Kendra Marks

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I scanned the beach for an empty spot. Lola sighed beside me and Mel groaned.

"There's no empty spots!" Lola exclaimed and shifted the towels in her arms.

"We'll find somewhere," I responded.

The sun beat down on us as we continued to search for a spot. Suddenly, I felt a tap in my shoulder.

I turned behind me and saw two girls standing there. One looked like a stereo-typical California girl; blonde hair, tanned skin, fit, but her eyes didn't match. They were a cloudy grey, ones that seemed to scan you to find your weaknesses. The other seemed a bit younger, maybe fourteen or fifteen. She had dark skin and bright golden eyes that looked like someone melted gold. She had cinnamon colored curly hair that was put up in a ponytail.

"Sorry to intrude, but did you say you need a place to sit?" the blonde girl asked, smiling nicely.

"Uh, yeah. It's really crowded," I said.

"You guys can join us and our friends if you want," she said.

Mel nodded. "If it's not to much trouble."

The smaller girl smiled. "No problem. My name's Hazel."

"I'm Annabeth," said the blonde.

"My name's Kendra, and this is Lola and Mel," I said, gesturing to my best friends with my empty hand.

They smiled and motioned for us to follow them. Annabeth led us over down a path and past some rocks to a secluded part of the beach. It was hidden from sight.

As we walked closer, I saw a large group of teens laying on beach towels and sitting on chairs. They youngest looked about Hazel's age, the oldest probably a bit older than Annabeth.

I watched a Latino guy with curly brown hair smirk evilly before coming up and dumping water from a bucket on a tall blonde guy with blue eyes.

Everyone else laughed as the boy turned around and shouted "Leo!" I assumed that was the curly haired boy's name.

He started chasing Leo around in circles until Leo dove behind a girl who was sitting down on a chair. She had on jean shorts and a purple t-shirt that said SPQR. She had long, dark hair that was braided down her back. She turned around and rolled her eyes at the sight.

"Jason, leave him alone. Our do I have to get Piper to tell you?" she asked the blonde- Jason.

He chuckled quietly before ruffling Leo's hair and sitting down on a chair next to a big Asian guy.

"Thanks, Reyna," Leo said to the girl with the braid, pecking her cheek before sitting down next to her.

Annabeth cleared her throat and everyone looked at her. "Guys, this is Kendra, Lola, and Mel. We invited them to join us."

They all yelled out a 'Hi' or 'Hello' before waving. A girl with brown hair and bright green eyes motioned us over.

"Hi, I'm Katie. Do you want anything to drink?" she asked.

We sat down on the sand next to her and Mel declined her offer while Lola and I got a water. Another girl with brown hair came over, although hers was tied back by a bandana, and sat down, introducing herself as Nyssa. We started talking and all got along like we had been freinds for ages rather than fifteen minutes.

A few minutes later, Annabeth came over and grabbed a water bottle.

"Where's Percy and Piper?" she asked.

As she did, I noticed two people come up. The girl had Cherokee features, choppy brown hair and eyes that constantly shifted colors. The guy was tall with unruly black hair and eyes that were the perfect blend of blue and green, making it look like an ocean.

The girl plopped down on Jason's lap, which was still wet because of Leo and his bucket. The guy came up behind Annabeth, signaling for us to be quiet. He reached forward to grab her waist, but when he was mere inches away, she whipped her hand back and caught his wrist.

"Nice try, Seaweed Brain," she said, smirking when he pouted.

He spun her around to face him, gently pressing his lips to hers.

I smiled and introduced myself once they were done. I saw Annabeth and her friends many times after that day.

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