Eleanor Clemson

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Hi! So, this one is a kind of short Thalico one. If you don't ship it, sorry, you can skip it if you want. Feel free to message me if you want to request a couple or a scenario. Thanks again! Love you all!

This is for @Smart_blonde_fangirl. Thanks so much!


Olivia and Jess linked arms with me as we nearly skipped through the streets of New York, probably looking like weirdos. But, here, you see stranger things every day.

My best friends decided to take me on a shopping trip for my nineteenth birthday. So here we were, skipping into the mall, looking like psychos and feeling amazing.

"Eleanor, get ready for the best birthday of your life!"


Six stores, three cotton candies, and ten shopping bags later, we were heading towards a small jewelry boutique that Jess had wanted to check out.

Olivia cracked another joke and Jess and I leaned on each other for support, gasping for air. Then my eyes landed on a sight that made me want to cry.

Huddled next to a bench were two girls. One was slightly taller than the other, looking about five, tops. She had long black hair and a fair complexion, which emphasized her bright, neon blue eyes. She cuddling another little girl who couldn't be more than three. She had similar, silky black hair and pale skin, but her eyes were an obsidian black, shinning with tears that she forced to keep in.

I nudged the girls and they followed my gaze and Olivia gasped and immediately started walking forward. We followed in suit and slowly approached the girls.

I bent down to their level, putting my hand out. They looked at us hesitantly, debating if we were safe or not.

"Hello, my name is Eleanor," I said softly.

The older one put on a brave face and said, "My name is Bianca. This is my sister, Zoe."

I smiled. "Those are beautiful names. Are you lost?"

She nodded. Jess and Olivia bent down with me. "Would you like some help?"

They nodded again. Olivia immediately started cracking jokes and the girls were sold. They laughed and laughed, even going as far as to take our hands.

We walked around for a while, searching for their parents. According to Bianca, their mom looked exactly like her, eyes and all.

I suddenly spotted a couple. I saw a man and the back of a woman, probably in their late twenties. They couldn't have been more than twenty-eight. The guy had dark eyes and shaggy black hair. From the back of the woman, I could tell she had short, black hair. She looked distressed and the guy seemed to be trying to calm her down. Suddenly, she turned around and I saw she had electric blue eyes. I shook the girls' arms and pointed towards the pair.

"Mommy!" Zoe called out, running towards the woman.

Her eyes snapped to her and she called out, "Zoe! Bianca!"

She bent down on her knees and was engulfed in hugs from both of them. The guy, who I'm assuming is their dad, bent down, joining their hug.

The woman stood up and walked over to us. "Thank you so much. My name is Thalia, Thalia di Angelo."

We introduced ourselves, chatting for a bit before we both had to head our separate ways. I will never forget those two little girls, they changed my life, even if I only knew them for ten minutes. And Olivia was right. It was the best birthday of my life.

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