Picture to Burn

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Looking down at the box of stuff in my hands I grimaced. How had I been so blind and stupid? Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, well, you just might be missing a limb...

3 Hours Earlier

"So where do you think he's going to take you?" Lily, my best friend of two years asked. I shrugged.

"I don't know, he didn't say. All he told me was to meet him at the coffee shop down the block." I finished applying my makeup and turned to face her.

"I still can't believe you forgave him." She was looking down at her nails and picking at them. 

"Wouldn't you?" I asked, offended. 

"No, I wouldn't. He's a jerk and you know it. I honestly have no clue why you are still trying to work things out." How come my own best friend couldn't realize my feelings? Sure, I don't expect her to be all thrilled about taking back the guy who cheated on me, but seriously? Show me a little respect please. I mean, it is my decision. 

"Whatever. John is a really great guy. One mistake and I'm just suppose to throw away everything I've worked for?" When John and I first met we were currently not looking for a relationship. Then, when we became friends, I started having feelings for him that probably shouldn't have been there in the first place. One day, I gathered up the courage to tell him and we've been dating ever since. That was three months ago. 

"Yes! He was with another girl Jane," she accused, standing up and grabbing her things. "He was with another girl and you just let him off the hook? If I were you, I would've dumped him right on the spot. So why in the world didn't you? Are you mental?" 

"Yeah, well, you're not me, even though I'm sure you wished you were." This made her gasp and instantly I felt bad. Lily might've been a lot of things, but she was always there when I needed her. To say that she was jealous of me was just wrong. 

"Lily, I'm sorry, I didn't mean-"

"Save it," she cut me off. "I hope you and John have fun because if you don't, I won't be around to pick up the pieces." And just like that, I watched as my best friend turned her back on me and walked away. 


I turned back to the mirror and continued getting ready for my date. 


The smell of freshly made coffee filled my nostrils and I closed my eyes to take in the delicious scent. Just a few seconds ago, I had arived at the very destination where I was suppose to be meeting John. As I sat down on one of the stools, my eyes caught the sight of John's bestfriend, Carter. How strange...

"Hey, what are you doing here?" I asked him. At the sound of my voice, his head turned and his eyes widened. 


"Uh, yeah. John's girlfriend. Do you know where he is by the way? He sent me a text telling me to meet him here at eight." I watched carefully as Carter pushed the straw in his cup around awkwardly, looking uncomfortable. 

"Actually, Jane-" 

"Hey Carter!" Both of our heads turned at the same time to see a blonde headed girl walking over to us and waving. I glanced at my boyfriend's best friend, confused. Who was this chick? 

"H-hi Megan." The girl was short, blonde, and bubbly. She was dressed in a tight little black number and was wearing some extremely cute heels.

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