Ella Katch

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"Alright," I spoke aloud as I worked. "Eggs? Check. Suger? Check. Flour? Uh..."

I set the book with the recipe down and walked over to my cabinet. After searching through about four of them, I came to the amazing realization that I didn't have any flour.

I sighed. I had to make these cookies. My niece's birthday was tomorrow and I was already going to miss half of the party for my college classes, so the least I could do was bring the cookies I promised.

I really didn't want to go all the way to the store, so I decided to ask the neighbors. They had just moved in right next to my house a few days. I hadn't met them, but I was sure they were nice.

I slipped on a pair of TOMS and threw my hair up in a ponytail, adjusting my jeans and pulling on a t-shirt over my tank top.

I grabbed my keys and closed and locked the door. I didn't plan on being long, but, you know, just in case.

I stuffed the keys in my pocket as I made my way across the sidewalk and to their front door. After knocking, a girl came and opened the door. She had stormy grey eyes and curly blonde hair. Her outfit was casual, just a pair of light blue jeans and a grey tank top, but she looked amazing in it. She couldn't be more than twenty-two, so she was probably only a few years older than me.

"Hi, I'm Ella Katch. I live next door," I said sticking my hand out.

She smiled warmly and shook it. "My name's Annabeth Chase."

I let go. "I really hate for this to be my first impression, but...could I possibly steal some flour? I'm baking for my niece's birthday tomorrow."

She chuckled and said, "Of course. Why don't you come in?"

I smiled gratefully and she stepped aside to let me in.

The house was simple and not fully set up yet. I followed her into the kitchen, looking around the house.

She gestured for me to sit down and I sat on a stool that was in front of a counter.

She reached into a box and shifted through it until she pulled put a bag of flour. Setting it on the counter, she searched through another box for a container.

After a minute she called out, "Piper! Which box has the containers in it?"

A girl walked into the room a few seconds later. She had choppy brown hair that had a feather clipped into it and eyes that seemed to shift colors every few seconds.

"It's in th- Oh! Hello! I'm Piper," she said upon noticing my presence.

"Hello. I'm Ella Katch. I live next door."

She nodded and smiled before saying, "One of the boys probably put it in the wrong room."

She sighed and was about to reply when three male voices suddenly shouted "Thalia!"

A girl shrieked and ran into the kitchen. She looked few years younger, so probably about my age. Her shocking blue eyes sparkled and her short black hair flew as she whipped past us to hide behind Annabeth.

Seconds later, three guys came running into the room. One had close cropped blonde hair and blue eyes like the other girl's. Another had messy black hair and ocean colored eyes. The last had shaggy black hair as well, but shinning black eyes. All of them were covered in blue paint.

Annabeth face palmed and Piper rolled her eyes. "You guys were supposed to be painting, not playing!" she exclaimed in an exasperated tone.

"We were until Thals decided to splash us with paint," the blonde guy protested.

The black haired girl- who I'm assuming it's Thalia from their earlier shouts- popped her head out and retorted, "No! I splashed you guys because you were all just sitting there, babbling mindlessly!"

The girls crossed their arms and stated the guys down until they gave in and mumbled a 'fine.'

Needless to say, that evening, I made the cookies and some new friends.

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