Chapter 6

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I call Kirstie as soon as I get home to tell her the news. I summarize it, saying that we ran into Travis and we kissed and we're going on a date tonight.

Kirstie squeals with joy. "Mitch, I am soooo happy for you! Ah!" she yells.

"I know! Now, Kirst, if I have a boyfriend, you have to have a boyfriend too," I say.

"Yeah, if any guys were even interested in me," she replies.

Kirstie is very beautiful, but she doesn't see it herself. She actually has had many guys drooling over her, but she can't see it. I try to remind her of how pretty she is, but she brushes it off like I'm lying to her. I guess I'm the same way. But it's because I know I'm nothing special. The only thing I'm kind of okay with about myself is my voice when I sing. Even then, I'm really self-conscious.

"Oh, come on. Wait, do you even like anybody right now?" I ask.

She hesitates. "I met this really cute guy yesterday, does that count?"

"Yes! Tell me everything," I say, in the most girliest tone possible.

I can practically hear Kirstie's smile when she talks: "Wellll, his name is Avi, and I accidentally ran into him in the hall, and we got talking... He's super super sweet," she giggles.

"Oh my God, you should have told me sooner! We've only been to school one day and we already both have sort-of-boyfriends!" I exclaim, teasing her. She sounds really excited though, so I'm happy for her.

She sighs. "Well, no. He would never want to be with me."

"And why not?"

"He's a senior," she explains gloomily.

"Soooooo? Age is but a number!" I reply dramatically. Kirstie giggles, and I quickly check the time. It's 6:45. Shit! Scott is coming to pick me up at 7!

"Hey, I have to go. Scott is coming soon," I say hurriedly.

"Oh, okay. Have fun and be safe!" she teases.

I roll my eyes and hang up. I run around my room, picking out new clothes and fixing my hair.

As I'm mentally preparing myself, I hear the doorbell ring. I also hear the door open, and my mom say, "Oh, hello, Scott! I remember you!"

I stand right by the doorframe so I can hear them better.

"And I remember you too, Mrs. Grassi," Scott replies. I can just imagine him flashing my mom one of the smiles that makes my heart flutter.

"Mitch! Scott is here!" Mom yells.

I push my door open wider and go down the stairs, making eye contact with Scott. He grins as soon as he sees me, making me smile too. I'm vaguely aware of my mom watching us, but I don't care.

"Ready?" he asks, holding out his hand to me. I take it with my own and he pulls me closer to him. "You look amazing," he whispers in my ear.

"Aw, you two are so adorable," my mom coos.

"Mom," I groan, making Scott chuckle.

"Okay, fine. Bye, boys. Have fun!" Mom says, waving us away.

As soon as we walk outside, I see someone in the drivers seat. I knew that obviously someone would have to drive us.

"Who's that?" I ask.

Scott takes my hand. "It's my older sister. I may or may not have had to bribe her to drive us," he admits.

I chuckle and let him lead me to the car. When we get inside, Scott's sister turns around and eyes me.

"You were right, Scott, he really is cute," she says.

I look over at Scott. His face is red, making me smile.

"You're Mitch, right? I'm Madison," she adds, turning back around and driving away.

After a few minutes, when I don't recognize the scenery, I ask where we're going.

"Somewhere," Scott replies. I glare at him playfully.

Finally we pull into an empty parking lot. In front of us is a tall hill that I can't see the top of.

"Thanks, Maddie," Scott says, reaching over to grab a basket from the front seat before getting out of the car.

"Text me when you're ready to go!" she calls out to us.

Scott leads me up the hill. It's starting to get dark. "This is my thinking spot, I guess," he explains, "I come here whenever I'm having problems, or just want to be alone. The only other person, besides you, who knows is Maddie."

That makes me feel special. That I'm one of the only two people who now know about Scott's spot.

"When the stars come out, it gets really pretty," he adds.

We finally get to the top of the hill and Scott lays down, putting the basket next to him. I sit down across from him, watching him carefully. I look up at sky, and notice that a few stars have appeared.

We eat what Scott packed while its still fairly light out. And then it turns completely dark, with only the moon and the stars for light.

"I remember when we met," Scott says quietly, still laying on his back. I lay back too, so that I'm right next to him.

"Me too," I reply.

Scott reaches over and takes my hand. "I thought I wouldn't see you again. But then I saw you yesterday, with Travis right in front of you, and I thought, that's him," he continues.

I smile. "I recognized you right away too. You're quite unforgettable, Scott," I tease.

He grins and turns his head to look at me. The moonlight shines on him, making his hair look more white than blonde.

He pulls our hands up closer to his face and presses his lips against my hand. Suddenly, the sleeve to my shirt slides down a bit, revealing the scars on my wrist.

But by the time I react, Scott is already sitting up and pushing down the sleeve farther. I sit up along with him.

He doesn't say anything, he just slowly traces the scars with his index finger. Then he presses a light kiss to each one.

"How long have you done this?" he asks quietly.

I sigh. "About two years. Just as long as I've been bullied," I admit.

Scott looks into my eyes. He leans forward and kisses me. I kiss him back, but he pulls away all too soon.

"You are so much better than they are, Mitch. You're so talented and so beautiful," he tells me.

My eyes start to water. Nobody has ever said anything like this to me. Anything that made me feel special, for once in my life.

"I'm not perfect. Nowhere close," I say.

"I know," he replies, as if it was obvious, "but that's what makes you even more amazing in my eyes. All your flaws."

"But you don't even really know me, Scott. You don't know what you're getting yourself into," I say. It's not like I'm trying to get rid of him. I want him, trust me. I'm just trying to save him from me.

Scott smiles. "Well, whatever it is, I've already gotten myself into it, and there's no getting out."

I lean forward and kiss him with everything I have. He kisses me back with the same force, wrapping his arms around my waist. I take his face in my hands.

It's hard to imagine that Scott Hoying, this perfect boy in front of me, is only fourteen. We're the same age, but he always knows exactly what to say and when.

And every minute I spend with him, I fall deeper and deeper in love with him.

A/N: 10 votes for next chapter? :D

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