Chapter 5

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Toffee woke up, feeling more rested then he had in days. He yawned, and brushed himself off, rolling his eyes at the ridiculous amount of dirt. 

"I'm never gonna be clean again" Toffee thought wryly as he brushed off a load of dirt and dust that was stuck on him.  He once again brushed himself off for a extra measure, and then noticed something that made him freeze with anxiety. Ludo was gone. Surprised and shocked, and a little worried, Toffee went off to find Ludo.

"Ludo? LUDO?!" Toffee called out as he searched. After a while, he saw a green figure chasing a eagle. Toffee ran after the green figure, and stopped it.

"Ludo! where were you?!" Toffee demanded as soon as Ludo had seen him. Ludo looked away in guilt.

"I was trying to catch some food for us.." Ludo muttered, looking embarrassed. Toffee rolled his eyes at Ludo. That made Ludo wince, and Toffee instantly felt a little bad, but he didn't show it.

"Look, let's search more, but if we don't find them today, we are going back, ok?" Toffee said, his voice gruff as usual. Ludo looked like he wanted to challenge Toffee, but obviously thought better of it, as he clamped his mouth shut.

They walked in silence, further into the dark and gloomy atmosphere of the woods.

"I wish that we could search more" Ludo thought sadly as Toffee and him made their way into the portal home. They had found no trace of Star and Marco all day, so per Toffee's wish, they were going back to their dimension.

Ludo still felt uneasy though. He felt like something had happened right under his nose. He knew he had felt a prescence in the woods, but he couldn't put his finger on it. It made him feel uncertain, and guilty that he was hiding this from Toffee, but Toffee didn't even care.

"Toffee hated them, while I only disliked them because I wanted the wand" Ludo found himself thinking. Shaking his head, Ludo's yellow eyes traveled the clearing. Taking in that last look at the forest, he felt a mass of deja vu hit him like a wave.

This place reminded Ludo of his old home, in the forest of certain death. Wincing to himself, Ludo tried to block the thoughts, but he failed.

"I wonder how mom and dad are..and Denis" Ludo mused, thinking of his younger brother. Denis had looked up to Ludo, and often, Ludo found himself missing his younger brother.

Shaking his head, Ludo jumped in the portal, greeted by Toffee with an annoyed look.

"What took you so long?" Toffee asked, unable to hide a little scorn in his voice. Unfased, Ludo rolled his eyes.

"I was remembering my old home, and my family if you must know" Ludo retorted, anger giving way in his voice.

To Ludo's surprise, Toffee gave a approving nod.

"I was thinking of the old times myself" Toffee mused, half to himself, half to Ludo.

Ludo nodded, and the two burst into the monster hideout.

"We're back!"

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