. “Can I help you?” She asks talking in your appearance. “Is Ashton here?” You ask “Who is asking for him.” She asks crossing her arms. “I’m a friend.” “What’s your name?” “(Y/n).” “He’s never mentioned you.” “Can you just get Ashton for me.” She pauses for a moment “Fine.” She rolls her eyes and turns her back to me. “Baby you have a visitor.” Your body become paralyzed when you connect the dots that the rude girl isn’t his friend but his girlfriend. “Who is it?” As familiar voice asks and his face grows a shade paler when he sees you. “Babe could you gives us some privacy.” He kisses the girl on the cheek and she walks away. “(Y/n), what are you doing here how did you find me? More importantly why are you here? I thought we were a one time thing.” He whispers the last part and steps out on the door and closes it behind him. “Well I’m here because I’m pregnant. 2 months to be exact.” Ashton stares at your face and your stomach with blank eyes. “Are you sure I’m the father?” “I haven’t been with anyone since you and me you know-” “Yah I know.” He signs and runs his hands through his hair. “I don’t know what to say. I mean I have a life and a amazing girlfriend,” you rolls your eyes at the mention of the rude girl, “And my mom is going to kill me.” Ashton pulls out a pen from his pocket, “Here’s my number”, He writes the numbers on your hand, “and I will have to get back to you after I sort some things out.” He says walking in the door and closing it behind him. You walk back to your car. You begin to cry while sitting outside your baby’s fathers house. You think of how you can do this alone, in anticipation that Ashton will not be present.

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