What a weekday.

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My head felt like it has a lot of loads on it but there was nothing. I also felt so cold. My phone rung and it made me shake. I got up from bed immediately and walked towards the phone. By the time I picked the call to say 'Jack' I saw the room turning by itself and I became weak at once. I fell without me knowing, the place was dark. I couldn't feel myself again.
"Hello! Hello! Betty! Please answer me! Be-ttyyyy"
He felt something was very wrong so left his work place immediately for my place. He owned the business so can go and come anytime he feels like. He didn't wait but unlocked the door since he had a spare key. He run so fast to my room while shouting my name but something blocked him from entering. Betty! He shouted again. He carefully pushed his body through the open space. No! No! Betty! Please wake up, I need you to open your eyes.
I was unconscious. He searched through my clothes and took a straight dress to which he wore it on me. He carried me from my room into his car then drove off to the nearest hospital. The nurses took control of the situation and told him to relax because I will be fine.

"How I'm I here? ", I asked myself. I walked around the room they kept me in, nurses were walking about. One called in a doctor to check on me but I don't know what was wrong with me. I'm fine, I tried telling them. I was about to touch one when my hand passed through her.
I begun to scream because I was so scared. I walked through the door on my way out and it even freaked me out more. I running home to call Jack when I stopped because he was sitting on the bench in the lobby and he was crying. I looked at him and felt so sad. Jack! I'm here! Why are you people doing this to me? I'm hurting within me please where I'm I?

"You are a spirit now or let me say a ghost", one nurse spoke to me.
I turned quickly to my amazement.
"You can see me? "
"Of course I can"
"Please what's happening, why is he crying and why I'm I not visible to anyone but you... "
"Wow, slow down. Calm down dear"
" How can I? I'm freaking out here"
"You collapsed so this young gentleman brought you here an hour ago. You are now here but not in that room because you are in a deep sleep and might not wake up now or ever"
"No! No! Noooooo", I fell on the floor and begun to cry my eyes out. That can't be nurse, I can't die now. I have to fulfill my mission on earth, I'm not done with that.
"Hmm", she just stood there and smiled at me.
Do you really want to fulfill it?
"Yes I really want to", I cried more.
"All hope is not lost", she turned herself and a bright light flashed my eyes which caused it to close so fast. The whole place was sparkling, I opened my eyes to see and angel standing there.
"Get up, Betty? I wanted to test you to see whether you really wanted to complete your mission. You won't die but live. The Lord told me tell you that you need to win more souls with that amazing voice He has given you or else you will lose it. Do you understand? ", she asked.

"Yes, yes, yes! I understand perfectly. "
She thanked God for her mission accomplished and vanished.

We are losing her doctor! The nurses altered him. No! We can't lose her. Betty! Betty! Fight it, fight it. "Now's not the time for us to use medical knowledge but prayer will do everything", he held one nurse's hand and they all held hands and circles around me. The prayer begun and the room felt very hot. They were sweating and felt stronger and stronger till they later knelt down to continue. I saw them praying and also joined because I knew I would wake up.

Seeing myself lying so helpless made me fell weak and sad. Mom and dad walked to the doctor and touched his shoulder and also started praying. I couldn't believe my eyes.
Mom looked at me and said, "You can't be here, you have to finish what you started. We will always be here to help you. Close your eyes and feel yourself in your body"

"Go now dear, we love you", dad beamed.
I closed my eyes and later saw a door open widely. I walked slowing to it till someone held me back by the hand.
"Don't go there! ", he tried to convince me.
"I have to, I must", I told him.
He warned me before I entered.

The heart beat monitor begun to beep.
"She's coming back",the doctor relaxed. They left hands and continued their work. The nurses begun to thank God. I opened my eyes and lifted my head immediately, mom and dad waved me before they vanished. I got sad and screamed "No! "
Everything became blank again.

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